Zhu Yongxin's note: At the 2022 New Education Experiment Annual Meeting, the director of the New Writing Research Center of the New Education Research Institute of Soochow University and the chief principal of the Suzhou Wujiang District Experimental Primary School Group gave a w

2024/07/0117:18:33 education 1963

Zhu Yongxin’s press: At the 2022 New Education Experiment Annual Meeting, the Director of the New Writing Research Center of the New Education Research Institute of Soochow University and the Chief Principal of the Suzhou Wujiang District Experimental Primary School Group gave a wonderful narrative "One person and a group of people: the spirit of long-distance running of ideas" "Meaning - New Educational Writing as I Experienced and Understood" tells the story of his writing with a team over the years. He said that he was grateful for the ten words I gave him: "Persistence is growth, experience is wealth."

Zhu Yongxin's note: At the 2022 New Education Experiment Annual Meeting, the director of the New Writing Research Center of the New Education Research Institute of Soochow University and the chief principal of the Suzhou Wujiang District Experimental Primary School Group gave a w - DayDayNews

At the beginning of the summer vacation in 2002, I broke into the "Education Online" that was founded at the beginning, and then implemented the "Zhu Yongxin Successful Insurance Company" and carried out a 20-year "ideological long-distance race". ——This “break-in” back then had immeasurable spiritual significance to me personally and to the team I worked for later on.

The spiritual meaning must be the first meaning of new educational writing. The beginning of human writing may be to remember things. But the distant ancients must have been surprised that they could use such symbols to record the great creation of life. This strong sense of spiritual pride is no less than the moment when humans began to walk upright. For individuals, in our forgotten childhood, when we first picked up a pen to express our thoughts, we must have had profound spiritual expectations: From now on, I can express myself in this way!

When a person enters writing, this person begins a creative spiritual journey; this is especially true for a teacher. New educational writing pushes the spirituality of writing to the extreme! "One can sharpen one's ink and ink," and new educational writing sharpens one's spirit.

At the beginning of the summer vacation of 2002, under the call of educational ideals, I started writing "Thoughts of Ju Rong's Journey". After the summer vacation, coincident with a job change, I came to work in the Wujiang Municipal Education Department. So, I started a life like this: during the day, I was with the principals and teachers, absorbing practical nutrition at the school site; in the quiet nights, a steady stream of thoughts flowed under the keyboard. This kind of writing has already connected myself with the school's thinking. When a person is connected with a group of people, his spiritual life will be highly enriched. My writing orientation of seeking spirituality and weak utilitarianism has been deeply ingrained since then.

I really like what Suhomlinsky said about "non-stop day". But "non-stop" is not easy. The difficulty lies in perseverance, so the most important thing is perseverance. It’s hard to persevere. The biggest difficulty is that you can’t see “growth”. I also work intermittently. How many times have I written for a month and then stopped? After writing for two months, have I stopped. Once, I asked Teacher Zhu for advice. I said that I persisted and I could not see "growth". Teacher Zhu gave me five words: "Persistence is growth."

"Persistence is growth", how much connotation is contained in it! Its first connotation is spiritual connotation. When a person persists, his persistence is his spiritual mark and his noble existence. On September 1, 2006, I officially announced the launch of my blog and announced that I was going to do a "long-distance running of ideas" - this day may have come a little late, but it is never too late to start a long-distance running of ideas.

This journey lasted 20 years. From the municipal education department, to the urban primary school, to the return to running schools in the countryside, to taking charge of the education group, although there were many twists and turns along the way, because of this long-distance running of ideas, the spiritual direction has never wavered.

When I started my PhD in 2006, "long-distance running of ideas" and "classroom observation" research perfectly met. In the classroom scene, in the world of words, I was completely immersed in the pondering of "classroom observation". My writing has no fixed genre, my records have no limits, and my thinking has no limits. My thoughts are above the earth. Even today, I still remember the kind of recording life and sorting out my thoughts. The spiritual satisfaction I bring, it’s pure life.Later, I actually published two 8,000-word long articles in " Chinese Education Journal ", and behind them was an original record of 300,000 words; and when I recorded it, I had no idea that I would write it. Several "macro articles" came, and I didn't expect that we later edited and published 17 volumes of "Diagnosis and Solution of Problems in Class Observation and Discussion". I just recorded my thoughts with a group of people who are committed to research. I enjoyed it. It’s this process of spiritual growth.

During the summer vacation of 2008, I came to a relatively weak school from the teaching department. I was in a bad mood. The motto that Teacher Zhu gave me is "experience is wealth". This time, I chose a team writing, a team writing related to reading. In reading and writing, a spiritual multi-party dialogue was realized. We established a salon organization, started an activity called "Reading Monographs in a Long Time", and opened a column on the school forum. We gathered around Suhomlinsky every day, using words and great ideas to create stories that traveled through time and space. Dialogue has established the spiritual coordinates of this school - please note the word "every day". We use a "non-stop" approach to think about theories and look forward to ideals in practical teaching.

This kind of writing is low-end in form and can be done by everyone; but it is noble in spirit. A noble spirit does not need luxurious packaging. Under high spirituality, New Educational Writing advocates threshold-free writing. The important thing is to do it, and the important thing is to do it day by day. "Continuity" makes writing a This kind of life makes thinking a state.

In 2009, I moved the dialogue with Suhomlinsky to Fenhu Elementary School. Taking "weeks" as a unit, the founders of the school went on a year-long journey of "reading Soviet Union" by thinking about nearly 400 questions. Teachers are naturally living a writing life before they even feel that they are "writing." Our writing easily breaks through reading and touches all aspects of education and life. Before the end of the first semester, I said that we should record this entrepreneurial history. This is the wealth of the school and everyone’s wealth. 36 teachers, without exception, participated in this “local calligraphy writing action”. Everyone is recording, everyone is thinking, everyone has entered a state of pondering, and everyone is living a noble spiritual life in ordinary days. Don’t open it easily and don’t give up easily. When writing becomes a professional lifestyle, school naturally becomes what a school should be. In 2017, when we left this school, teachers had created 444 personal "local books" in 8 years.

In 2017, I brought this habit of thinking through daily writing to Wujiang Shixiao Education Group. In the school administrative group, for the past two years, I have been publishing thousands of words non-stop - once again "non-stop" - for everyone to read. I wrote them for everyone to read, and even made them for everyone to read. How do their chief principals work and think? Let everyone see how their chief principals deal with theoretical issues with teachers at the school site, and see how the school's ideas grow from germination to growth step by step. What I write is to share with you Thinking about life is familiar to everyone, but I wrote it out, and my words triggered everyone's further thinking... Soon, many consensuses in the school were deeply formed, a way to build the school into an intellectual life and spiritual world The vision of continuous enrichment has taken root, and the academic atmosphere and spiritual atmosphere of the school are permeating. The 10-day issue of "Positive Growth Persons (Ten-Year Journal)" records everyone's growth stories. The 10-day issue of "Positive Growth Persons (Journal)" )" creates the curriculum and teaching theory in the classroom - these two small publications without holidays, those vast and ever-growing texts constitute the spiritual palace of an education group, and we even cherish them far more than we do. Published a large number of works in various newspapers and periodicals.

Recently, I have extended the practice of running a "ten-day magazine" to the "Studio of Famous Principal Zhang Jurong".In the newly established Studio of Famous Principals, I did not take the "high-level" route. Instead, I made an agreement with the 12 principals immediately: within three years, I would publish "One Word of the Day" every day without interruption! My ten-day magazine series has added another one, "Sunday Magazine". In the past month, we have accumulated nearly 100,000 words - I don't think this is just words! When a person is thinking every day, how can this person not become a thinker, how can this person not have a rich spiritual world? 12 principals, how many people will they lead?

A break-in 20 years ago, a 20-year ideological long-distance race, connected myself with a group of people. The persistence of one person can bring about the persistence of a group of people, and the persistence of a group of people will lead to the persistence of more individuals. I always believe that where your writing is, your spirit is also there; the first importance of writing in new education is spiritual traits.

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