It's about the start of the fall semester and the registration of new students! Many universities in our province issued the latest announcements

On the afternoon of August 16, the Information Office of the Jiangsu Provincial Government held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control. The first-level inspector of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education informed Hongliu that, with the consent of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the general arrangement for the start of autumn school is that colleges and universities will not arrange for students to return to school before September 15; primary and secondary schools will be divided into two categories to arrange the start of school.

The specific opening of universities is divided into two types: the first is that the district or city where the university is located has been a low-risk area for the new crown pneumonia epidemic this year. After September 15th, students can be organized to return to school in batches. The second type is where the university is located in a districted city with a medium- to high-risk area. After 21 days have passed since the whole area has been converted to a low-risk area, students can be organized to return to school in batches.

Up to now, many universities in Jiangsu have issued notices on the arrangements for the start of the 2021 fall semester.

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Except for the current students, all students (including undergraduates and new graduate students) will not return to school until receiving the notice of returning to school . After 21 days have passed since the whole area of ​​Nanjing was converted to a low-risk area, the three campuses of Ming Palace, Jiangjun Road and Tianmu Lake will simultaneously start the work of returning students to school in phases and batches. The specific arrangements of will be notified separately.

Except for the 2021 freshmen (including graduate students), all grades of will start to adopt online teaching methods on August 30 according to the original teaching plan. The 2021 postgraduate freshmen will register online from September 7th to 9th, and the undergraduate freshmen will register online from September 9th to 11th. The specific online registration requirements and teaching arrangements will be notified separately by the Academic Affairs Office, the Student Office, and the Graduate School.

Nanjing Normal University

Fall semester students’ return time and 2021 freshman registration time postponed to after September 15 ,The specific registration time for returning to school will be announced separately. Students will not return to school temporarily before receiving the notification of returning to school.

Students originally scheduled to return to school on August 29, according to the original teaching plan, will start to take the online teaching method on August 30. The specific arrangements will be notified separately by the Academic Affairs Office and the Graduate School. The specific arrangements for 2021 freshmen will be notified separately by the Academic Affairs Office, Student Affairs Office (Department), and Graduate School (Graduate Work Department of the Party Committee).

China Pharmaceutical University

2021 fall semester students' return to school and freshmen registration time postponed to after September 15th , the specific return time will be announced separately.

All students and prospective new students are not allowed to return to school in advance before receiving relevant notices. non-2021 students will start online teaching on August 30, and 2021 freshmen will start online teaching on September 6th . The specific arrangements will be notified separately by the Academic Affairs Office and the Graduate School.

Nanjing University of Technology

The return time for fall semester students and the registration time for 2021 freshmen will be postponed to after September 15th , and the specific return time will be announced separately.

Students will not return to school temporarily before receiving the notice of returning to school. Students originally scheduled to return to school on August 29 will start online teaching on August 30 according to the original teaching plan; for the 2020 students who originally scheduled to return to school on August 22, cancel August 23- The military training schedule on September 5 will be based on the original teaching plan starting on September 6 through online teaching methods.

Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

The 2021 fall semester was originally scheduled to start and return to school, and the registration time for freshmen was postponed to after September 15th ,And it must meet the conditions for the whole area of ​​Nanjing to be converted to a low-risk area for 21 days. The specific time for returning to school will be notified separately.

In accordance with the principle of "postponed returning to school without suspension, postponed returning to school without stopping teaching", all courses in the fall semester of 2021 will be taught online according to the original teaching plan. The specific arrangements will be notified separately by the Academic Affairs Office and the Graduate School.

Except for summer students, other students are not allowed to return to school before the return date determined by the school. The specific time of returning to school is subject to the notice of the student management unit such as the Student Office and the Graduate School. All students should prepare for online classes in advance according to the class schedule. 2021 freshmen are not allowed to come to the school without authorization before the registration date determined by the school.

Jiangsu News Broadcasting

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