Is Li Yang really miserable? Or a misfortune? Is this a real apology? Or fake marketing? Let’s take a look back at history first. New Oriental co-founder Xu Xiaoping once said that in the 1990s, Li Yang was their idol and New Oriental’s goal to catch up. Li Yang said: I spent 30

2024/06/2922:05:33 education 1975

Li Yang Is really miserable? Or a misfortune?

really apologize? Or fake marketing?

We might as well review the history together.

New Oriental co-founder Xu Xiaoping once said that in the 1990s, Li Yang was their idol and New Oriental's goal to catch up.

Li Yang said: I have spent 30 years stimulating the enthusiasm of the whole people to learn English. A large number of students went to New Oriental, and Xu Xiaoping also thanked me.

English was only really recognized by us in 1980 and in 1990. But for people of that era, was too unfamiliar when they first came into contact with English, which led to the development of the education and training industry.

The first one to eat the crab is the most fragrant, but it is also the one who needs to withstand huge pressure.. But despite the great pressure, parents are still very optimistic about this major. In their opinion, even if they cannot go to high-end companies in the future, they can still go to school as teachers, which is a good choice. Because of this opportunity, has made many people who want to eat crabs start to embark on the path of education and training .

Is Li Yang really miserable? Or a misfortune? Is this a real apology? Or fake marketing? Let’s take a look back at history first. New Oriental co-founder Xu Xiaoping once said that in the 1990s, Li Yang was their idol and New Oriental’s goal to catch up. Li Yang said: I spent 30  - DayDayNews

However, under China's long-term exam-oriented education, parents only want to get a good score for their children's study, so as to pass the college entrance examination. In fact, we don’t pay much attention to what abilities we can really master. In that era, parents generally had high school education or lower, so if they wanted to use their own abilities to help their children improve their English scores, it was impossible. But when English first became popular, there was an urgent need for talents, so many parents saw the hope of employment and offered to train their children to become people with excellent English scores.

But at that time, the English college entrance examination was recognized by everyone, in learning methods There are certain deficiencies in and even we can only learn written writing, which is not good at learning. Commonly known as , keep your mouth closed and study .

Is Li Yang really miserable? Or a misfortune? Is this a real apology? Or fake marketing? Let’s take a look back at history first. New Oriental co-founder Xu Xiaoping once said that in the 1990s, Li Yang was their idol and New Oriental’s goal to catch up. Li Yang said: I spent 30  - DayDayNews

And Li Yang seized the opportunity and founded Crazy English Academy. The organization he founded mainly helps children make a major transition from theory to practice, from writing to speaking. and builds self-confidence in children in a passionate way, giving them the courage to speak and read.

This special learning method is indeed very interesting. Because of this, it is popular in the whole school.

"Crazy English " Li Yang is doing publicity on the street. Compared with Yu Minhong who started later, why is there a big gap

But only now, "Crazy English" seems to have become synonymous with the times . Only people in that era knew about it, and most people or this organization today don't understand it. In order to make a comeback for himself, Li Yang even held up a sign and publicized it on the streets, with the words teaching English for free in red letters, which attracted special attention.

The slogan above clearly captures the current resentment of parents against high tuition fees, and it is hoped that through this, it can be brought back into everyone's sight.

But despite this, the two of them still have very different perceptions in everyone's minds. Even many people will feel a little sad about Li Yang's current situation. Li Yang is obviously the first person to try , but he is not at the same level as the now successful Yu Minhong.

Is Li Yang really miserable? Or a misfortune? Is this a real apology? Or fake marketing? Let’s take a look back at history first. New Oriental co-founder Xu Xiaoping once said that in the 1990s, Li Yang was their idol and New Oriental’s goal to catch up. Li Yang said: I spent 30  - DayDayNews

In fact, Li Yang’s crazy English initially set off a wave of craze in society, and many people began to learn to join his ranks. At that time, the scale of New Oriental Company founded by Yu Minhong was much smaller than his. Due to the wife-beating incident that occurred in Li Yang, his image in the public's mind plummeted.

Yu Minhong’s New Oriental did not attract everyone’s attention at the beginning. is running around trying to increase his popularity, but some people still think he teaches cooking. Even so, he did not give up, and even though the industry of teaching and cultivating is so difficult now, he still overcame the difficulties and kept moving forward.

Is Li Yang really miserable? Or a misfortune? Is this a real apology? Or fake marketing? Let’s take a look back at history first. New Oriental co-founder Xu Xiaoping once said that in the 1990s, Li Yang was their idol and New Oriental’s goal to catch up. Li Yang said: I spent 30  - DayDayNews

Also, it is not Yu Minhong, he has no other bad things like me. But when he faced these times and doubts from the outside world, he judged wisely and chose a good way to solve them. It is precisely because of this that Yu Minhong can reappear in everyone's field of vision, and be recognized as .

Is Li Yang really miserable? Or a misfortune? Is this a real apology? Or fake marketing? Let’s take a look back at history first. New Oriental co-founder Xu Xiaoping once said that in the 1990s, Li Yang was their idol and New Oriental’s goal to catch up. Li Yang said: I spent 30  - DayDayNews

Obviously both of them saw the prospects of English education and training and took action one after another. But now the situation of the two people is very different. There is actually a certain reason.

First of all, in terms of their educational backgrounds, Li Yang is a science student. The solution to the problem is to be straightforward: the simpler, the better . So he founded Crazy English to improve self-confidence and solve the education problems at that time. Yu Minhong is from the Department of Foreign Languages. He is a foreign language student himself, and he will be more professional in English education. It is precisely because of this educational background that their ways of thinking are very different.

The second is that there is a big difference between the two people. Crazy English is spoken as . But in the current educational environment of , only scores are the last word. This is why Crazy English cannot compare with New Oriental.

Is Li Yang really miserable? Or a misfortune? Is this a real apology? Or fake marketing? Let’s take a look back at history first. New Oriental co-founder Xu Xiaoping once said that in the 1990s, Li Yang was their idol and New Oriental’s goal to catch up. Li Yang said: I spent 30  - DayDayNews

In summary, the current situation has arisen. is actually closely related to their logical way of thinking and their way of life. Li Yang is also an ambitious young man. His boldness can be seen from his courage to be the first person to eat crabs. However, he did not pay attention to the key points of the matter and only saw one side, which led to the current ending.

Li Yang is still setting an example and selling crazy English. Compared with previous years, except for some aging, his posture, expression, and tone are the same. The

era is no longer that era. But Li Yang is still the same Li Yang.

As for Yu Minhong, he is a more mellow person. It is said that he has a certain attitude and does not know how to control it. That is why you can move forward step by step when the education industry is struggling today. His incident is worthy of our reference and learning.

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