Story: My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father didn't dare to approach me. After knowing the reason, I decided to avenge my mother.

2021/10/1120:02:15 emotion 1102

In my life, everything related to beauty ended when I was sixteen.

That year, I was kidnapped and humiliated. According to the kidnapper's request, my mother collected a ransom of 10 million. When I rescued me, I had fallen into hell and was dizzy all day long, unwilling to wake up.

In those few years, my mother had already suffered from severe depression , and I had another accident. For her, it was even worse. She always felt that if she could collect the ransom sooner, I wouldn't have any trouble. For this, she blamed herself all day long. Finally, on a rainy night, she couldn't bear the pain and ended it with an art knife. Lost his life.

Story: My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father didn't dare to approach me. After knowing the reason, I decided to avenge my mother. - DayDayNews

My dad is very sad. If it weren't for my aunt, my father and my family, and my company, I still don't know what will happen.

My aunt is my mother's own sister. After graduating from university, she joined my company to work. My mother arranged her in the finance department. Fortunately, it was in the finance department. Therefore, with her staring at her, the company's operations during that period would not cause problems.

My aunt's name is Su Jinhui, who is six years younger than my mother.

My grandfather left early, my grandmother is not in good health, and the eldest sister is like a mother. My mother has loved this sister since she was a child. In her eyes, I and my aunt are almost in the same position.

My mother has gone so hard for my aunt.

She wants to come to the house to arrange the life of me and my dad. Although my family has a nanny, it is better to have a nominal mistress; she wants to help my dad look after the company and report the company's progress to my dad in every detail. .

That's it, half a year later, she and my dad came together and changed from aunt to my stepmother.

I was still immersed in the pain of being kidnapped and insulted and couldn't help myself. Whether Su Jinhui was my aunt or my stepmother, I simply couldn't take care of it.

After they got married, my dad cheered up and started to be too busy again.

When my mother was alive, he was like this. The company is more important than the family. I don't know what he is busy with. Anyway, I can't see him a few times in a month.

My mother had already withdrawn from the company due to poor health and became a full-time wife at home. However, I said that I was going home to recuperate, but I remember that my mother seemed to be in a bad mood every day at that time. She seemed not interested in anything except me.

I have long been used to the days when my dad was not at home. What's more, my condition was not good at the time, and I didn't care if he was at home or not.

When Su Jinhui started, she could go home early to see me every day. At that time, I contracted somnambulism because of my bad mental state, maybe because I missed my mother too subconsciously, I would always go to her room to sleep in a daze.

I have been caught up by Su Jinhui several times in this state. She was very scared and felt that I was infected with something unclean. Then she invited a lot of great gods to come to my house to purify me, but it was a lot of toss. It didn't work anymore, she was reluctant to live in an old house, and moved to an apartment closer to the company with my dad.

Since then, I and Aunt Lin are the only ones left at home. Aunt Lin is my family's nanny, and I was the one she saw when she was a child.

Aunt Lin always said that I was pitiful, and my mother hurts. Now even my parents and my aunts don’t care about me.

I am indifferent to listening.

At that time, I didn't want to interact with the outside world, as if only in this way could I forget the kidnapping that made me want to live, and regain peace.

This kind of life, I have had three years.

Story: My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father didn't dare to approach me. After knowing the reason, I decided to avenge my mother. - DayDayNews

As I get older and bigger, the eyes that Aunt Lin looks at me also change.

She always sighs, looking at me as if she saw my mother back then. She said that I look a lot like my mother, almost like each other. Especially when you smile softly, it looks the most like.

As time goes by, my condition has improved a lot.

My dad and Su Jinhui will come to the old house to meet me every month.

When they looked at me, they all had the same emotion as Aunt Lin. Especially my dad, he always looks at me in a daze, as if penetrating me, looking at another person.

Su Jinhui always frowns and looks at me,She would say: "Why do you look so much like your mother? Looking at you always looks like my sister. It's really awkward."

She told me not to wear red clothes in the future, and asked Aunt Lin to put my red The home clothes were all changed to beige, saying it would help me sleep.

After she left, Aunt Lin always whispered and complained, saying that she was different from before, and that she was far from my mother.

She told me not to care what Su Jinhui said. She said: "I can see it, she is actually very afraid of you."

Afraid of me? I do not quite understand. I am a waste person, neither can affect her and my dad's family, nor can it affect her to enjoy the company dividends my mother worked hard in her early years. On the contrary, I have to rely on them to support me. What is she afraid of me?

Aunt Lin said meaningfully: "She is afraid that your mother will be alive in the sky, so come back and find her."

Aunt Lin's words are a little weird, does she know something?

Before I could ask anything from Aunt Lin, I overheard a quarrel between my dad and Su Jinhui.

It was my mother's death day, and my father went to the cemetery.

Every year in the past, on this day, my dad would go to the cemetery to visit my mom alone.

I actually disdain in my heart. When a person is alive, he did not cherish and take care of her. Now that a person is dead, who knows his affection?

It stands to reason that my mother loved Su Jinhui so much when she was alive. On her death day, Su Jinhui shouldn't care about my dad's behavior so much.

However, she not only cares, but also furious about it.

She yelled at my dad on the phone, said that my dad was hypocritical, and said that she is now my dad's upright wife. He shouldn't ignore her mood and always remember his ex-wife so affectionately.

She cried and asked my dad to come back from the cemetery.

My dad severely rejected her, saying that she was making trouble with no reason.

Su Jinhui sneered and said, "I am making trouble for nothing? I am redeeming you so that you don't get into the drama too deeply, and you don't want to think about it. If my sister knew the truth about the kidnapping, you guessed she would want to see To you?"

My dad must be anxious and scolded her again on the phone.And hung up her phone, causing Su Jinhui to go crazy and smash everything at home.

After smashing, she found out that she was in the old house, and then hurried away.

Originally, I didn't want to hear them quarrel, but Su Jinhui's phrase "the truth about the kidnapping" hit me.

After I was redeemed, my mother didn't insist on finding the truth to protect me. My dad took care of everything. Then my mother committed suicide and everything was gone.

Could it be that there is something unspeakable behind this?

Story: My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father didn't dare to approach me. After knowing the reason, I decided to avenge my mother. - DayDayNews

Then think of Aunt Lin and say that Su Jinhui is afraid that my mother will come to her. My heart is like falling into the ice cellar.

I started silently looking for clues from my mother's remains.

In my impression, my mother is a very powerful person. My company was founded by her. At the beginning, my dad was only her deputy.

How can an independent and strong person like her suffer from depression, and how can she be so vulnerable to commit suicide?

Finally, I found a diary in my mother's study.

That diary was hidden on the top of the bookcase by my mother. Presumably, she didn't want to be seen.

In that diary, she recorded the reasons why she had depression.

After my mother gave birth to me, she suffered a fundamental injury and her health became very bad. She said in her diary that she should have suffered from postpartum depression and was very afraid of husband and wife life. Therefore, the relationship between her and my dad was slow Slowly began to be indifferent.

My dad has taken over most of the management and operations of the company and has become increasingly busy. There were a lot of Yingying and Yanyan nearby. My mother was in pain at first, but then she looked away.

She said that in her life, the last thing she regretted was to marry my dad at all costs, and the least regrettable thing was to marry him, because this marriage gave her me.

She said that I was the only reason she was nostalgic for this world.

Looking at every word my mother wrote, I was so distressed that I couldn't breathe. I remembered that when I was a child, I was in poor physique and always loved to get sick. My dad didn't stay home every day. My mother watched me all night. The only people who could help her were Aunt Lin and the driver at home.

While suffering from depression, she spilled all the only love for life on me.

In my mother's diary, she also recorded the kidnapping case. She said that it was because she believed my dad wrongly that it hurt me so much.

At that time, the kidnappers offered a price of 10 million yuan, and my mother couldn't call the police. My mother didn't dare to joke about my life. She insisted on listening to the kidnappers and let my dad take the money.

My dad disagrees. He said that 10 million is not a small amount. If the kidnappers fail to keep their promises, they will lose money and money. He asked the police.

My mother disagreed, and had a big quarrel with him, and ran to beg Su Jinhui, who was my aunt at the time and now stepmother.

She was the financial director of the company at the time, and she could come up with money if she wanted to.

However, she is not willing. She said that the company's legal person has now changed to my dad. If she listened to my mother and gave money, then my dad has the right to hold her accountable, and she cannot bear this responsibility.

The two most trusted relatives did not help her, my mother was desperate.

No way, she pledged her shares in the company to another company, borrowed 10 million, and in accordance with the kidnapper's request, broke into the other's account.

The other party didn't break his promise and let me go, but at that time, I was already insulted, and the whole figure looked like a broken doll.

My appearance has become the last straw that crushes my mother's spiritual world. She can no longer bear the blow, and the whole person is declining rapidly.

She wrote in her diary: It was my weakness and blind trust in them that delayed the best time to save my daughter. I killed my daughter and I was a sinner.

My stupid and poor mother, what does all this have to do with you? You have done your best to give me the best love you can give me. If you are still alive, I won't be an "orphan" now, and I can heal faster.

I combined the content of my father's quarrel with Su Jinhui with my mother's diary. After analyzing, I think that the truth of the so-called kidnapping should have something to do with the 10 million.

Story: My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father didn't dare to approach me. After knowing the reason, I decided to avenge my mother. - DayDayNews

After my mother died,The shares she pledged to others naturally became theirs. The other party sent her family as one of the shareholders to work in my company. I know that person and his name is Li Wenshan.

In fact, we met when we were very young. He is six years older than me. I call him Brother Wenshan. His grandfather and my grandfather have been comrades-in-arms for many years, and the relationship between the two has always been good. Therefore, my mother was desperate and found Li's family to help.

After my mother died, Wenshan's brother often came to see me in the old house to find me an expert and bring me more effective drugs from abroad. He is more like my relatives than my dad and Su Jinhui.

After finding my mother's diary, I took the initiative to call Wenshan brother for the first time and asked some questions about the current situation of my company.

He didn't hide from me, he told me in detail.

He said that compared with my mom, my dad's ability to run a company is like a primary school student. When my mother was in the company, Qiulin International was one of the best companies in the city. Today, Qiulin is not as good as a third-rate company in the city.

"Your father likes to invest everywhere. In the past few years, he has lost a lot of money in the company." Li Wenshan said.

"Brother Wenshan, I don't understand. Since you are also one of the shareholders, why don't you stop him?" I asked suspiciously.

Li Wenshan was silent for a while, and said, "I'm sorry, Weiwei, to tell you the truth, I came to Qiulin. I came here to take Qiulin. If Qiulin is still Aunt Jinru, the Li family definitely I don’t know how to covet a penny, but Qiulin is no longer the Qiulin it used to be. Can you understand?"

I thought about it and said, "I know, Brother Wenshan."

Li Wen Shan was silent again, and said, "Weiwei, I checked the accounts a few years ago. According to the financial situation at the time, your dad couldn't pay a ransom of 10 million."

How could it be possible? Before my accident, Qiulin was still thriving, how could he not even get 10 million?

"Weiwei, I didn't lie to you." Li Wenshan emphasized.

I know he won't lie to me, but what about the money, where did all the company's money go?

As my mental strength slowly returned, my whole person's state began to change.

Aunt Lin said that I am more and more like my mother. One day, I sorted out my mother’s clothes and tried on a set of her dress. Aunt Lin looked at it and immediately flushed her eyes. She said she was like seeing me. Mother is alive again.

Her words made me suddenly have an idea.

Another year has passed, and there are three days left, which is my mother's death. My dad still went to the cemetery, Su Jinhui reluctantly, like every year, came to the old house to see me, in the name of comforting me.

That day, I behaved extremely fragile, like when I was a child, I was crying out of breath in her arms.

To be honest, when I was very young, Su Jinhui was actually pretty slim. She has a different personality from my mother. My mother is quiet and lively. She always brings me some fun things and teases me. I like this aunt very much.

I cried and said: "Auntie, don't go, Weiwei is afraid, you accompany Weiwei."

I am already in my twenties. It is naive to say this, but the Weiwei when I was a child is Those who speak this way, I hope to touch her old memories in this way and let her stay in the old house.

This method worked very well. Su Jinhui hugged me, who was as fragile as a child, and finally nodded and promised to stay with me all night.

The hard heart still hurts. There was a time when we were all relatives who loved each other to our bones. Since when did all of this change?

At night, after Su Jinhui fell asleep, I put on my mother's red nightdress according to the original plan, and entered Su Jinhui's room under the cover of Aunt Lin.

Story: My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father didn't dare to approach me. After knowing the reason, I decided to avenge my mother. - DayDayNews

I smiled and yelled softly: "Sister, I miss you so much, do you want me?" Su Jinhui was confused and scared and screamed.

Aunt Lin said that when I smile, I look the most like my mother, especially when I deliberately speak with a gentle voice.

In this way, for three consecutive nights, I pretended to be my mother, went into Su Jinhui’s room and frightened her. Finally, she couldn’t hold it anymore and cried and called my dad.Ask him to come back quickly, saying that Su Jinru came back to ask us for his life.

My dad rushed back in a hurry, scolding her for being crazy and talking nonsense.

She ran behind my dad, pointed at me and said: "I'm not talking nonsense, you see, Su Jinru is there!"

My dad looked at me up and down, frowned and said, "You are so good to wear your mother's. What are the clothes for?"

I was wearing a red dress. It was my mother's favorite dress. I like to wear it until she commits suicide.

Actually, that piece of clothing has already gone with my mother, I just bought a similar one.

I looked at my dad innocently and said that this dress was newly bought by me.

My dad glared at me, turned his head to comfort Su Jinhui, and said, "That's Weiwei, not her."

Su Jinhui was so scared by me that she had a nervous breakdown. She slapped my dad and said, "Su Jinru really I'm back, come back and find us to settle the account."

My dad slapped her in the face without waiting for her to finish her sentence, and interrupted her, "Are you crazy? Stop talking."

"Jin Hui, what do you want to say, my sister is listening." I don't care about the look in my dad's murderous eyes, but in my mother's gentle tone, I said to Su Jinhui.

Story: My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father didn't dare to approach me. After knowing the reason, I decided to avenge my mother. - DayDayNews

At this time, Li Wenshan, who had been waiting in the study room according to my wishes, had already walked out and controlled my dad to hit Su Jinhui's arm.

Su Jinhui was bewitched by my voice, her eyes became straight and stunned.

"Sister, what happened back then was really not what I wanted to do. Bai Wenbo asked me to do it." Su Jinhui slowly walked to me like a good child. I was sitting in a wheelchair and she was sitting at my feet with her head on my knees. Aunt Lin was very afraid that she would hurt me and wanted to get her away, but I stopped her.

"Then tell me, what did he ask you to do?" I continued to ask.

"He took advantage of you to take care of Weiwei at home. He took the company's money to invest in many projects. He lost a lot of money and owed a large loan to the bank. Seeing that he couldn't pay the money, he found someone to kidnap Wei. Wei."

Su Jinhui's words made my whole body tremble, and the painful memory that could not bear to look back, like a knife, cut my body and mind.

"He asked someone to kidnap Weiwei, just for money. , Why hurt Weiwei? "I looked at my dad, Bai Wenbo, who had been restrained by Li Wenshan, and asked word by word.

"He is a useless man. He has never done anything reliable. He found a group of punks to do this kind of thing, that group People don't care about drinking, but when he knows, Weiwei has already had an accident.

Su Jinhui looked up at me and said, "Sister, you said that you are not stupid. At the beginning, my mother strongly disagreed with you to marry him. You must not listen, but you killed yourself.

I lowered my head, looked at her with a smile, tears fell on her face little by little, and then gently asked: "Is he alone in my death?"

Su Jinhui curled her lips and cried, "Sister, I just don't understand why I work so hard and my mother always praises you, and I want my mother to praise me. But, you are so perfect, what can I do to match you? Later, Bai Wenbo was courteous to me. He said that you are very boring and not as energetic as I am. I just thought, no matter how good you are, doesn't your man like me and not like you?

I couldn’t listen anymore, and slapped Su Jinhui’s face with a slap. Aunt Lin immediately helped me drag her away from my feet. Push her into hell, I hate them!

Story: My stepmother was afraid of me, and my father didn't dare to approach me. After knowing the reason, I decided to avenge my mother. - DayDayNews

"Sister, I was wrong, sister, you forgive me!

Su Jinhui cried so heartbreakingly that she wanted to climb over and get close to me, but she was caught tightly by Aunt Lin.

What face does she have to ask for my mother's forgiveness?!

I have everything I have The information, including the recording and video of the evening, was handed over to the police.

My dad quickly confessed everything.

He made up and directed the kidnapping of his own daughter for his own benefit, causing me to be insulted and harmed. Mom committed suicide.

I did not sign the letter of understanding, he should accept the legal judgment.

As for Su Jinhui, she was completely confused. Without legal punishment, she gave herself a sentence.

Things came to an end. Li Wenshan asked me what I plan to do next.

I asked him, if I accept Qiulin, would the Li family be willing to let Qiulin go, and would he be willing to help me?

Li Wenshan thought for a moment and nodded to me.

I wrote a paragraph to my mother in my mother's diary, and I told her that I have never blamed her, and I will live a good life in the future, let her rest assured.

I burned my diary to my mother to "see", sparks were flying everywhere, as if I saw my mother's gentle smiling face again.


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