One should be humble, and how should humility be embodied?

" I Ching" has sixty-four hexagrams, the most extensive is the Qian hexagram, which symbolizes the sky; the deepest is Kun , symbolically, even in the two hexagrams, there are auspicious and evil. However, there is only one hexagram, the Dishan Qian hexagram, which has no fierce meaning from beginning to end, and can be called the most perfect and auspicious one.

Modesty, this hexagram reveals a lot of good life virtues, such as being humble, being humble and not caring about others; all you have to do is to lower your posture, naturally take risks, etc., but these are all It is an attitude of being a human being. How should we deal with it in concrete actions? I think about it, and there are only two words "learning", and learning is the best way to embody the quality of humility.

First, learn from the people around you. Confucius said, three people, there must be my teacher Yan. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones. It is the easiest and most efficient way to learn various ways to deal with problems from the people around you. No, worry that others won't teach you. There are very few people around us who are not good teachers. Remember, what you have to learn is his strengths, but not all of him. Moreover, asking for advice in person is more intuitive and vivid than a book.

Secondly, learn from the problems encountered. The problem is the best mentor. A person with a humble quality will never ignore problems, and will never go around when encountering problems. Instead, he takes the problem as the guide, knows his own shortcomings, and then looks for answers. The process of solving problems and finding answers is a manifestation of humility.

Finally, learn from life.Society is the best university, and life is the greatest learning. The inheritor of Xinxue Wang Gen said that the daily needs of the common people are just right. Our life is the embodiment of Tao. When we understand life, we will treat life with humility, never be complacent, and always live in the freshest world.
