There is no woman who does not desire a sincere and beautiful love. Some women even bravely pursue the person they love after being tempted. As the saying goes, women chase men with spacers. But in fact, if a man has no intention of a woman, even if he accepts her heart, he will

There is no woman who does not desire a sincere and beautiful love. Some women even bravely pursue the person they love after being tempted.

As the saying goes, women chase men over the veil. But in fact, if a man has no intention of a woman, even if he accepts her heart, he will not go far with her, let alone give her the love she wants.

As for a woman who can enter a man's heart, some people would think that she is either a beautiful and charming cinnabar mole, or an innocent and innocent white moonlight.

It is undeniable that the cinnabar mole and the white moonlight in the heart can make men think about them for a long time, but if they live their lives, it is not just the cinnabar mole and the white moonlight.

Zhang Ailing mentioned in " Red Roses and White Roses ": "In trivial life, red roses will eventually become mosquito blood on the wall, and white roses will also become rice grains on clothes. "

Love eventually leads to ordinary life , and ordinary life does not require cinnabar moles and white moonlight that need to be cared for at all times.

It is often such a woman that a man is willing to spend his whole life with.

01: Confident Women

Some people may think that whether a woman is confident or not has little to do with her life.

In fact, whether a woman is confident or not is related to the man's heartbeat towards the woman, and also related to the stability of the two people's lives.

Just imagine, in a modern society with fierce competition, if a woman has low self-esteem, is timid in everything, and needs a man to help clean up everything, how can a man maintain a long-term love for such a woman? .

Even in the beginning, men will feel satisfied because they are relied on and needed by women, but as time goes by, men will also feel bored. After all, two people are obviously living together, but it becomes one person who is responsible for everything. trouble.

But confident women are different.

Because their strength allows, when they deal with things, they will not retreat blindly, won't blindly get entangled, and will not keep pestering men.

They will not doubt their dedication or their love. They know what kind of reward they should get and whether the other person loves them. Therefore, when the other person does not love them, they will leave resolutely.

Their self-confidence allows them to gain the love of men and make them worthy of men's love.

When men get along with such women, they will gradually fall in love with their character, and they will slowly sink into a comfortable relationship.

02: Intelligent woman

If a man meets a woman who pesters him all day long, and if he is a bit of a scumbag, he may just go with the flow and enjoy the woman's kindness to him, but will not give any sincerity. If he is not that scumbag, then , faced with the entanglement of a woman he doesn't like, he will be bored and even hate it.

In his eyes, a woman's persistent pestering is stupid and delaying her behavior. As long as a woman is smarter, she will have some eyesight and can see her rejection.

Therefore, unless a man has the same thoughts about women, he will appreciate women who are knowledgeable more than women who pester him.

Women have always been more likely to be dominated by emotions, while men's way of thinking is dominated by rationality. Therefore, men appreciate women who are knowledgeable from the beginning. After all, women who are knowledgeable are more rational.

A sensible woman knows what she should do and what she shouldn't do. In the process of getting along, she will not embarrass others or embarrass each other. She will give people the respect they deserve, and she will also protect herself. of self-esteem.

If two people want to stay together for a lifetime, only the impulse and passion in love are not enough. On the contrary, a way of getting along that is neither too enthusiastic nor too cold can make people feel more at ease.

03: A woman who knows how to understand

wrote this sentence in the article "Waiting for the first meeting in the next life":

"In fact, there are many ways to love, your way is just one.Sometimes it's not that the other person doesn't love you, but that you don't understand the way he loves you. "

Two people will never fall in love without a reason. Among them, misunderstandings caused by incomprehension have become the reason for the separation of most people.

Maybe it is because of insufficient trust, maybe it is because of different views. , or even just because of their own unreasonableness, two people cannot think about the problem from the same perspective, and the two people do not want to think from the other side's perspective.

Face a woman who does not know how to understand herself, no matter how deep a man's heart is. After all, the initial love will slowly wear away over the years, and only boredom will remain.

Men who are willing to stay with her for a lifetime are often women who know how to understand themselves.

Carnegie said in "Women's Love." There is a sentence in "The Pattern Determines the Ending" that says it very well:

"The best way to love someone is to manage yourself well and give the other person a high-quality lover." "

If a woman wants to get a sincere and beautiful love, she must first love herself and take care of herself, and then someone will naturally love you.

I am Aya, a heart-warming emotional writer. In this life, I can What a pleasure it is to meet you! Please follow us and learn more together!