I am Xiaocao, a Vietnamese, 24 years old this year. I married my Chinese husband who is 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now I live in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021. .

2024/06/1917:43:33 emotion 1377

I, Vietnamese girl, married a Chinese guy and the wedding gift was only 8,000. When I got married, I got a red bag

Narration: Chen Xiaocao

Organizer: Mr. Xiao Han

Pictures: from the Internet, infringement and deletion

I am Xiaocao, a Vietnamese, 24 years old this year. I married my Chinese husband who is 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now I live in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021. . - DayDayNews

I am Xiaocao , Vietnamese, 24 years old this year, married my Chinese husband 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now she lives in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021.

In Vietnam, most families have two or three girls, but our family is different. I am the only girl, but I have two older brothers and one younger brother. I have been given preferential treatment since I was a child, maybe because I am a girl, maybe because I have good academic performance. For a girl who was born into a well-to-do family, she has never suffered any material losses since she was a child. As long as I want, my parents will buy it for me, and it is fair for me to give back my academic performance.

and my husband met in China. At that time, as an exchange student, I went from Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City University of Science and Technology to Guangzhou University for a one-year exchange student life. It was also because this trip to China completely subverted my understanding of development. , because China and Vietnam are neighboring countries, I often heard about some situations in China, but I didn’t expect that it was different from what I saw.

I am Xiaocao, a Vietnamese, 24 years old this year. I married my Chinese husband who is 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now I live in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021. . - DayDayNews

When I was an exchange student in China, I would go shopping on weekends. By chance, I met a Chinese boy. My companion and I were lost at that time, and a boy happened to come over. He knew from the accent that I was not Chinese, and then He took me to my destination. In this way, my husband and I met, and from then on we began an amazing love affair, which made me decide to drop out of school and stay in China.

In 1998, I was born into a wealthy businessman family in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. There are four children in the family. I am the third oldest. I have been a smart girl since I was a child, very sensible, and my academic performance is also very good. Before I was 13 years old, I studied dance, but my father thought that I would inherit the family business in the future, so I ended up focusing on cultural classes.

My father runs an electrical appliances company, one of the best in Ho Chi Minh City . He is a very calm and thoughtful middle-aged man. Because he got married early, as the third child in the family, I am already 24 years old, and my father is only 49 years old. Dad is very influential in our local area, and many people even wanted to elect him to be mayor. However, Dad didn't like politics by nature, so he eventually continued on the road of business.

I am Xiaocao, a Vietnamese, 24 years old this year. I married my Chinese husband who is 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now I live in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021. . - DayDayNews

I was born in a wealthy businessman family. I am lucky because I don’t have to worry about my livelihood, let alone envy my neighbors for my favorite snacks. My mother is a kind-hearted woman who never cares about others, let alone quarrel with my father. She always listens to his words. My father is also a conscientious man. He and my mother have been married for nearly 30 years and have never had a quarrel.

Actually, my mother’s family background is not bad. She is from a lady’s background, has received higher education, and also studied in the UK for two years. When I was a child, my mother basically taught me how to face life, how to learn to grow, and how to grow up. To establish correct values, my mother has a profound influence on me.

From the moment I stepped into the campus gate, everything became complicated, because my mother used to like dancing, but she got married early and did not realize her dream. She always wanted me to fulfill her dream, so starting from the age of two and a half, I studied ballet with a local dance teacher until I was 13 years old, but my father stopped me.

I am Xiaocao, a Vietnamese, 24 years old this year. I married my Chinese husband who is 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now I live in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021. . - DayDayNews

At that time, I hated my father and felt that he had interrupted my and my mother’s dreams, but my father also had his own considerations. The two older brothers were not enterprising and lazy, which is what everyone calls dandy boys. The younger brother was younger. I am not sensible, so my father can only place the heavy responsibility for the future on me.

successfully finished middle school and was admitted to college. The moment he was admitted to college, my father was very happy. He felt that there was a successor for the whole family. Even though he really didn’t want to hand over the family business to a girl, his two brothers couldn’t live up to the expectations, so there was no point in leaving it to me. Ways to do things.

But my father never thought that I only went to China for a year and had no intention of returning to Vietnam. Maybe my father was very disappointed, or maybe he sincerely wished me happiness.

During this year in China, I got to know China systematically and felt the charm and prosperity of China. To be honest, even if I don’t meet my husband, maybe I will still work hard in China after graduating from university because of China’s development opportunities. a lot of. In Vietnam, the business environment is immature and it is difficult to do anything. It is difficult to break through that barrier.

I am Xiaocao, a Vietnamese, 24 years old this year. I married my Chinese husband who is 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now I live in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021. . - DayDayNews

It is very difficult for Vietnamese college students to want to be exchange students in China. At that time, there were only 20 places. I tried every means to get it, and it was based on my ability to speak fluent English.

had no exposure to Chinese before coming to China. He only knew a little about Chinese culture scrawled in books, which was not comprehensive.

But in China, I not only learned knowledge, but also handed over the rest of my life to a Chinese man, and it was based on the fact that we only met a few times. Thinking about it now, I was really crazy at the time.

In fact, I have a very favorable impression of Chinese people, because in my understanding, Chinese people have humble, studious, and polite personalities, and are very imaginative and creative. This is clearly reflected in my Chinese classmates. . It is a very happy and relaxing thing for exchange students and international students from different countries to gather together and discuss life in China.

I am Xiaocao, a Vietnamese, 24 years old this year. I married my Chinese husband who is 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now I live in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021. . - DayDayNews

When I met my husband, I was only 19 years old and had not yet reached the legal age for marriage. My last year as an exchange student was about to expire, and I was faced with the dilemma of having to return to China. My husband was reluctant to leave me, and I was reluctant to leave China either. After several days of struggle, I finally decided to drop out of school. Even though my father would be very sad, he could give up everything for my love.

At that time, my dad couldn’t understand why he did this? And I was afraid that my father would not agree with us being together. When I returned to Vietnam, I was already pregnant with Liujia and brought my husband as a guest at my home. When my father faced this Chinese boy, he did not show any boredom and just treated me lightly. Said: "This Chinese boy looks good, I wish you happiness."

In Vietnam, girls also need betrothal gifts when they get married, but there is no regulation on the amount. My husband's family is pretty good, but not a wealthy family. In the end, my parents only need I paid 28 million Vietnamese dong for and , which is probably more than 8,000 RMB. My husband’s family has a very large population. It is said that there are more than 400 people in total. When we got married, there were 63 banquet tables. This is a number that I can’t imagine.

I am Xiaocao, a Vietnamese, 24 years old this year. I married my Chinese husband who is 13 years older than me 4 years ago, and naturally became a Chinese daughter-in-law. Now I live in Huaihua, Hunan, and gave birth to a lovely daughter in 2021. . - DayDayNews

In this area of ​​​​Fujian, many relatives will give red envelopes to a wife when she marries a daughter-in-law. I remember that I received about 200 red envelopes at that time. The whole package was full of red envelopes. I had never seen so much money. Even though my father was very rich, after all, My usual expenses are just pocket money. I can't imagine seeing so much money at once.

Afterwards, the bag was full, but I just put the red envelope in a plastic bag, looking like I had never seen the world, which made my husband’s family burst into laughter, but they didn’t mean to laugh, they just thought I was cute. After the wedding ceremony in the evening, all the red envelopes were handed over to the husband. This is also a Vietnamese tradition, and women are not allowed to stay in the house.

Because I married in China, I was able to experience a great nation and the splendid culture of an ancient civilization. I have never regretted it, but I have always been happy and smiling.

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