1. Looking back at the history of law, from the perspective of the perfection of law, "from custom to customary law and then to statutory law" is the general law of law evolution; from the perspective of the entire legal system, civil and commercial legislation was the first to t

2024/06/2921:53:33 education 1876

 1. Looking back at the history of law, from the perspective of the perfection of law, "from custom to customary law and then to statutory law " is the general law of law evolution; looking at the entire legal system, civil and commercial legislation was the first to take customary considerations into consideration . Our country's civil legislation also has a tradition of considering customs. " Qing Dynasty Civil Law Draft " and other documents clearly clarified the status of customary elements; after the founding of New China, the institutional and policy elements in civil legislation continued to strengthen, and the customary elements gradually declined; At present, with the deepening of the rule of law, in the compilation process of the " Civil Code", the elements of social customs that directly originate from and reflect life are emphasized. For example, when stipulating the basis for handling civil disputes, it is directly stated that "the law does not "Where stipulated, customs may be applied", and the connotation of customs is expanded from "transaction customs" in " Contract Law " to the category of "civil customs".

This paragraph mainly introduces:

A. The emphasis and consideration of customary elements in my country's civil legislation

B. The specific embodiment of customary elements in my country's "Civil Code"


sources of Chinese and Western legislation 2. The large-scale export of Chinese porcelain began in the Tang and Five Dynasties periods. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, famous kiln products such as Cizhou Kiln, Ding Kiln, and Yaozhou Kiln in the north, and Yue Kiln, Longquan Kiln, and Jingdezhen Kiln in the south were all exported. However, most kiln entrances are far away from seaports, and transportation costs and kiln loss rates remain high, making it difficult to scale. The areas under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou such as Dehua , Jinjiang , Nan'an , have mountains and hills, dense forests, crisscrossing streams, rich porcelain clay resources, and smooth land and water transportation, and have all the necessary conditions for the development of the porcelain handicraft industry. condition. In order to meet the huge demand for porcelain from famous kilns in the overseas market, during the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the areas under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou began to set up kilns to imitate the celadon of Yue kiln and Longquan kiln, and the blue and white porcelain of Jingdezhen kiln, exclusively for export.

The following summary is not covered in the article:

A Quanzhou area has excellent porcelain production conditions

B Maritime transportation is an important channel for the export of porcelain in the Song and Yuan Dynasties

C Quanzhou area’s export porcelain technology level is higher than the latter

D Porcelain produced in the north and south Famous products for export

3. Modernization is a worldwide issue. In the context of a multi-polar world and economic globalization, the modernization processes of various countries are colorful but interoperable, converging into a symphony of diversity and consensus. From the perspective of historical experience and value orientation, modernization should reflect the unity of nationality and globality, diversity and consensus. To understand and promote modernization from this perspective, we must abandon the self-centered and egocentric stance and mentality. Unfortunately, some thinkers in the West today are biased on this issue. For them, Western rationalism is the basic position for understanding and interpreting modernization issues. Such a theoretical positioning can easily lead to "Western-centrism", and we should be vigilant about this kind of culture.

The main purpose of this paragraph is:

A rationalist thinkers reject Western civilization

B The modernization process should be jointly promoted by all countries in the world

C Different countries have different understandings of modernization

D Western rationalism should be viewed correctly in the modernization process

4. While the intelligent era of manufacturing has created a large number of new products and services, it has also given rise to new career directions such as robot operation and maintenance, industrial data engineers, etc. More freelancers and part-time positions have appeared in the form of employment, and the work content It also reflects professional collaboration more. The huge gap between supply and demand for emerging jobs created by the intelligentization of the manufacturing industry requires vocational colleges to accurately grasp the professional direction and make timely adjustments and updates to the professional chain according to changes in the manufacturing industry chain to achieve the performance, quality and production efficiency of intelligent products. Great progress.

The above text is intended to emphasize that:

A. Rapid changes in positions require dynamic adjustment of majors

B. Changes in training goals for technical and skilled personnel

C. The intelligence of the manufacturing industry has given rise to a new career direction

5. Why did the development of the leasing market lag behind in the past? Why are real estate companies more willing to adopt the "develop-and-sell" model instead of the "develop-hold-lease" model? The root cause is that the demand for leasing is not strong; the demand for leasing is not strong. The root cause lies in the different rights of renting and purchasing. It is difficult for renters to enjoy the same basic public services as home buyers. To take targeted measures is to clearly stipulate "equal rights to rent and purchase" in law, to separate all residents' enjoyment of basic public services from whether they own a house, and whether to buy a house is no longer a condition for the differential provision of basic public services.

This paragraph is intended to explain:

A. The reason why renters’ demand for renting is not strong


1. Looking back at the history of law, from the perspective of the perfection of law,

Reference answer for political education:

1. The beginning of the paragraph explains the background by "looking back at the history of law", and introduces the consideration of "custom" in legal legislation from the two perspectives of "perfection of law" and "legal system". Then the tradition of considering customs in civil legislation in my country was introduced through "ye", and the "Draft of Civil Laws of the Qing Dynasty" clarified the status of customary elements; then it was pointed out through two semicolons that the customary elements in civil legislation declined after the founding of New China; the current " The customary elements in the legislation of the Civil Code are emphasized and illustrated with "such as". Therefore, the paragraphs have a parallel structure, respectively introducing the changes in the consideration of customary elements in my country's civil legislation in three different stages: the late Qing Dynasty, after the founding of New China, and now. It is comprehensively summarized and corresponds to item A.

Item B, "Civil Code" corresponds to the "current" stage. The expression is one-sided and cannot reflect the importance of "custom" to civil legislation, so it is excluded;

Item C, "General laws of development and evolution" correspond to the beginning of the paragraph The topic part is introduced, it is not the focus of the paragraph, and it is excluded;

Item D, "Chinese and Western legislation" deviates from the center of the paragraph, the paragraph focuses on my country's civil legislation, the scope is expanded, and it is excluded.

Therefore the correct answer is A.

 2.A, according to "Dehua, Jinjiang, Nan'an and other areas under the jurisdiction of Quanzhou...have all the necessary conditions for the development of porcelain handicraft industry", it can be seen that Quanzhou is rich in porcelain clay resources, has advantages in porcelain production, and is in line with cultural standards. Meaning, excluded;

Item B, based on the fact that "most kilns are far away from the seaport... it is difficult to achieve scale" "and Quanzhou... has smooth land and water transportation and has all the necessary conditions for the development of porcelain handicraft industry" It can be seen that sea transportation is an important way for the export of porcelain in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. It is consistent with the meaning of the text and is excluded;

. Item C. The text does not mention that the level of export porcelain in Quanzhou is superior to that of other regions. "Coming from behind" was made out of nothing and was elected;

. D Item, according to "During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Cizhou Kiln, Ding Kiln, Yaozhou Kiln in the north, Yue Kiln, Longquan Kiln, Jingdezhen Kiln and other famous kiln products in the south were exported", it can be seen that it is consistent with the meaning of the text and excluded.

This question is a multiple-choice question, so the correct answer is C.

3. The topic of modernization is introduced at the beginning of the paragraph. Next, based on the analysis of historical experience and value orientation, it is pointed out that modernization should reflect the unity of nationality and globality, diversity and consensus. We need to abandon the self-centered and egocentric stance and mentality. . Next, the question is raised by turning to "unfortunately", that is, the West now has a solipsistic position, and finally the countermeasures are introduced. We should be wary of Western rationalism. Corresponds to item D.

Item A, "Western Civilization" is not mentioned in the paragraph, it is made out of nothing, and it does not reflect the core topic of the paragraph "modernization", so it is excluded;

Item B, "The modernization process should be jointly promoted by all countries in the world", the paragraph is not discussing How should the modernization process be promoted, but in terms of values, we cannot be Western-only, deviate from the core of the paragraph, and exclude;

item C, "There are differences in understanding of modernization" is made out of nothing, the paragraph discusses the methods of realizing modernization, and It is not an understanding of modernization, exclusion.

Therefore the correct answer is D.

4. The article focuses on job changes in the intelligent era of manufacturing. The first sentence introduces that the intelligent era of manufacturing has spawned many new occupations, and the form and content of employment have also changed. Next, through "requirements", the huge gap between supply and demand of emerging positions is discussed. Propose countermeasures, that is, vocational colleges need to make timely adjustments to their majors. The structure of the paragraph is analysis + countermeasures, and the emphasis is on countermeasures, that is, in the face of job changes, vocational colleges must make timely adjustments to their majors, corresponding to item A.

 Item B, "Talent training objectives" are not mentioned in the paragraph, and are made out of nothing, and are excluded;

 Item C, "Deriving a new career direction" is the content before the countermeasures, it is not the key point, and is excluded;

 Item D, "Career "Education supports the intelligent upgrading of the manufacturing industry" is not a statement of countermeasures, and does not match the key form of the paragraph. Moreover, the final sentence of the paragraph has explained the specific countermeasures of assistance, that is, adjusting majors. Compared with item A, the statement is unclear and excluded.

Therefore the correct answer is A.

 5. The article first raises the issue of the lagging development of the leasing market and the reluctance of real estate companies to choose the leasing model. It then analyzes that the reason for the problem is the different rights for renting and purchasing. Then it proposes the countermeasure of "equal rights for renting and purchasing" and introduces it in detail. What is "rent-purchase right"? Therefore, the paragraph structure is divided into total points, and the subject word is "equal rights to rent and purchase", which corresponds to item B.

Item A “The demand for leasing is not strong”, item C “The development of the leasing market is relatively lagging behind”, and item D “Real estate companies are willing to adopt the existing model” are all the previous problem statements, which deviate from the core topic of the article “equal rights to rent and purchase”. exclude.

Therefore the correct answer is B.

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