In 2006, Xiao Dongpo, who was recording a program in Heilongjiang, fell ill due to long hours of high-intensity work. He had a high fever of 39 degrees and felt a splitting headache every step he took.

In 2006, Xiao Dongpo, who was recording a program in Heilongjiang, fell ill due to long and intensive work. He had a high fever of 39 degrees and felt a splitting headache every step he took.

He was sitting on the bench in the hospital taking an intravenous drip, and he missed his wife well in his heart. He took out his mobile phone to send a message to his wife, telling him about his current situation. Unexpectedly, his wife's reply was: "You deserve it. You deserve to die." These few words made Xiao Dongpo feel disheartened, and he chose to divorce his wife a year later. What made the couple embark on this path? Does Xiao Dongpo regret his divorce now?

In 1969, in a poor family in Jinan, Shandong Province, a little boy began his life journey. He was Xiao Dongpo.

This little guy has been different from others since he was born. Even his cries are extremely loud. His parents all laugh and "tease" him about this energetic little guy.

His parents did not expect their children to succeed like other parents. They only hoped that their children could live a happy life.

has the name "Xiao Dongpo", which is the same as Su Dongpo , one of the eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties. History records that Su Dongpo was open-minded and bold by nature, and he was an out-and-out optimist. His parents named him Xiao Dongpo because they hoped that he could face every day of his life with a smile.

But Xiao Dongpo was not content with being ordinary. He became what parents call "other people's children" since he was a child.

In 1987, Xiao Dongpo was admitted to Xi'an Highway College, majoring in architecture. After graduation, he worked at Shandong Provincial Communications Hospital. In that era, hospital work could be said to be a veritable iron rice bowl. If you could work in a hospital, you would basically have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life.

While the neighbors were still whispering about him out of envy, Xiao Dongpo actually quit his job in the hospital.

In 1994, Shandong TV Station began to recruit external hosts. After receiving the news, Xiao Dongpo resigned from his stable job in the hospital and applied for a job as a host after getting the consent of his family.

Xiao Dongpo majored in architecture at university and had nothing to do with hosting. But who knew that among the thousands of applicants, all were defeated by Xiao Dongpo alone, so Xiao Dongpo naturally became the host of the "Advertising Culture and Sports Grand View".

A year later, under the introduction of a friend, Xiao Dongpo met his first wife. The girl was very beautiful and was the beauty of her previous school. The two got married not long after they met and gave birth to a daughter.

In Xiao Dongpo's heart, he has always loved his wife and daughter deeply. However, the TV station was quite busy with work. The leaders of the station took a fancy to Xiao Dongpo's ability and gave him the hosting of two programs: "Leisure Time" and "Country Monsoon". As a result, he did not have much time to spend with his family every day. Xiao Dongpo seemed to cherish the time at home after get off work.

One day in 2003, Xiao Dongpo thought that his hosting experience had accumulated to a certain level, so he had the idea of ​​going to Beijing to participate in the CCTV host selection.

Because of his poor family, Xiao Dongpo suffered a lot since he was a child, which allowed him to develop the habit of fighting for every opportunity he had. He pursues career progress wholeheartedly, wants to make his family rich through his own efforts, and wants his wife and daughter to live a good life.

But his wife's thoughts are contrary to his. She only hopes to live a stable life and does not want her husband to wander away from her in Beijing. She feels that all her relatives and friends are in Jinan, and staying here is the best choice.

Xiao Dongpo also knew that if he went to Beijing, he would only have less time to spend with his family. After some weighing, Xiao Dongpo decided to "go to Beijing to take the exam." His wife couldn't resist him and could only nod in agreement.

It should be said that CCTV's assessment is not comparable to that of Shandong TV, but Xiao Dongpo once again overcame all obstacles and was selected by CCTV again to join the production of the " Township Appointment " program as a temporary worker.

In order to officially join CCTV, Xiao Dongpo took his work more seriously and worked tirelessly from morning to night every day. In this way, the "Xiang Yue" column team did better and better under his leadership, and the ratings of and continued to increase. Later, people called him "Friend of Chinese Farmers."

During this period, because his wife could not bear to miss him, she took her daughter to Beijing to visit him. But Xiao Dongpo was too busy to bother traveling all the way to see his wife and daughter. This made his wife feel extremely sad and felt that he had changed. He no longer cared about his family as before and only had work on his mind.

The two even had a big fight over this, and his wife angrily scolded him for only thinking about work and ignoring them. But Xiao Dongpo believes that men should work hard to make their families live a good life. He doesn't understand why his wife just can't understand him.

The two quarreled to no avail, and the wife angrily took her daughter back to Shandong. At this time, cracks began to appear in their relationship.

In 2006, Xiao Dongpo, who was working in Harbin, had a high fever. He was slumped on a hospital bench, dripping on his hand. How he wished his family could be by his side at this time, he picked up his phone and sent a text message to his wife, telling her that he was sick. But he didn't expect his wife's reply to be so heartless, which broke his heart.

In the summer of the same year, Xiao Dongpo was hired by China Agricultural Film and Television Center so that he could apply for a household registration in Beijing.

At this time, Xiao Dongpo's longing for his family had reached its peak. He immediately spent all his savings, borrowed some money from friends, bought a house in Beijing, and wanted to bring his wife and daughter from Shandong to live in Beijing.

It is a good thing that the family can be reunited again. But the wife is unwilling to move to Beijing. Facing the unfamiliar Beijing, she has no sense of security at all. Even though her husband has bought a house there, it is just a house. The home in her heart is only in Jinan.

If she went to Beijing, she might not be able to adapt or find a suitable job. Thinking of this, she became more and more resistant to going to Beijing, and even began to re-examine their marriage and her own family.

In 2007, the relationship between the two finally reached an irretrievable point. After the divorce, the court awarded their daughter to the ex-wife.

Xiao Dongpo felt unable to adapt to life after divorce. In the past, no matter how tiring or difficult the work was, Xiao Dongpo would immediately have endless motivation as long as he thought of his wife and children at home. But now, no matter how fulfilling his work is, he always feels empty in his heart.

Xiao Dongpo was fed up with living alone, so he decided to go on a blind date, hoping to meet a girl who suits him.

It’s just that Xiao Dongpo’s requirements are very high. He hopes to meet a kind, virtuous, and accepting girl who can be kind to his daughter.

Most of the blind dates did not want to continue chatting after knowing that Xiao Dongpo already had a daughter. Some people were willing to accept Xiao Dongpo's daughter, but Xiao Dongpo looked down on her. Typically I like what I like but don't like me, and I don't like what I like.

Such continuous blind date failures made Xiao Dongpo doubt himself: "Are my demands really too high?" He soon denied his thoughts. For the happiness of his daughter, he must find the right person. Get married, otherwise he would rather remain single for the rest of his life.

In 2012, Xiao Dongpo met Zhu Yanxia, ​​who was doing business in Beijing, under the introduction of an elder sister.

At that time, Zhu Yanxia was already over thirty years old, and she was relatively average-looking. Xiao Dongpo did not fall in love with her during the blind date, so he found an excuse to end the blind date.

But what he didn't know was that Zhu Yanxia still had a very good impression of him. Unlike Xiao Dongpo's ex-wife, Zhu Yanxia herself is also a person who is unwilling to be mediocre. She came to Beijing from Shanxi to do business alone, overcoming various difficulties along the way, and fully understands how difficult it is to struggle in Beijing.

When she learned about Xiao Dongpo's experience, she sighed inwardly: She dared to fight for her direct career, and at the same time she cared extremely much for her daughter. Isn't this a man worth entrusting to oneself?

A few days later, Xiao Dongpo was drunk and had many things on his mind but didn't know who to talk to. So he dialed Zhu Yanxia's phone number and confided to Zhu Yanxia what was in his heart. Zhu Yanxia didn't interrupt and just listened silently on the other end of the phone, only speaking a few words of comfort to him at the appropriate time.

Suddenly Xiao Dongpo realized that he didn't understand this girl at all. She was around 30 years old and had accumulated time to appear mature and steady. She often took care of her own business and accumulated a lot of experience, making her shrewd and capable in doing things. The most important thing is that she seems to care about herself, and it seems that she has found the feeling of home in her again.

So Xiao Dongpo found Zhu Yanxia again and confessed to her about his daughter. He was waiting anxiously for Zhu Yanxia's reply.

He knew that no matter how outstanding the girl in front of him was, as long as she was not willing to treat her daughter well, he would never be able to be with her.

Who knew that she didn't care about this matter at all, and even smiled and "taught him a lesson" and asked her to make up for her daughter. After hearing this, Xiao Dongpo felt relieved. After so long, he finally found the right person for him.

On July 27, 2012, someone I had known for less than 2 months got married in Beijing.

Not long after getting married, Xiao Dongpo took his daughter to Beijing to attend junior high school. Zhu Yanxia also treated her stepdaughter as her own daughter. She would get up early every day to make breakfast for her, wash her clothes and tutor her with her homework. Slowly, the relationship between the two became better and better, which made Xiao Dongpo extremely happy.

In 2014, Zhu Yanxia gave birth to a daughter for Xiao Dongpo. Even after having her own child, Zhu Yanxia still did not neglect her stepdaughter . The stepdaughter could also feel Zhu Yanxia's kindness to her, so she took the initiative to help Zhu Yanxia take care of her own sister.

With Zhu Yanxia’s support, Xiao Dongpo can work in Taili with peace of mind. Now 53-year-old Xiao Dongpo has reached the age of retreating to the second line.

He returned to Shandong Satellite TV with the program "Xiang Yao" that has been with him for many years. There are no less viewers who like him. On the show, Xiao Dongpo was still chatting and laughing with the guests. After the show, Xiao Dongpo will also post the joy of his life on social platforms to share it with many netizens.

Xiao Dongpo, who has worked hard for so long, finally formed the family he had expected. After being married to Zhu Yanxia for so long, the two are still in love. Their youngest daughter has also gone to elementary school. The family is enjoying themselves every day, which is very enviable.