Making money requires "personality independence", but also "self-awakening" (full version, pure dry goods)

About "personality": "Personality is not independent, you are prisoners everywhere".

About "awakening": "If you don't awaken, God can't help you"

Therefore, making money requires "personal independence", but also "self-awakening". At the same time, we also need to know the relationship between them. "More important than making money is personality independence. If you don't wake up, it will be difficult to have personality independence."

To make money requires "personality independence", but also to "self-awakening"

Helping others make money, but also being scolded, you say it is irritating but not irritating!

The day before yesterday, a lawyer (I have served several "law firms" before) privately wrote to me on the headline, saying "I will go to their company to speak for their boss" and criticize me, scolding me very badly.

Today I will take this opportunity to talk about it, I believe you who are reading the article must be at "When I get through this embarrassment, I will smile and reconcile with the world." In the process, similar mistakes were made.

Friends, if you continue to scold like this, you will never make money.

My mother told me since I was a child "The elder is a thief, and the weaker is a teacher" . Therefore, it is recommended that you must read this article patiently, because it can help you "get through this embarrassment quickly" and "reconcile with the world" as soon as possible.

Because my profession is a business management consultant, there are at least tens of thousands of bosses and employees who listen to my lectures every year.Private messages are all "infinite gratitude" and "hope to come often".

Because, I help their company through the difficulties and help them make money. "For those who haven't made any money yet", I believe that after reading this article, it will be instructive.

Let me analyze this topic in "two parts" below:

Part 1: Why should I scold the employees? Because many people are poor, they just don’t suffer enough. Because “it’s hard to awaken without suffering, and it’s even impossible to have personality independence” (Self awakening: the more painful you scold, the deeper your reflection; personality independence: the faster you grow, the more money you make)

Part 2: I It is to solve the problem, not to create the problem. So "where you can't see, I scold your boss more than scolding you" (I can't bear a few curses, I go to the entrepreneurial meeting with a glass heart! "A general is incompetent, and the army is exhausted.")

To make money requires "personality independence", but also "self-awakening"

Part 1: Why should I scold the employees?

Because many people are poor because they are not painful enough!

Because it is difficult to awaken if people are not in pain.

About "self-awakening": the more painful you scold, the deeper you reflect, and you may be "self-awakening";

about "personality independence": the more you grow Faster, the more you make, the more you are qualified to talk about "personality independence."

I asked him: When you were scolding me, you touched your conscience and asked yourself, when you hate your boss and scold this company as bad, then why did you choose this company in the first place? Why don't you leave now?

"Eating milk and scolding mother" Why is this? Don’t "take the emotions of failure in your life,"Vent on others", this is an expression of incompetence. Since you have chosen this company, what have you done specifically for this company?

The lawyer said, I am a grassroots employee, what can I do? It’s not just the business of the company that is exhausted every day, and all kinds of lawsuits that are always busy. What else can I do?

To make money requires "personality independence", but also "self-awakening"

I said, then I will tell you about myself:

I am an extremely ordinary business management consultant, and the boss and team who listen to my lectures are at least tens of thousands of people every year. I may not have much skill. There are indeed many shortcomings of mine, but for all the people I have become acquainted with, I sincerely and do my best to spread some correct values ​​and concepts.

My guidance: Every company’s employees must be right. The boss has confidence and hope for the company. Because don’t look at people who grow up and things that change with the same eye. If you really don’t have confidence in the boss, and there is no hope for the company, then leave immediately and quickly find a company that you are satisfied with.

My guide: The boss of every company must have confidence in the team and hope for the people he recruits. Because at the beginning, it was you. I only recruited them when I went to them. Now that you say that they can’t do it, you are scolding yourself for being blind. You are scolding yourself for “a general incompetence and ruining the three armies.”

To make money requires "personality independence".

I really like Ren Zhengfei said two words in the " Huawei internal, question and answer":

Many people wonder: Overtime,Boring and boring work", some people complain, some people leave, and some people still stick to it.... Everyone will feel that if you do things you don’t like for a long time, will you feel very frustrated?

Ren Zhengfei's answer: (just two Sentence)

The first sentence: I have a principle "No matter if it is something I like at the moment, I will try my best to do it, never perfunctory, because I can't perfuse my life".

The second sentence: I have a goal "Only by working hard can I meet a better self, and I firmly believe in this goal. Because of passive laziness, you will only ruin yourself."

Closer to home, In your daily work, do you have passive laziness and perfunct your own life? This is the point that you know best in your heart, "You can drift by." Everyone, but you can’t fool yourself.”

The point I want to say is, , no matter what it was before, can we now do what we can do for our company, everyone All "make" things.

To make money requires "personality independence", but also to "self-awakening"

"Imature thinking, making money can only be a dream."

Seek truth from facts, as long as there is one The place lets me serve, let me give lectures, no matter what the external environment, it will not affect my original intention.

As the saying goes, "personality is not independent.You’re a prisoner wherever you go.” So when you do anything, you have to think at the same time. Otherwise, “the dream of getting rich can only be a dream if you are immature.”

And the reason why many people do not make money is that This is the root cause, so I regard any occasion as an "ideological education class."

"Say what I do, do what I say."

And what I say and do is always the same What I want to pursue in my life. Become a qualified "teacher in the business field", become a qualified "doctor in the business world", and work hard.

means: a qualified "business management consulting" "Teachers" are trying their best to help every company go through every cycle of its own life, and help every working person through every hurdle of their career.

I said this is what I do. (I suggest everyone Go to see my previous "two articles", the "link" is attached at the end of the article)

To make money requires "personality independence", but also "self-awakening"

"Doing things" must touch the conscience," "Grow up" to be worthy of yourself

I said (privately message to him), you touched your conscience and told me, didn’t you scold this company? When you took the case, did you take advantage of the danger and accept more people?

After you took the salary from the company, did you collude with the power of the procuratorate and the court, and use power for personal gain in places that are not visible? Have you ever done it?

I said, you If you do everything with a clear conscience and uprightness, it is to maintain judicial justice and compassionate feelings, I say "this is right".

If you do a lot of shameful deeds,If you are ignorant of your conscience, ruin your company's future, and perfunct your own life, what right do you have to attack your company and slander your boss? You tell me.

How old are you now? Is there responsibility on your shoulders? Have you achieved the goals you vowed to make? At what stage are they? ...

To make money requires "personality independence", but also "self-awakening"

Wake up: The only thing you can complain about is that you are not working hard enough.

Wake up: If you don't grow up, making money is a joke. If you don't grow up, you are sorry for your hard work.

Wake up: "Sister Xianglin who complained" is doomed to end badly. "My fate is up to me" to create miracles and change destiny.

"The result of private message" is: He doesn't reply to me anymore! It shows that it touched him.

Part 2: I am solving problems, not creating problems.

So "where you can't see, I scold your boss more than scolding you"

I can't stand a few curses. If you start a business with a "glass heart", you will be C and M! "One will be incompetent, and the three armies will be exhausted."

When it comes to "scolding" the boss, I scold more than the employees. Because it is too much! So I won't say much here. (I suggest you read my previous "two articles", and the "link" is attached to the end of the article) But I can summarize, "The ratio of scolding the boss to the employee is 10 to 1".

Today I take this opportunity to tell our young people, whether you are working or starting a business, as long as you want to make money, you also want to make big money fast. Then you must read this article patiently.

To make money requires "personality independence",More need to "self-awakening"

"The pattern is not high, all I see are problems."

Next, let me raise your profile a little bit. Let's talk about the country, not the company. As a result, avoids "the pattern is not high, and everything you see is a problem." Secondly, will be easy for you to understand and understand the truth instantly.

How can a country become better? Confucius said, "The gentleman seeks himself, the villain seeks others", then our Chinese nation has 1.4 billion people. If everyone truly loves this country, everyone will give it to the best of his ability. The country does things, and you say that this country will be good? Will it be strong? Will the people be happy? Will there be money? ——"Everyone is like a small family", and so is the company. You don’t understand this truth, do you?

For example: "young people", Don't "you can't eat grapes, just say grape sour" all day long. If you don’t become an official, you will say that the officialdom is so corrupt, maybe "you will be worse than them when you become an official." Don't do this, but "I see this thing is unfair, I will change it myself". Everything first "be yourself". ——You are an employee now, and you can't manage yourself well. How can the boss rest assured that you will manage a team? If you are the boss, you will not use your current self.

For example, "education", friends, I rarely complain about our education system, why? Because you, as a teacher, no one cares about you in this 45-minute class. Every teacher educates with his conscience and teaches every class well, then China's education will naturally change. ——Every employee in your company is doing a good job of themselves, the boss will definitely be inseparable from you, and the company will naturally be fine. If you are the boss, you will also scold your current self.

To make money requires "personal independence", but also "self-awareness"

Learn to think about others, less complain about others, often self-reflection, and think about how to diligently.

Every one of our young people, whether you are a worker, a cadre, or an entrepreneurial boss, in short, no matter what you do, each of us starts from our own job and does our best to be an upright "person" .

When everyone shows their demeanor as a great citizen, the future of the Chinese nation will definitely be better. Does everyone agree?

Because "a small family is like everyone", the truth is the same, the company is like this, in fact, "making money" is even more so.

Therefore, I told my friends that we must remember Confucius’s saying "The gentleman seeks himself, the villain seeks others".

To make money requires "personality independence", but also "self-awareness"

To sum up: To make money requires "personal independence" and "self-awareness".

Self-awakening and independent personality will enable you to quickly "go through this embarrassment" on the road to making money, and "smile and reconcile with the world" as soon as possible.

You should know: "Every island is embraced by the deep sea, and every star intersects with and the Milky Way ", so you are not alone.

You must know: Only we can determine who we look like, so all the things and people that can "make you like for a long time" also have the power to change you.

Before you read the following article, I will give you three sentences, which are a bit sharp and a little bit heartwarming: I hope you must read it patiently.

① If you don't mix well, don't find other people's reasons, let alone think that others are always making things difficult for you, because life will not favor a weak person, just like history will not remember a mortal.

②'The so-called threshold of life is "If you have the ability, then it is a door, you can enter; if you have no ability, then it is a hurdle, you can only look at it".

③, Jack Ma once said, "Dream still has to be, in case it is realized", Actually, everyone does not know that there is a heart-wrenching sentence before this sentence, that is " The weak will always be justice and grievances, because he has no other capital to show off."

To make money requires "personal independence", but also "self-awakening"

[attached]: Four articles, enlighten the soul, give methods, find yourself, and earn Mary.

Making money requires "personality independence", but also "self-awakening"

Do you understand? What are the gains? Can you chat with me in the comment area?

I am the " red flag " on " high up ", " battlefield ",My name is 高战旗 .

"Pack your thoughts and take them away, and you can truly have them by sharing."
