There is always a saying that girls’ friendships are plastic friendships with one thing on the outside and another behind the scenes. I think if you watch too many Gongdou dramas, you will feel that women are naturally particularly hypocritical. That is because they don’t underst

There is always a saying that girls’ friendships are just plastic love affairs. I think if you watch too many Gongdou dramas, you will feel that women are naturally particularly hypocritical. That is because they don’t understand women well enough. Women do have a very hypocritical side, but most of the time this hypocrisy does not affect their inner kindness. The women I have encountered since childhood are extremely two-sided creatures. Cats are the most appropriate way to describe them. This He is always self-centered, but when he is cute, he is really cute, and when he is hateful, he is also so hateful.

A - The spoiled little princess

I remember that when I was in elementary school, I was very timid and went to other provinces to study. The environment, language and living habits were all different. Especially when I came from a rural area, I saw many things. I have never seen it before. Fortunately, I got the help of a very beautiful, excellent and popular girl A in the class, because her name is the same as mine. On the first day of class, I sat there timidly. , she sat in front of me and asked me with a smile, what is your name? Suddenly it was like a ray of sunshine shining into my dark heart.

From the second grade to the fourth grade, he always protected me like an old hen protecting its chicks. I am a good girl and very grateful. I know that the only way to repay him is to listen to him.

As the eldest sister, she has good grades, a good voice, and good popularity. Her classmates like her teacher and all activities, big and small. He is the protagonist. I admire him very much.

There are six girls in our small team. She is our center and we all revolve around her.

Before the fourth grade, I was thin and small, and my parents neglected me. I always had messy hair and shabby clothes, which was in sharp contrast to other little girls who were dressed up neatly and beautifully by their parents. So boys always liked to bully me, and they were very cruel when they beat me. It was also at that time that I had a particularly deep sense of the evil in men, and I was very afraid and defensive of men.

After the fourth grade, my height suddenly grew to 1.6 meters, and my grades suddenly jumped to the top three in the class. My sports talent also became apparent. Especially that year, the city’s primary schools held many large-scale competitions together. For sports events, each school assigned some young intern physical education teachers. They gave me many opportunities to perform. I won many firsts in individual events. As the captain of the volleyball team, I led our school team to win all the primary school championships. First place in the school. Because I competed with children from other schools, I also met many new friends. At the same time, because of my height advantage, I dared to resist boys if they tried to attack them. , and they couldn't beat me. At that time, my self-confidence suddenly increased, I was no longer timid when speaking, and people became like luminous bodies. There were always people surrounding me, with me as the center.

A can't accept it. He always talks to me with a gun and a stick, and makes all kinds of sarcastic remarks. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I still give in to her as before, because I feel that she has protected me for several years and is mine. benefactor.

When I was in the fifth grade, I was in physical education class. We practiced playing badminton. I always beat him. In fact, I didn’t even use my three-success power. It wasn’t that I deliberately beat him, it was because he was too good. He lost his temper and fell down. I felt like she was about to cry. Then I realized that she couldn't afford to lose, so I told her that we should play again, and then I lost to him on purpose. She angrily said that she would play again, and then I I lost to him again, and then he pulled me to play another round. I lost to him again, and kept losing until she laughed happily. I was very happy at that time, and he returned to normal in his heart. He went over to hold her hand, and he I threw my hand away and gave me a roll of my eyes. I still remember the chilling feeling at that time.

Primary school boys in that era were all very precocious. There was a eldest brother in our class. He especially liked A. In order to be with A, he often organized us to hang out together. He also asked other little boys to call A’s sister-in-law (thinking back now) , I suddenly felt that I was not as mature as them after four years [wiping sweat]), for this reason, all boys would give in to a. Sometimes a would be very willful and do some very excessive things. For example, a boy once To make her angry, he tore up all the boys' books. I stopped him at the time. I thought it shouldn't be like this. Such a move completely angered him. She and three other girls began to isolate me, except for one. Girls are neutral and do not participate in them.

would surround me every day after class, taunting me, and playing all kinds of little pranks. At the beginning, I resisted a little, but I found that they were getting more serious. These behaviors made me particularly painful. I wanted to do it for the sake of my heart. I didn't feel bad, I chose to admit my mistake. The four of them surrounded me like a trial. I was like a person who had committed a crime, apologizing and writing a letter of guarantee.

Actually, I am not giving in. What I am thinking about is that I will graduate in one year. This year, if they always treat me like this, I will definitely be very painful. But if I apologize and admit my mistake, they will not punish me. After entering junior high school, I can ignore them. I have made many new friends from other schools. In the future, when we pass the junior high school exam together, I will have many, many friends.

Because my parents were busy with business when I was a child, no one ever told me about the difference between good schools and bad schools in junior high school. I never knew about planning or how to review. When I was promoted to junior high school, I failed by three points. I was able to go to a key middle school, but I went to an ordinary junior high school.

After I entered junior high school, I went to the key class. They were all in the ordinary class, and then I really ignored them. They may not know why, but when they saw that I ignored them, they had nothing to do, because in elementary school When I was a kid, Big Brother would always protect A, but by the time I was in junior high school, Big Brother had already left our place.

Later, I was admitted to high school at a key middle school, and then I was successfully admitted to a key university. They completed junior high school and high school at the original middle school. A went to an ordinary junior college, and the other four girls did not continue. Study, but go out into society.

Many years later, someone suddenly pulled me into the primary school group, and I got in touch with them again.

A works as a primary school teacher in a public school in a city in our province. I isolate my three girls with her. The girl who is kinder to me went to settle in Chengdu. She married a husband who loved her very much and had her own store. , lived a peaceful and happy life, and treated me neither well nor badly, but after many years, he still liked to use jokes to attack and hurt others as he did when he was a child, and he treated me the worst. That one, 20 years later, still dared to come to my house, ask for my mobile phone number, and call me to borrow money. Later I found out that she had cheated many people by doing MLM, and she became someone that everyone avoided.

The original families of the four of them all have some problems, one is a divorced and reorganized family, one is a single-parent family, one is raised by grandparents in other places, and there is also a single-parent family where the father gambles, drinks, and abuses, and ends up in a car accident.

Looking at their lives when they grew up, I found that the two whose parents were responsible lived a pretty good life, while the other two whose parents were negligent did not live well.

A's parents also know my parents. Every time they meet, they will talk about us. They may not know that we are no longer friends, not even acquaintances.The reason why

A has such a complicated personality has something to do with his family. The father who raised her is her stepfather, and his own father is an official. He lived a pretty good life when he was a child, he was good-looking, and he was very good at learning and talent. Well, he was very doted on, so he was a bit petite and willful. Later, after his biological father and his mother divorced, her mother married his stepfather. The stepfather's conditions were relatively average, but he was very good to her mother and her. I remember her. She had a serious illness when she was young. Her stepfather would take her to the provincial capital every weekend for medical treatment and play. He treated her as his own. This was because of his kindness and love for her. He also had a very, very special relationship with her. The kind side.

Many years later I met this uncle. When he talked about A, he looked very proud. I think there is no better experience than losing a terrible father and gaining a great father. She is also now She is very grateful and filial to her stepfather. Although we are no longer friends, I am still happy for her from the bottom of my heart.