It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma

2024/06/2511:21:33 emotion 1858

has said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their male best friends for their own sake and for the sake of their families.

Otherwise, you will be like the woman in the article in the future. You should understand why a man wants to be nice to you. What is going on? Why do you say that? Let's take a look at this matter together. A 30-year-old woman cried: In order to go on a trip with my male best friend, I deceived my husband and ultimately ruined the family.

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews

Case story sharer,

30-year-old Ms. Su:

I was wrong. But no matter how much I begged my husband to forgive me, he still refused to forgive me. I told my husband that I really remembered it wrong, please give me a chance, for the sake of the child. But my husband said to me, I should be the one to say this to you. Just give me a chance and let me go. For children. I cried so much that I had nothing to say.

If I hadn't done something outrageous, my husband wouldn't have treated me like this. Now I can only blame myself for this outcome. Crying very embarrassed. It's all my fault. It seems that besides me, there are many women who have male best friends. For your own sake and especially for the sake of this question, you have to pay attention, otherwise you will end up like me. No one is good to you. purpose.

is good for you for a purpose, do you understand? Let me tell you something about me. I have been married to my husband for 6 years. Have two children. All is happiness. But now all this has been ruined by me. It's because I didn't stay away from my male best friends. Women must stay away from male best friends.

My best friend and I were high school classmates. He sat behind me in high school, and the two of us chatted endlessly during class. Even if the monitor talks about us, we don't mind. We don't talk when he talks about me, but we still chat afterward. Sometimes in order not to affect other people's studies, we chat through notes.

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews

means that we will write what we want to say on the note. Then give this piece of paper to my best friend. You can also draw pictures or draw expressions. The two of us had a great time chatting. Later, neither of us stopped studying. Mine was because my family was relatively poor. My best friend is because she couldn’t get into college. Then we went to work together. It’s been almost 13 years since I first met

. But I never thought of it. But everything for me was ruined because of this incident. My husband doesn't allow me to have a male best friend. I lied to my husband. I told my husband that I had stayed away from my male best friend for a long time. And it's not like you don't know. When I broke off the relationship with my male best friend, you also Is it okay to be there?

At that time, I asked my male best friend to come to my house for dinner and said goodbye to him in front of my husband. I told my male best friend that we should not contact each other after we talk clearly today, because I am getting married soon, and so are you. You know me, you don’t want me to have anything to do with you, and I don’t want to ruin our relationship because of this. I have been with my husband for so many years. I hope you can understand me. Although you are a very good friend of mine, sometimes you have to make a choice about something.

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews

My male best friend told me, I know, I can understand you, I have thought of this a long time ago, and I wanted to tell you before, but you didn't tell me. Since this is the case, let's end it here. I will not contact you again in the future. For the same reason, you should not contact me again, for the sake of your family and for my future.

said this. In fact, I still have contact with my male best friend. I cheated on my husband time and time again. Every time I went out to play with my male best friend, I felt deeply guilty. Then I would tell myself that this is the last time, it will never be like this again, and that I am just hanging out with my male best friends.

If my husband is free, I will not go out with my male best friend. It is because my husband cannot accompany me, so I ask my male best friend to go out with me to play. What's more, the two of us didn't do anything, we just went out to have a meal and watch a movie.

kept comforting himself, making himself feel that this matter was okay. Gradually, I stopped taking this matter seriously. As time went by, my relationship with my boyfriend became even more bizarre. When my husband is not at home, I will ask my best friend to come back for dinner, and I will even go to my best friend’s house to have dinner. Don't tell me that I am like this as a woman. The same goes for other women who have male best friends.

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews

Even other women will be like me. Sometimes they won’t tell their husbands about certain things, but they will tell their male best friends. If they tell their husbands that they feel that their husbands don’t understand them, or even feel that taking care of them will not comfort them, then they will tell their male best friends. Said. I'm like this too.

I told my male best friend that my male best friend would comfort me and help me, but I told my husband that my husband would only tell me that I am relatively busy now, and we will talk about it when I am free, or else I will reply. Let’s talk about it at home. That's what I said, these things can't wait. I just wanted to tell you when I thought of it. My family doesn't want to hear it anymore, so I won't tell you.

Then I never told my husband what was on my mind anymore. When I had nothing to do, I would chat awkwardly, and when something happened, I would tell my male best friend. I never thought that everything about me would be ruined by my best friend. I was wrong. I should stay away from my male best friends. If I really stayed away from my male best friends, then this would not be the end of me now.

My male best friend told me that my company has arranged a trip, do you want to go? I have two tickets. Let me go with you. If you go there by yourself, it will cost at least more than 20,000 yuan. Three days and three nights, if you go with me, you can save a lot of money. It's not easy for your husband to make money. And didn’t you say you wanted to go out and play with me?

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews

I didn’t have the opportunity before, but now the opportunity is right in front of me. It depends on whether you know how to cherish it. If you don’t go, then I will sell the ticket, and I will still be able to get some money. If you go, I will go with you. You wanted to go to that place before, but you didn't return it because you had no money. Now that you have the chance, do you want to go together?

My male best friend kept encouraging me to go. My male best friend also told me, what does region matter? Anyway, you haven’t done anything, so can’t you have male friends after you get married? What's more important is that place, but it's the place you've always wanted to go to.

If you miss this opportunity, I don’t know when you will be able to go there. Do you think your husband has the money to take you there? Even if your husband has money, he will not go to those places. He will stay there. Those who live on money will not go to those places to play, the consumption is too high.

If you follow me, you can fulfill your wish. This is indeed true. Although my husband has money, he will not waste it. If he goes out to play and spends so much money, it will kill him. He is not an honest person. He only knows how to live his life. He does not understand romance or fun at all. Forget it, just go for it.

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews

I lied to my husband when I got home. I told my husband that I would go back to my parents’ house for a few days. My husband said to me, what's wrong? What are you going back for? Then I made up a random reason. I told my husband that it was nothing, my mother was a little uncomfortable, and I just went back to take a look.

I never thought that my husband would give me money. My husband told me that since it is a battlefield, you should bring 5,000 yuan back. If you borrow the money, I want to give you the money to take back to your parents, but at that time You didn't go back. Now that you have gone back, just take it back with you. It was not easy for your parents to raise you. Now that our conditions are better, we can't ignore them.

This 5,000 yuan is enough for your parents to spend for a while. You can give it to them next time they go back to celebrate the New Year. If there is anything you need, ask your parents to tell me, as long as I can do it, I can definitely do it.I didn't expect that my husband would be so filial. I was reluctant to give money to my parents, but my husband took the initiative to give money to my parents. For a moment I didn’t want to go.

But I agreed to my boyfriend, so I might as well go for it. Just like this, my best friend and I went on a trip for three days and three nights. What I didn't expect was that something happened that night. We agreed that we were just traveling and having fun, but my best friend did something outrageous.

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews

That night my boyfriend kept making me drink. At that time I felt something was wrong. But my best friend told me, what can happen? Aren't we on good terms with you? I drink because I’m happy. I haven’t played with you for a long time, don’t you think?

I think something is wrong, otherwise why would I keep drinking. I wanted to refuse, so I told my male best friend that I can’t drink so much. If you have anything to do, just tell me. There’s no need to drink together. Drinking too much is not good for your health either. But my male best friend told me that I was so happy that I drank. If you don’t drink, I will drink by myself.

I was embarrassed to let him drink alone, so I drank with him. When I woke up late, I couldn't remember what happened that night. But my best friend was beside me, and we were both disheveled and naked at that time.

Only then did I know that something big had happened. My best friend told me that we were both drunk last night. I don’t know what happened, but I will definitely be responsible for you, and I will treat you well in the future. . I liked you before, but you didn't give me a chance, so I called you my best friend. At that time, I felt that I was not worthy of you, but now I feel that I am worthy of you.

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews

Only then did I realize that there is no pure friendship between men and women. A man will not do it for no reason. He is good to a woman and a man is good to you for a purpose, just like my best friend is to you. Everything I do has a purpose. It's too late to say anything now. If I hadn't gone out with my boyfriend, this wouldn't have happened.

Although I can hide this matter, can I hide the past? At this time, my husband found out about this and returned to his parents' home. But he found out that I was not at my parents’ house and knew that I had cheated on him. Then I heard from my friends where they saw me. It's too late to say anything.

My husband must divorce me. Although my husband doesn’t know this yet, he has probably guessed that a man and a woman went on a trip for three days and three nights. What can happen, and more importantly, go out with your male best friend. If I hadn't been playful, would this have happened?

Or if I hadn’t had no reason to be my best friend, would this ending have happened now? I have to blame myself. I hate myself if I had stayed away from my male best friend. Then it won't be like this now. Women must have someone as their best friend, otherwise in the end you will definitely ruin the rest of your life because of your male best friend. You have to be responsible for yourself, do you understand?

It is said that a man will not be nice to a woman for no reason, especially your male best friend. Why should he be so nice to you? Have you ever wondered why there is no free lunch in the world? I hope that this case can make all women pay attention to staying away from their ma - DayDayNews


If I had known this, why bother in the first place. Now who can blame this ending? If you stay away from your male best friend, will this happen again? If you stay away from your male best friends, this thing will definitely not happen, because you have no reason for it.

A man will not be nice to you for no reason. Even your best friend who is so nice to you has a purpose. Isn’t it just to get you? Do you think people really have nothing to do? Think more about why. Otherwise, in the end you will lose everything to you because of your boyfriend. For your own sake and for your family’s sake, you must be careful and never let such a tragedy happen again.

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