I don’t know if anyone has noticed this phenomenon. That is, many women still choose to remarry when they are older. For example, it is said that women who are 60 years old will remarry. Why do these women still remarry after they are over 60 years old? You are old, why do you st

I don’t know if you have noticed this phenomenon. That is, many women still choose to remarry when they are older. For example, it is said that women who are 60 years old will remarry. Why do these women still remarry after they are over 60 years old? You are old, why do you still do it? What is she doing? If it were you, would you remarry?

To put it bluntly, life does not have much meaning after the age of 60. Do you want to remarry at this time? But this woman gave her reasons for letting people remarry. Why do women over 60 remarry? Let's take a look at what this woman said. Why do women over 60 remarry? 65-year-old aunt: A remarried wife is more reliable than her children.

case story sharer,

65-year-old Aunt Su:

Maybe you think 65 is very old. No need to fuss anymore. But what I want to say is. If there was a choice, it would be better to remarry. Just like my child remarried after 60 years old. I am 65 years old this year and have been remarried for three years. Now I am living a happy life. I want to tell you from my personal experience. Many times, you don’t need to mind many things because you are older.

There is no rule that you cannot pursue your own happiness when you are older. There is no law stipulating this. You can still pursue your own happiness when you are older, and after 60, you are considered old.

Those who are over 70 and 80 years old have not spoken. Why do those of us who are over 60 years old say that we are old? I think you are not too old after 60 years old. 60 years old is considered middle and old age at most. There are many people in their 70s, 80s and 90s.

I saw a piece of news a few days ago. There was an old man who lived to be over 100 years old, nearly 110 years old. If you compare me when I am over 60 years old with someone who is 110 years old, I am almost half of their age. in this case. I'm still relatively young in my 60s, isn't it? It's not even middle-aged or older, it's just middle-aged.

Moreover, remarriage is not only for your own good, but also for the good of this family. If you have a choice, it would be better to remarry. Because you will find out after you remarry. Your remarried wife is more reliable than your children. Let me tell you about my personal experience. I chose to remarry three years ago.

Wasn’t it because I couldn’t live with my son that I chose to stay here three years ago? Not only have I been to my son's place. I've also been to my daughter's place. In the beginning I went to my son's place first. I was there with my son. On the surface they are filial and kind to me. In fact, only I know. I'm their nanny here and he wants me to do this and that.

The most uncomfortable thing is. Even if they are on holiday, they won't help with housework. It's fine if I take care of myself. It would be really difficult for me to take care of a family. Not to mention, I usually have to cook. Even if you work in a company or somewhere, at least you can take a break. I haven't had a break since I came to my son's place.

from morning to night. From Monday to Sunday. From the 1st to the 31st. From January to December. You all have no idea how uncomfortable I am. Don't think that your son is not like this. After you go there to retire, you will find that you are the same. If you don't help your children, they will criticize you.

My son told me that you don’t have much to do at home anyway, so if you can help, just try to help. We are so busy at work that it will be too late if we wait until we come back to do it. You are free at home. Just do it slowly. That said, we old people are tired too. It’s so slow that I don’t want to be here anymore. My son not only has to take care of them, but also pay them.

Forget it, it’s a thankless job here. Even if I just do things for them, I still have to use my pension. I have a pension of more than 1,000 yuan a month. As for pension, it is the money I have saved all my life. But they asked me to use my old pension to live on for them.

My pension is just a little bit. If I take it out, what will I rely on in the future? I rushed to my daughter's place overnight. My daughter is very nice to me, but my son-in-law is not very nice to me. You think I shouldn't be here. On the surface, you didn't say anything to me, but I know he had a quarrel with my daughter because of this matter.

It is difficult for my daughter to do it. The palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh. On one side is me and on the other side is my family. My daughter didn’t tell me to leave, but my son-in-law’s attitude said it all. When they first came here, there was nothing wrong with them, but after a few days they started to have problems, especially the son-in-law. I had a cold war with my daughter because of things like this.

Ignore my daughter. When I first started talking to him, he was quite enthusiastic. I spoke to him slowly and he pretended not to hear me. I asked him to do something, but he told me that he couldn't hear clearly. Sometimes I even ask him to buy me something. He obviously bought it for me on the way. But he told me that he had forgotten it. He bought the same thing for himself, but he didn't buy me what I wanted.

Forget it if it looks like this once, it will look like this every time. It's obvious that he did it on purpose, forget it, I don't want to embarrass him, and I don't want to stay here anymore. Then I went back to my hometown. Children are unreliable, children have their own lives. Their own world is sad.

How can I take care of my parents' affairs? This is what young people are like nowadays, especially when it comes to car and house loans. They are under so much pressure that if you go there you will just be their nanny. Or maybe it's just their cash machine. Forget it, let’s not talk about the children. When it comes to the children, my heart becomes cold.

I gave everything for my children, but now I get this ending. Then I got together with Lao Chen. Lao Chen is a friend I knew before. I will remarry him because the two of us have a common goal. That is to accompany each other and take care of each other. My children don't agree with remarriage.

My child told me that now that I am old, there is no need to worry about it anymore. If you need anything, just tell us. We will take care of you and take responsibility for you. You don't need anyone else. I smiled and said nothing. I do have you, but have you ever been responsible for me?

When I went to your place to retire. What did you do to me? Think of me as a nanny, think of me as a cash machine. Forget it, let me fuck you, I want to laugh when you think of this. So I didn't care what they said, I chose to remarry. After we get married, Lao Chen and I will accompany and take care of each other.

Yes, we occasionally quarrel. But this kind of life is very real. Isn't the quarrel because the two of us are in the process of getting along with each other? Lao Chen likes spicy food, but I don't eat spicy food. Then we would argue. When cooking, he added chili pepper to all the dishes. And since I don’t eat spicy food, I scolded him for being too selfish. Then Lao Chen told me, it's not that I'm too selfish, it's that you don't let me live. I've been eating chili peppers all my life.

suddenly stopped giving me food. Are you still going to let me live? Later we made this matter very clear. He can eat spicy food. When I wasn't cooking, we each made our own meals. In other words, it's not spicy. If he wants it spicy, just add a little chili pepper to it. A bottle of chili sauce was specially prepared for him.

If he wants to eat, just take it and add a little bit. He knows I don't eat anything too sweet. When he takes the initiative, he will deliberately cook it to be sweet. When the weather is hot, we occasionally boil sugar water to drink. At night he would put a quilt on me. Although sometimes I dislike him for not taking a shower. Or maybe he wore his shoes all day and went to bed without washing his feet.

But overall it’s pretty good. Living alone used to be boring, and I was disliked by my children when I went there. Now I still have trouble with him at home. But life is like this, nothing is perfect, it has shortcomings, but it also has its advantages. After the two of us got together, we had companionship and care.

In the past, I would play the TV loudly while sleeping.The purpose of my doing this is to dispel loneliness. It’s different now, with him by my side, I fall asleep listening to his snoring sound. Let yourself feel alive. He would cook breakfast for me in the morning.

I will cook for him at noon, and we will cook together at night. After dinner, we will go out for a walk together. Isn't that what life is like? Sometimes I am despised by him, and sometimes I am despised by him, but it has always been like this.

Since then, I have been accompanied by Lao Chen. My life is much better. I used to feel like I couldn't live anymore and my days were like years. My words are much better now and I no longer think about these things. I also want to go out for a walk. I didn't dare to think about this before. What's so good about going out alone? If I'm alone, I'm afraid of this, afraid of that, afraid of facing things.

I don’t even dare to sit in a car. If I am alone, I am afraid of passing the station. Then I got sick. I told my kids about this. Although I have remarried Lao Chen. But they are still my children. But they thought I had remarried. Then they were no longer needed and they gave me a little money without coming back.

My child told me that your condition should not be serious. If it is serious, you will know that we have to work if we go back. If we go back, we will have to ask for leave. If we ask for leave, we will have to tell the leader tomorrow. Only when the leader agrees can we ask for leave. Very troublesome.

And it’s a lot of money wasted going back and forth. It’s better to give the money to you directly, don’t you think? As we get older, do we care about this little money? What we care about is whether our children care about us. I told Lao Chen about this at that time. Lao Chen didn't sleep that night and sent me directly to the hospital. I thought they would take me to the hospital until dawn.

That night he took me to the hospital on his motorcycle. He also bought me something to eat on the way there. Later, the doctor told me that there was nothing wrong, it was just an emergency. Then I just need to pay more attention to my health. One night Lao Chen was waiting for me at the hospital. I asked Lao Chen to go back to bed first, but Lao Chen stayed with me.

Even though he didn't say a word, it made me feel warm. I feel that Lao Chen is much more reliable than my child. Although they gave me money for my child, it was not the child who was reliable when I needed it most, but Lao Chen. Although sometimes I quarrel with Lao Chen, and sometimes I think of him, and he will dislike me and scold me, but life is like this, nothing is perfect.

I am very satisfied with how we are now. Fortunately, I was with Lao Chen, otherwise I would have missed this happiness. I was the one who insisted on remarrying, otherwise I wouldn't be as happy as I am now.

So even if you are over 65 years old. You can still remarry, because your remarried wife is more reliable than your children. You have to remember that it is your remarried wife who will accompany you to the end, not your children. Because your child has a world of his own. Only you and your remarried wife are from the same world, so you can still remarry after the age of 60.


is indeed the same. Many times the people who can stay with you are not your own children. Just like what the aunt said in the article. My children are busy with work. The time I can spend with you is very little. Unless something big happens, I usually won't come back.

Firstly, asking for leave is troublesome, secondly it is a waste of money, and thirdly it is a waste of time. For children, they will definitely not come back unless they have to. When the time comes, you will find that the only person you can rely on is not your children, not even your own biological children. The only person you can rely on is the person next to you, that is, your remarried wife. After

gets together with you, the two of you become a pair, helping each other and taking care of each other. Of course you also have to choose the right person.If you care about just one person, it is very likely that you will not be happy. Not only will you not be happy, you may even harm yourself because of this matter.

You can change your life after 60 years old, but you must carefully find someone who suits you. If you can't find it, just leave it to chance. If you find it, you can remarry. After all, something like fate must be cherished. I hope every old person can be happy until the end.