As soon as summer vacation comes, parents' nightmare begins. At the end of the term, children will look forward to the holiday very much. Even if there is a lot of holiday homework waiting for them, and even if their parents have to arrange many interest classes for them, their e

2024/07/0304:22:33 education 1472

As soon as summer vacation comes, parents’ nightmare begins.

At the end of the semester, children will look forward to the holiday very much. Even if there is a lot of holiday homework waiting for them, and even if their parents have to arrange many interest classes for themselves, their expectations for the holiday will not be affected in any way.

As soon as summer vacation comes, parents' nightmare begins. At the end of the term, children will look forward to the holiday very much. Even if there is a lot of holiday homework waiting for them, and even if their parents have to arrange many interest classes for them, their e - DayDayNews

But when it comes to parents, they won’t have such a good attitude. After all, most parents cannot enjoy a long vacation and have no way to stay with their children.

The holidays are coming, and mothers are faced with endless tests.

Potential safety hazards: children who are too young cannot stay at home by themselves.

When children are at home during the holidays, mothers’ requirements for their children will be much lower. They do not expect them to go to bed as early as when they go to school. Get up early, and don’t expect them to sit at a desk most of the time studying. As long as they can avoid getting into trouble, they will be thankful.

As soon as summer vacation comes, parents' nightmare begins. At the end of the term, children will look forward to the holiday very much. Even if there is a lot of holiday homework waiting for them, and even if their parents have to arrange many interest classes for them, their e - DayDayNews

Especially the three meals a day for children are the biggest test for mothers. They can prepare breakfast and dinner for their children as usual, but how to solve the problem of lunch? Not to mention letting the children use the microwave oven by themselves, even when they enter the kitchen, the mother feels uneasy.

In addition, what should I do if a bad guy knocks on the door? Immature children have no sense of safety at all. What if they open the door easily and encounter danger? When the time comes, parents won’t be able to find a reason to cry. When I think about these problems, I feel frightened.

Learning efficiency: Holidays are the perfect time to check for deficiencies.

During the holidays, poor students and ordinary students will relax their vigilance and simply think that the holidays are just for relaxing. They don’t need to work too hard every day, but eating, drinking and having fun are all. Seriously, homework is just an add-on, something that must be dealt with.

As soon as summer vacation comes, parents' nightmare begins. At the end of the term, children will look forward to the holiday very much. Even if there is a lot of holiday homework waiting for them, and even if their parents have to arrange many interest classes for them, their e - DayDayNews

However, in front of many interested students, vacation time is very precious. Although there is no teacher to provide unified guidance for you, you can take this opportunity to seek help from other teachers and quietly catch up on your weak areas.

Moreover, it is also very suitable for overtaking in corners. Preview the courses for the next semester in advance. When you actually come into contact with these studies, your adaptation time will be greatly shortened. It is not difficult to become the top few in the class. .

Naughty child challenge: "Mom is on summer vacation, can I play with my mobile phone?"

Most children will make macro judgments about the holidays. During the holidays, they can spend their time carefree, no matter what they say or do. , the teacher will not know, nor will he nag in his ears. How can this rare quiet time be wasted?

As soon as summer vacation comes, parents' nightmare begins. At the end of the term, children will look forward to the holiday very much. Even if there is a lot of holiday homework waiting for them, and even if their parents have to arrange many interest classes for them, their e - DayDayNews

You must know that this seemingly normal concept is actually instilled in children by parents. At first, parents will hint in their children's ears that they can relax appropriately during the holidays, but they do not accurately define appropriate boundaries.

In this way, it is reasonable for children to freely express their own ideas. For example, you can only play with your mobile phone on weekends, but now you should be allowed to play with your mobile phone every day. In the past, you could only play for 1 hour at a time, but now you can play for 2 hours or more.

After having such an idea, children will intensify their efforts to negotiate conditions with their parents, and even use mobile phones as a reward for completing their homework seriously. Especially when the child asked his mother: It’s summer vacation, can I play with my mobile phone?

As soon as summer vacation comes, parents' nightmare begins. At the end of the term, children will look forward to the holiday very much. Even if there is a lot of holiday homework waiting for them, and even if their parents have to arrange many interest classes for them, their e - DayDayNews

The mother’s answer is very important.

Being eager to deny will only make the child immersed in pain.

When the mother hears this question, she will demonstrate many development situations in her mind. For example, after being allowed, the child will not be able to control herself at all. If he keeps playing endlessly, when his mother stops him, he will get angry with her.

Therefore, in order to prevent this situation from actually happening, mother will strangle their hopes in the cradle and tell them decisively: No. At this time, we can clearly see the child's emotional changes, and the expectation that originally filled the face will turn into sadness.

As soon as summer vacation comes, parents' nightmare begins. At the end of the term, children will look forward to the holiday very much. Even if there is a lot of holiday homework waiting for them, and even if their parents have to arrange many interest classes for them, their e - DayDayNews

It is very important to set rules with children

As long as the children are over 3 years old, mothers can discuss and solve problems with them, specify relevant rules with them, supervise each other, and become rule-abiding, just like playing Just like games, children's cooperation and interest will be very high.

For example, from what time to what time can you play with your mobile phone every day, and what time should you do your homework. Helping children designate a feasible time schedule is also an important way to help them organize their time reasonably.

Today’s summary:

If your child asks you, how would you solve it? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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