Jingchu Net (Hubei Daily Net) News (Reporter Xu Lei, Intern Ye Yuqiu, Zhang Jiaxin, Correspondent Qu Jing) Can you use sugar to pull out ribbons? Can you use jam to draw green bamboo? On the evening of July 15, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Human Re

2024/07/0108:11:32 education 1252

Jingchu Net (Hubei Daily Net) News (Reporter Xu Lei, Intern Ye Yuqiu, Zhang Jiaxin, Correspondent Qu Jing) Can you use sugar to pull out ribbons? Can you use jam to draw green bamboo? On the evening of July 15, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Hubei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security held a 7·15 World Youth Skills Day skills experience and technical college enrollment promotion event in Wuhan Greenland Colorful City. At the event, master craftsmen came together to show off their unique skills, and and Jingchu.com were broadcast live simultaneously, bringing a breathtaking feast of skills to the audience at the scene and on the live broadcast platform. The number of live broadcast viewers on that day reached 1.214 million.

Jingchu Net (Hubei Daily Net) News (Reporter Xu Lei, Intern Ye Yuqiu, Zhang Jiaxin, Correspondent Qu Jing) Can you use sugar to pull out ribbons? Can you use jam to draw green bamboo? On the evening of July 15, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Human Re - DayDayNews

Photographed by reporter Xu Lei at the event

The theme of this event is "Skilled Employment Integrating Work and Learning". It aims to promote technical college enrollment, typical case publicity, technical college "campus tour" display, factory open day display, and world competition. Activities such as knowledge popularization activities, skill demonstrations and skill experience activities promote the glory of labor, precious skills and great creation, and guide and encourage young workers to take the path of becoming talents and serving the country with skills.

The employment rate of graduates with excellent work-study integration policy reached 97%

"On May 1, the newly revised "Vocational Education Law" came into effect, clarifying that vocational education and general education have the same status, and the status and role of technical education have been further highlighted. Technical workers As the main implementation body of technical education, colleges and universities are an important force in cultivating skilled talents for the country and are the cradle for the growth of 'craftsmen of a great country'." Wang Jinjun, director of the Vocational Development Division of the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, said.

In recent years, our province has adhered to the school-running philosophy of "high-end leadership, school-enterprise cooperation, diversified education, and connotation development", taking the construction of "dual brands" as the starting point, vigorously developing technical education, and cultivating a number of characteristic technical colleges. By the end of 2021, there were 101 technical colleges in the province that were carrying out academic education and skills training normally. In 2021, the province enrolled a total of 45,000 students, and the number of enrolled students reached 105,400. The employment rate of graduates from technical colleges in the province remained at More than 97% of them choose to work in local companies. In 2022, the province's 95 technical colleges plan to enroll 69,000 students at 23 training levels: intermediate workers, senior workers, and preparatory technicians. They will mainly recruit junior and senior high school graduates. The enrollment majors involve more than 20 industries such as machinery, chemical industry, medicine, commerce, railways, transportation, water conservancy, and life services, which will provide strong support for skilled talents to serve local economic and social development. The 2022 Hubei Province Technical College Admissions Handbook and the Admissions Handbook of Various Technical Colleges were distributed at the


Skilled craftsmen have unique skills and experience, and the experience is interesting

Jingchu Net (Hubei Daily Net) News (Reporter Xu Lei, Intern Ye Yuqiu, Zhang Jiaxin, Correspondent Qu Jing) Can you use sugar to pull out ribbons? Can you use jam to draw green bamboo? On the evening of July 15, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Human Re - DayDayNews

Sugar art production reporter Xu Lei photo

The event site is divided into sugar art /Western pastry production, baking projects, fashion modeling, eyebrow design, clothing pattern making, plant dyeing handkerchiefs, traditional flower arrangement skills, Six exhibition areas, including embossed flower arrangement, smart connected car , and AR, brought together skilled experts to display skills, let experiencers try it, and teach experiencers practical operations to showcase the craftsmen who strive for excellence in various industries. spirit .

Jingchu Net (Hubei Daily Net) News (Reporter Xu Lei, Intern Ye Yuqiu, Zhang Jiaxin, Correspondent Qu Jing) Can you use sugar to pull out ribbons? Can you use jam to draw green bamboo? On the evening of July 15, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Human Re - DayDayNews

Traditional flower arranging skills. Photographed by reporter Xu Lei.

Jingchu Net (Hubei Daily Net) News (Reporter Xu Lei, Intern Ye Yuqiu, Zhang Jiaxin, Correspondent Qu Jing) Can you use sugar to pull out ribbons? Can you use jam to draw green bamboo? On the evening of July 15, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Human Re - DayDayNews

Fashion and creative makeup styling reporter Xu Lei.

In the sugar art production exhibition area, Chang Fuzeng Skill Master Studio of Hubei Province demonstrated the intangible cultural heritage art jam painting production, and guided the audience step by step. Essentials, let everyone experience the wonder of the national competition. In the flower art exhibition area, famous technical teachers from Hubei Provincial Garden Engineering and Technical School demonstrated traditional flower arrangement skills, showing the artistic conception of "one flower, one world, one leaf, one universe". In the clothing pattern making and plant dyeing handkerchief exhibition area, the intangible cultural heritage inheritors demonstrated Jingchu dyeing and weaving intangible cultural heritage skills. Based on the tea pigment dye extracted from tea stems , five colors of red, green, yellow, black and purple were formed... A small intangible cultural heritage class on "grass and wood dyeing handkerchiefs" inspired great enthusiasm among the children, who came forward to experience the charm of intangible cultural heritage . In the modern intelligent connected car exhibition area, the running driverless smart cars can intelligently identify traffic lights and interactions, route planning, and automatically avoid obstacles, vividly displaying knowledge related to smart transportation.

Jingchu Net (Hubei Daily Net) News (Reporter Xu Lei, Intern Ye Yuqiu, Zhang Jiaxin, Correspondent Qu Jing) Can you use sugar to pull out ribbons? Can you use jam to draw green bamboo? On the evening of July 15, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Human Re - DayDayNews

Photo by Xu Lei, a reporter at the grass-dyed handkerchief exhibition area

Jingchu Net (Hubei Daily Net) News (Reporter Xu Lei, Intern Ye Yuqiu, Zhang Jiaxin, Correspondent Qu Jing) Can you use sugar to pull out ribbons? Can you use jam to draw green bamboo? On the evening of July 15, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Human Re - DayDayNews

Photo by Xu Lei, a reporter on self-driving smart cars

The online event has wide coverage and in-depth publicity effect.

It is reported that July 15th every year is the "World Youth Skills Day", which aims to develop skills through , solve the unemployment and underemployment problems that exist among young people and create better social and economic conditions for them.

In addition to this skills experience event, Hubei Province is also scheduled to hold a series of promotional activities across the province from July 15th to 31st, and carry out a number of exciting interactive activities, such as the World Skills Competition knowledge online quiz, " Activities such as " Douyin Show Skills" focus on the key points of skilled talents supporting national development, improving skills to serve economic and social development, and achieving talents with skills to serve the country. They deeply publicize the talent training results of technical colleges and demonstrate the integrated engineering-study skilled talent training model. , school-enterprise cooperation, industry-education integration examples, technical colleges training students to become talents and find employment, etc.

[Error Correction] Editor: Xu Lei

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