If you missed it, just pass it by. I want to ask you a question. Have you ever felt helpless? But I have experienced it. That kind of helplessness is that you obviously like someone very much, but she just doesn't like you. You may even dream about her. During the day, like a foo

If you miss it, just pass it by. I want to ask you a question, have you ever been helpless?

But I have experienced it. That kind of helplessness is that you obviously like someone very much, but she just doesn't like you. You may even dream about her. During the day, like a fool, you try to find various ways to talk to her. , when you think of chatting with her at night, you are afraid of disturbing her rest. Have you ever felt like this?

I remember there was such a question on Douyin, what does it feel like to like someone?

's answer is that the feeling of liking someone is that you always feel that you are not good enough, not good enough, and you are afraid that you are not good enough for the other person. Sometimes the appearance of a person will illuminate the darkness in your heart. It makes you think that the appearance of this person is the angel who comes to save you, so you are full of longing for this unknown relationship. You fantasize about you being together and you fantasize about all of you. I will know what to eat, where to play, and if I talk too much, I will worry about whether you will regret it. Even when I'm busy, I'll be thinking about you. What is she doing? She is so careful about her feelings, and sometimes she boldly tells her I like you. But he was also afraid that her words to the contrary would make him uncomfortable.

If you like someone, it may really be the words she said to you, but you actually acted a movie in your heart.

When she tells you that she wants to go to France to feed pigeons, your first answer is, I also like to feed pigeons, and I also want to visit France. To be honest, maybe it's just to get closer to each other and think that one day I can do what I like with the person I like. When I'm in love, I always act silly, childish and naive, or maybe when he says I don't want to fall in love, I feel full of loss inside, so I ask him what color do you like? I like black, and black is pretty, but I just discovered a particularly pretty color in my circle of friends. He wants to ask you what color you are? Then I will tell him that it is your beauty.

Actually, I really, really want to say that my love for you is really true, even if I can't make you like me.

But I really like you from beginning to end. I always thought that feelings can be cultivated slowly and dislike can be turned into like. I thought that as time goes by, you will know that I really like you. In fact, I am looking forward to the day when we are together, and I am also very afraid of the day when we are together. I look forward to all the wonderful things we will have together, but I am also afraid that after we are together, I am afraid that I will not be able to give you the life you want in a short period of time. When you rejected me, I was lost and helpless. I understand how you feel, and I understand how it feels to not like someone, so I don't blame you. In relationships, if you don't like it, you don't like it. This may be the helplessness of being helpless.

The moment you left, my dreams were shattered and my hope was extinguished. Maybe this is just passing by if I miss it.