Zhang Jiajia said: "I like the hustle and bustle, I like silence, I like my golden hair, bringing a ray of sunshine when I run." This reminds me of Fan Xiaobai's comic book "Grow Your Own Flowers, Love Your Own Universe". In this healing garden, the author depicts life as it is.

Zhang Jiajia said: "I like the hustle and bustle, I like silence, I like my golden hair, bringing a ray of sunshine when I run."

This can't help but remind me of Fan Xiaobai's "Grow Your Own Flowers and Love Your Own Universe" This comic book . In this healing garden, the author depicts life as it is. This is very much like the self who grew up stumblingly, growing bit by bit and getting better bit by bit.

While reading this book, a kind of power surged out of my body. I think this is the so-called power of healing~


"It's cloudy because the sun is loading. I mean, be patient, everything you want is on the way."

Someone said: "Life The road of life has its ups and downs, and what you have and what you have will be lost. "

Everyone's life journey is like this. It is inevitable that there will be bumps and tumbles, but the next intersection may be a road full of flowers, and the fragrance will intoxicate passers-by.

If we cry because of the mud and potholes on the road, we will miss the most beautiful scenery along the way.

Therefore, we must learn to wait patiently. If you want to see a rainbow, you have to go through wind and rain; if you want to succeed, you have to work hard.

After all, life is passing by, and everything will be fine as you go along.


You should digest the loneliness of adults by yourself. You see, life is like this, and you will find the answer if you live it.

There is a kind of loneliness, which is the warmth that you can think of when you close your eyes.

When you lose your direction, when you fall into loneliness, you might as well stop, look at the light and hope in your heart, sort yourself out, and start again.

Those things that you couldn’t figure out when you were young can be learned by yourself when you grow up.

After all, when you are lonely, you are confused, and when you are lonely, you grow up. It's like flowers bloom sometimes and fall sometimes. Everything takes time to accumulate and settle.


" I don't love the mirror, I love myself in the mirror. When I'm sad, I just look in the mirror and comfort myself in the mirror. I'm really great, I'm just in a bad mood today. "

a The best posture for a person is to have the softness of a flower and the strength of a tree.

can do what he likes at the time he likes and in the way he likes.

For example, when you are in a bad mood, look in the mirror, because if you look more at your beautiful self, your mood will improve; if you look more at your shining self, the future will be brighter.

After all, in life, happiness is a lifetime and sadness is a lifetime. Rather than being sad, it is better to be happy all your life.


" It doesn't matter even if you are stupid, it doesn't matter even if you are unlucky. As long as you don't regard laziness as comfort and burnout as so-called confusion, the lonely boat will always find its way. Life may like stupid children, but it will not like laziness. Child.

Some people say that luck is an accessory to hard work.

Indeed, if you don’t have the strength, even if you are given luck, you will not be able to grasp it.

Because life gives everyone the same things, but everyone’s preparations are different.

Therefore, don’t envy those who are lucky. They just work harder than you and save more capital and ability than you.

Lazy butterflies only dance in the flowers, while hard-working bees can brew sweet honey for humans.

When you live your life well and make yourself better, good luck will also see you.


Starting out is always the right thing to do. As for the future, you have to go on bravely to know.

The hardest thing is to start. In the face of the fear of the unknown, comfort is the fence that prevents you from moving forward.

The best is also starting. Use your footsteps to measure the wonderful world and experience the colorful life.

After all, if you don't start, you won't go anywhere. As long as you set out, you will arrive one day.

Imagine that when you are walking on the road, breathing the fresh air and admiring the scenery along the way, you will understand: what you want and where the end point of success is.

Therefore, just do it, and it always makes sense to start.


"How lucky a person is, how hard he works. Because luck is hidden in hard work. "

Luck does not come from strong winds, but is made of sweat.

The closer you are to luck, the more hard work you have to put behind you.

After all, every gift from fate has a clear price tag. How much you pay is what you get.

Therefore, as long as you work hard, opportunities are right in front of you; as long as you work hard, fate can surprise you.


"The world is very big and life is short. Walking is too slow. I have to run because there are people I like and things I love, but I am afraid it will be too late. "

Life is very short and we must work hard to love. Leave some room for your own life.

Do what you like, become the person you want to be, and live the life you want.

Only in this way can you end your life without a trace of regret.


Be more open-minded and don’t let the rest of your life be lost to obsession.

Life is very long, and we will inevitably encounter some troubles and fall into the pain of anxiety, confusion, irritability, and self-blame.

The superposition of these negative emotions can easily overwhelm us and lead to failure.

The rest of your life is not short, don’t let yourself fall into emotional internal conflict.

Break the emotional cage, defeat yourself, walk and look at the scenery and the mud equally.

When you detach yourself from it, you can do things more calmly and leisurely, making yourself comfortable and making others feel comfortable at the same time.


" What makes me great is not the three or two lines of inspirational text, but my persistence and determination to become better. "

Whether a person has a firm belief determines how far he can go .

When you have a firm belief, you have the power to transcend all external things; when you have a firm belief, you can become like diamond , indestructible.

Of course, being a determined person can make you comfortable in life and create miracles.


What you want to get, you have to pay first. There is a sequence.

Payment and gain have always been equal.

As the saying goes, "No pain, no gain", you won't get what you want because you didn't pay first.

is called the iron tree that never blooms for ten thousand years. Every time its flowers bloom, it puts in more effort than other trees.

Harvest is the flower that blooms when you give.

is written at the end

. As the saying goes: one year old has the taste of the other year, and each station has its scenery.

Fan Xiaobai's "Grow Your Own Flowers and Love Your Own Universe" allows life to show its fullest appearance.

Living in the present is always the best state.