Shi Li and Chi Yan are a pair of good sisters who grew up together. They came out to work together in a small mountain village. Later, Chi Yan met a fellow fruit seller, so she jumped in and fell in love. Shi Li, on the other hand, was introduced to a local man who was very ordin

Shi Li and Chi Yan are good sisters who grew up together. They came out to work together from a small mountain village. Later, Chi Yan met a fellow fruit seller, so she jumped in and fell in love.

Shi Li met a local man through someone's introduction. He was a very ordinary person with an average salary. The only saving grace was that he had a big house and it was a fully paid house that did not require repayment of the loan.

As a working girl from other places, she could not afford to buy a house in her lifetime, so Shi Li got married without hesitation.

Who would have thought that after she got married, she would find out that this man was too lazy to talk about things, looked down on outsiders, and often called Shi Li a country bumpkin and a country girl.

used to work in a factory and receive a salary. Later, due to the epidemic, the factory laid off employees, so he simply went home to stay.

lives on Shi Li's salary from working as a waiter in a hotel every month. The man plays games at home every day. He also buys equipment with Shi Li all the time, and beats people if he doesn't pay.

Shi Li thought about getting divorced, but was reluctant to part with the house. After all, it was almost impossible to buy a house in this city. After divorce, she would have to rent a house, and her monthly salary would not be enough.

Every time Shi Li mentions divorce, the man will wave his big fist and yell, you are a country boy, you only got a house for free by marrying me, and you dare to mention divorce. Now there is a cooling-off period. Believe it or not, I will let you Worse in a month.

Shi Li was really frightened. She knew that men could do anything, so she had to bite the bullet and endure it. However, she still took adequate contraceptive measures, fearing that if she had another child, she would never have any hope of escape. .

At the same time, Shi Li also secretly learned from the girl at the front desk of the hotel to become a micro-business, selling specialties from her hometown and asking her parents to ship them from her hometown.

After earning income from micro-business, Shi Li became more and more intolerable. Now she just wanted to get rid of that man, but she was helpless during the divorce cooling-off period.

Just when Shi Li was living like a year, Chi Yan suddenly came to her door and made an incredible request to her.

It turned out that after Chi Yan married a fellow villager, she set up a stall selling fruit with him. After working hard for a long time, she finally bought a house in the suburbs.

But this year, when her son was about to enter elementary school, he discovered that the schools in the area they bought were very ordinary. This made Chi Yan very unwilling. All her hopes were on her son. How could she let her child lose at the starting line?

The anxious Chi Yan thought of Shi Li who married a local. Although the two of them had less contact after getting married, Chi Yan believed that Shi Li would definitely help, not to mention that she would not let her help in vain and would give her money. of.

So Chi Yan called Shi Li to meet and asked her to fake a divorce first so that she could fake a marriage with her husband, so that Chi Yan's son could have a household registration and attend a key primary school in their area.

Chi Yan repeatedly promised that she would not steal Shi Li's husband and would give them another 40,000 yuan, just like buying the degree.

When Shi Li heard this, she immediately felt ecstatic. She knew without thinking that the man would definitely agree, and this was also the best time for her to divorce.

But she was worried that she would cheat Chi Yan in the end. Once she found out that she was really divorced, the man would definitely not let it go, and Chi Yan's plan would probably come to nothing.

When Chi Yan saw Shi Li's delay in agreeing, she thought she was worried that her husband would disagree, so he asked her to go back and discuss it first. After all, the house belonged to someone else.

When Shi Li returned home and told the man, the man was indeed very happy and agreed without saying a word.

The two families signed a contract, which only stated that it was for one year. Shi Li and his wife faked a divorce, and Chi Yan faked a marriage with the man, just to send their children to school, and each of them still lived with their original spouses.

As soon as the contract was signed, the man couldn't wait to drag Shi Li to get a divorce. Just because he couldn't get the divorce certificate immediately during the cooling-off period, Chi Yan said happily that luckily there were still two months left before school, so there was no delay.

Seeing the happy expressions of Chi Yan and his wife, Shi Li felt very uncomfortable. If she hadn't been forced to do so, she really didn't want to drag Chi Yan into the water, but now she couldn't tolerate going back on her word.

A month later, Shi Li got the divorce certificate, Chi Yan also got a marriage certificate with the man, and her son successfully enrolled in that key primary school.

Originally, the matter would have ended here. Unexpectedly, the school had to send people to inspect the situation in order to fear that someone would fake it.

Chi Yan had no choice but to move her son into Shi Li's home. At this time, Shi Li suddenly received a call from home, saying that her mother was sick and needed to go back to take care of her.

The man refused, saying that if Shi Li left, who would do the laundry and cooking for him? He even waved his fist to beat Shi Li.

Chi Yan couldn't stand it any longer, so she took the initiative to say that she would do housework for Shi Li for a few days, so that Shi Li could go back to take care of her mother with peace of mind.

Shi Li was so moved that she hugged Chi Yan and cried loudly, and kept saying she was sorry.

Chi Yan thought she was just worried about her mother, and kept comforting her and saying it was okay. The man yelled impatiently, "He's not dead yet, why are you crying!"

A few days after Shi Li returned to her hometown, the man kept calling and sending messages urging her to go back. It turned out that Chi Yan had given up her burden and wanted to divorce him in advance.

It turned out that Chi Yan had to set up a stall to sell fruit every morning and had to wait for her children to come home from school in the afternoon to cook for them. The man pointed at her nose and scolded her, asking if she wanted to starve him to death.

Chi Yan retorted and said, "You have the hands and feet, can't you do it yourself?" Shi Li was used to being bullied by men, and how could she tolerate a woman's rebuttal, so she tried her old trick to hit Chi Yan and even kicked her son.

At that time, Chi Yan was holding a knife to cook. When she saw him kicking her son, she immediately waved the knife and said viciously, "If you dare to touch our mother and son again, I will kill you."

Men tend to bully the weak and fear the strong. Seeing that Chi Yan was more ruthless than him, she was afraid. Chi Yan also kicked her son because of him, so she simply ignored him.

Now he had no choice but to urge Shi Li to go back quickly. Naturally, Shi Li would not go back. How could she fall into the trap again after finally getting the divorce certificate?

However, Shi Li called Chi Yan first to remind her that she was really divorced, so that Chi Yan should be prepared for the man to fall out.

When the man saw that Shi Li refused to come back and Chi Yan wanted to divorce early, he was so angry that he took them both to court, saying that the two women had cheated him together, and asked the court to invalidate the divorce between Shi Li and him.

After investigation, the court ruled that Chi Yan and the man were divorced, and regardless of the reason between Shi Li and him, the divorce certificate had legal effect.

Shi Li cried when she got the verdict. She finally got rid of this man completely. It's just that she may not be able to repay her debt to Chi Yan in this life.

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