There are three kinds of meals, no matter how good the relationship is, you can’t go there. After eating this meal, you are the one who suffers.

The smarter the person, the better he understands that the meal is not only a meal, but also a "social field" for connecting feelings, connecting people, and looking for opportunities for cooperation.

A meal can even determine a person's career prospects and career heights, but some meals can also drag you down and ruin you for a lifetime.

Only by doing your homework in advance can you get rid of the ineffective social interaction and get rid of the game set by others.

There are three kinds of meals, no matter how good the relationship is, you can’t go. After this meal, you will suffer.

The dinner organized by the rivals

Adults’ meals, sometimes, it’s not a longing to be resolved in a few words, but it’s a longing to be able to speak clearly.

Some time ago, my friend wanted to help two colleagues to ease the relationship, but without prior notice, they put the two colleagues together. At the dinner, three people, three hearts.

The conversation was not on the same level at all. Two colleagues were aggressive, and one colleague even almost made a fight and made it into a mess.

in the world,No permanent friends, only permanent interests. Both parties broke up with him, and stopped contacting him afterwards.

A meal organized by the rival, or a meal in the presence of the rival, sometimes it is not necessarily the one that really wants to ease the relationship, but it is the "Hongmen Banquet" that harms others and self, so you don't have to go.

If you are on the wine board, is too weak for one person, and will only be framed by others, and will end up with a bad reputation and not worthy of it.

What's more, sometimes a group of people set up a situation to harm you, so you can’t escape in the workplace. , Can only recognize the plant.

Dead opponents, take the initiative to entertain guests, we must keep our eyes open, do not underestimate the enemy, otherwise we will only push ourselves into a passive situation and lose the initiative.

When your dead opponent eats with you, think about whether it will let you surrender your benefits or force you to withdraw from the workplace, so that you can't tell whether you are suffering during the meal.

It's better not to go as soon as possible, don't make trouble for yourself, this is the real talent.

I am usually unfamiliar,Want to "hold the Buddha's feet temporarily" dinner

dinner, defined by many people as the golden key to ask for help, therefore, it will also become a stage for some people who are trying to get things wrong.

The classmate told me about such a thing. He has a high authority in a certain unit, but he was invited to a dinner by his classmates. He didn't deal with each other and was suddenly very enthusiastic.

He has rich experience in society, knowing that drunk is not the purpose of drinking, and it must be something to ask for, otherwise the old classmates who have not seen him in ten years cannot suddenly become enthusiastic.

When the other party asked him to help with something that was almost impossible to accomplish, he knew he couldn't do it, and he got the other people to talk about it again and again.

A meal caused a lot of wrongs, and the classmates regretted it, and they knew that they shouldn’t have eaten that meal.

usually does not deal with you, and suddenly one day I have something to do with you. At this time, you have to be vigilant and don't refuse any meal. You will only cause trouble for yourself.

especially,Classmates who haven't been in contact for a long time suddenly contacted for a dinner. Please don't go there for nothing. If you go, there is no good thing, and you may suffer a big loss.

The point is that some people invite you to dinner for the purpose of getting closer to you and borrowing money from you. When you wake up, it is too late.

It’s not really related to you, maybe it’s not your purpose. Just ask casually, at this time, if you agree, it will only make others fall into an embarrassing situation.

is not of much use. If you go to a meal that can only be regarded as a "vase", it is best to stay at home.

Colleague Xiao Li participated in a meal, originally he did not belong to the other party's circle, when working overtime together, the other party asked politely, but he unexpectedly agreed.

The other party was very embarrassed. As a result, they didn't dare to say anything during a meal. They just ate the meal bluntly and wasted a few hours.

When they left, someone said sarcastically that in future dinners,Be sure to choose people carefully, or you won't participate in this dinner.

If you encounter this kind of meal, it’s best to leave early. Now that you know you’re wrong, you should go back in time.

does not belong to your circle, don't make it hard, you will only get yourself into an embarrassing situation, without the slightest benefit.

Wine is like a "mirror mirror". It is a person or a ghost. You will know after a meal.

Dinner is not a meal, but a game. It's a whole lot of life.

There are some dinners, so I can’t go. If I go, I’m looking for trouble.

There are some dinners, you have to go, or you will miss opportunities if you don’t go.

Adult’s meal is the rivers and lakes. In the work unit and in the social relationship, even if our popularity is , there must be some people who are usually unfamiliar with each other, or colleagues with mutual interests. .

We must keep our eyes open,Don't agree to it lightly. In some dinners, has a more than simple purpose, and if you go, you will find its own way.

In the above three situations, you should not participate casually, and then decide whether to go or not, otherwise it is very likely that you will suffer.
