Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out?

2024/06/2916:51:32 education 1447

The summer vacation mode has started.

What are the college students doing?

Internship and work?

study hard?

Travel check-in?

sports and fitness?

We conducted a questionnaire survey among

college students from the first year to the third year of graduate school.

It turns out that this is how college students spend their summer vacation.


Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews

Among the college students we surveyed,

internships accounted for 52% of their daily summer routines.

Internship work accounted for 52%

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Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews

The most common projects during the summer are

working, studying, and doing sports


Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews

The most common flag that college students set for the summer vacation before the vacation is

"Internship to polish future employment resumes"

There are also some college students "Get money as early as possible"

Prepare to work and save money


Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews

As for how long you sleep during summer vacation

More than half of college students said they sleep 6-8 hours

There are also many college students

who have more than 8 hours of sufficient sleep time


Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews

Compared with life at school

Is summer vacation life happier or less happy?


more college students think there is no difference


Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews

Summer vacation worries?

"No money" occupies the first place

Busy is my protective color

Poverty is my pronoun


Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews

Which grade of college students like to take summer vacation the most?

Freshman in college? No!

A prospective graduate preparing for internship and thesis? No!

is really the middle grade for sophomores and juniors.


Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews

Entering a long vacation

It is inevitable to encounter times when there is nothing to do.

The college students surveyed generally feel


Summer vacation mode has started, what are the college students doing? Working as an intern? study well? Travel check-in? work out? - DayDayNews


Although the vacation is long,

you should cherish it while relaxing. Time,

don’t leave regrets for your youth!

Planning: Su Wanqian

Copywriting and graphics: Su Wanqian, Wu Yifan Intern Li Kexin

Guangzhou Daily·New Flower City Editor: Su Wanqian

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