It is understood that extramarital affairs: Men are proud to find unmarried mistresses and show off to each other. How ignorant this is. Netizens shared that as long as they have a little money of 50, they can also find unmarried women in their early 20s. They are all people with

It is understood that extramarital affairs: Men are proud to find unmarried mistresses and show off to each other. How ignorant this is.

netizens shared that as long as they have a little money of 50, they can also find unmarried women in their early 20s. They are all people with bad views. They are gentlemen in front of others, innocent and beautiful, but behind the scenes there are many men who steal and women who are prostitutes.

I have such an extramarital affair. We love each other and do not interfere with each other's family. Every encounter is full of passion, and it has been the same for several years. This has affected his married life, so I feel quite guilty.

Extramarital affairs are the product of the launch of various social software in recent years. Only women and men with incorrect views will be unable to control their thoughts and step into this quagmire. The result will be either getting dirty or drowning!

There is a kind of love called letting go, there is a kind of love called giving, selfless dedication, there is a kind of love called as long as you live well, there is a kind of love, there are thousands of kinds of love, ten thousand people have ten thousand kinds of explanations and meanings of love. Way, don't base your love on other people's pain, and don't do harm and possessiveness in the name of love. Love should be expressed to the other person in a suitable way and degree, whether it is love or the love of parents! This will only last long!

Those who are stubborn should not tarnish love! When two people really get together, there is no so-called love, and there is only mutual suspicion between two betrayed people. After all, they both had deep love before, and both of them can deeply hurt themselves. Where does the love come from for the person I once loved most and dearest?

Those who are stubborn should not tarnish love! When two people really get together, there is no so-called love, and there is only mutual suspicion between two betrayed people. After all, they both had deep love before, and both of them can deeply hurt themselves. Where does the love come from for the person I once loved most and dearest?

I never take the initiative to look for him, and I don’t know if this is considered an extramarital affair. He will say hello to me when he misses me, and only talk about mutual care. I have never gotten along with him. To put it bluntly, I have never been with him at all. We slept together, but he was divorced and single. I asked him to find a suitable partner and get married, but he refused blindly. He said he was not interested in any woman except me, but I have a husband, so I can't do this. , his profession is very sacred, he is a traffic policeman, and he is also a very honest and dedicated person, but I just don’t know what he thinks of me!

Love is selfish and exclusive. If you love to the extreme, only he will be the only one in your emotional life. Naturally, you also want him to be the only one with you. What you are talking about is not called great love, it is called loneliness and coldness, it is called estrus. After the estrus is over, you can change to another person and continue, and it does not require exclusive use.

If you don’t understand love, it’s useless to talk about love here. Real love does not mean wanting to be together, but just wanting him (her) to be happy. It is not the contribution of one party, but the contribution of both parties.

Today, we have been together for more than three years. Before I fell in love with him, I never thought that one day my obsession would be so deep. I dare not call my love a great love, but I have no demands or complaints about him. In a different way, I get along with his parents, wife and children in a relatively harmonious way. I am very satisfied with this. I only hope that he Everything goes as I want, I don't need him to accompany me every day, I don't need him to marry me, I don't need him to give me anything, he performs his responsibilities, we just need each other to love each other, it's enough. The obsession is too deep, there is nothing else to ask for.

The above contents are all shared by netizens. If you stay away from extramarital affairs, your life will be more loving.