After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e

2024/07/0215:20:33 education 1340

After the college entrance examination results were released, students had a good idea and applied for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates were still choosing schools, some students had already received the admission notice from their ideal college.

The college entrance examination is not a student’s battle alone, but the whole family is working hard for it. In particular, the guidance of parents who have been around for ten years can directly affect the future of students. The more parents understand education, the better they can teach academic masters.

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

This is why some students can always study hard with goals, while some students are not doing their job all day long, but they talk plausibly. In fact, this is also the negligence of parents. Good family education is the key to students' future development.

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

The three brothers were admitted to National University of Science and Technology and Peking University . After understanding their parents' situation, they realized that this was the inevitable result.

One student in the family has taken the college entrance examination, which can already keep the parents busy. If there are three students at home, How busy will parents be? comes from a family in Hengyang, Hunan. There are triplets of boys at home. They grew up together. This year is also the year when they take the college entrance examination. The three brothers entered the examination room at the same time. I believe the parents of the candidates are also three times more nervous.

Parents are deeply worried about the future of every student. I believe that after seeing this, many parents feel that it must be difficult to take care of these three boys. After all, they are already too busy with just one child at home.

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

The difference is that these three brothers are all academic masters, and their scores are almost the same. They scored 654, 664, and 674 points respectively. With scores like , you will definitely be able to apply for a good school in Hunan Province. is indeed Two of them were admitted to University of Chinese Academy of Sciences , one was admitted to Peking University , and the second one was the one with the best grades. He went to Peking University. All three of them are the pride of their parents. Students like

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

make every parent around them not envious. What kind of family environment can cultivate three academic masters at the same time? This makes many parents want to learn from experience.

They were born in an intellectual family. Their mother is an engineer and their father has been engaged in important work in other places , but they care about the education of the next generation. Because has received higher education and knows deeply how to make students fall in love with learning, also briefly talked about his educational experience in the interview.

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

During the growth of the students, I found that the three students all liked Mathematical Olympiad , and the parents also started from the students' interests. Mother often "gives difficult questions" to the students. If the students encounter a question they don't know, they discuss the problem with their mother. It's like a group discussion with a PhD. There is no difference in seniority during the discussion. Everyone speaks freely and guides the students. Fall in love with learning.

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

At the same time, they will also be guided to formulate their own study plans, develop good habits of independent learning, and cultivate their sense of purpose. Therefore, the three of them have not only been in the same class, with good academic performance, but also set lofty goals. In the course of more than ten years of study, the three of them have helped and supported each other to achieve today's good results.

After a short understanding, I realized that it was not a coincidence that this family could produce a single academic master, but an inevitable result . There are really not many parents who can accompany their students to study together.

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

In addition to studying, the three brothers also love sports.

These three students are not students who study hard. Instead, they advocate a combination of work and rest. When they are tired from studying, they go outside to play football. , the three of them are always inseparable together. Really Very reassuring for parents.

The names of these three students are also very special. They are called Zhao Zhenxing, Zhao Zhenzhong, and Zhao Zhenhua. reflects the mother's expectations for them. She hopes that after they complete their studies, they can contribute to the future development of the motherland.

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

In fact, this is the kind of truly intelligent education that seems sparse but is actually airtight. gives students enough free space and they can be informal as long as the general direction is correct.

But many parents cannot do this. They always hope that students can grow up according to their own drawings. , under the banner of being good to students, puts pressure on students. In the end, it is not certain whether students can have a future. But the family is exhausted both mentally and physically.

After the college entrance examination results are released, students have a good idea and apply for colleges based on their abilities. While some candidates are still choosing schools, some students have already received admission notices from their ideal colleges. The college e - DayDayNews

Therefore, it is impossible for every student to do this. After all, the college entrance examination is for selecting talents, not for everyone to become talents. As long as students work hard, it is enough. But parents have to reflect on themselves occasionally. Does also need to improve their own education methods? We don’t want to compare grades when we see top students. Their parents are also different.

hopes that parents can grow up after seeing this. students should also understand the painstaking efforts of their parents. Only in a family that understands each other can the atmosphere be better. wishes everyone a title on the gold list. That’s it for sharing

topic articles. Tomorrow’s content will be even more exciting.

welcomes everyone to actively forward and collect it. The author would like to express his gratitude to

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