Every year after the college entrance examination, some very inspiring stories will appear. These children really cannot be loved enough.

2024/07/0200:14:32 education 1984

Every year after the college entrance examination, some very inspiring stories will appear. These children really cannot be loved enough. - DayDayNews

Every year after the college entrance examination, there will be some very inspiring stories. These children really can’t be loved enough.

For example, this year there are triplets in Hengyang, Hunan Province. The eldest brother is Zhao Zhenxing, the second child is Zhao Zhenzhong, and the third child is Zhao Zhenhua. The three brothers’ college entrance examination scores were so impressive that they successfully tested out an arithmetic sequence:

Zhao Zhenxing scored 664 points

Zhao Zhenzhong 674

Zhao Zhenhua scored 654 points

Not only did the three brothers have high scores in the college entrance examination, but what is also amazing is that the single digits of the three brothers' scores were all 4, and their scores were 654, 664, and 674 respectively. The difference in the arithmetic sequence was only 10 points. The average score of the three of them is 664.

Every year after the college entrance examination, some very inspiring stories will appear. These children really cannot be loved enough. - DayDayNews

How did they take the exam? Do the three brothers have a tacit understanding? Is there an invisible genetic hand at work? Why did they do so well in the exam? The three brothers

shared some of their own experience and tips. The boss of

said: It’s not a genius, it’s learned bit by bit, no pains, no gains.

The second child said: Do more questions, practice makes perfect, and dare to write and calculate during the exam.

Lao San said: Knowledge relies on accumulation. Every time you do a question, you must summarize it. Do you know what the question type and knowledge points are? Just jot it down in a notebook and flip through it before the exam, and the effect will be different.

Every year after the college entrance examination, some very inspiring stories will appear. These children really cannot be loved enough. - DayDayNews

The three brothers went to school together for 12 years and have never been apart. Some people say that they should fill out the college entrance examination application the same way, right? They should go to the same university and have the same major.

Many people have guessed wrong. They all have their own ambitions. Zhao Zhenxing, the boss of

, is interested in mathematics. He said: He will lay a solid foundation. In the future, he wants to engage in research related to " brain science " and explore the possibility of the relationship between the human body and machines.

His chosen choice is University of Chinese Academy of Sciences . Zhao Zhenzhong, the second eldest child of

, is interested in chemistry. He said: The domestic pharmaceutical industry is making rapid progress, but key technologies in many fields still need to be improved. I hope that in the future I can use what I have learned to participate in the development of innovative drugs and create high-quality and low-price drugs for people in need. product.

His application was the same as his elder brother’s, which was the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Zhao Zhenhua, the third child, is interested in materials science and engineering. He said: Some people say that materials major is a sinkhole, but I think materials major is very important. I have set my future direction in the field of new energy. The use of energy affects all aspects of society. In the future, I will contribute in the field of new energy to help alleviate the problem of resource depletion.

His chosen choice is and of Peking University.

Every year after the college entrance examination, some very inspiring stories will appear. These children really cannot be loved enough. - DayDayNews

There is no suspense about the admission results. At present, the eldest and second child have been admitted to the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the third child has been admitted to Peking University. Their professional dreams have come true.

The three brothers live in an ordinary family. Their father works out of town, their mother is an engineer in Hengyang, , and their parents are also highly educated. Excellent genetics is only one aspect, good family education and learning atmosphere are the most important.

Parents require them to learn self-discipline from an early age, have plans in study and life, and develop good habits. The biggest secret of

is that the three brothers have always been trying to catch up with each other since they were young. No one wants to fall behind. They also help each other and learn from each other's strengths. In normal exams, the difference in scores between the three brothers does not exceed 20 points. Usually it is a few points or a dozen points. .

Every year after the college entrance examination, some very inspiring stories will appear. These children really cannot be loved enough. - DayDayNews

This reminds me of another story around me.

In a small county in Henan, there are three siblings in a family. The eldest is the elder sister, and the second and third are younger brothers. The elder sister is three years older than the second child, and the second child is three years older than the younger brother, forming an arithmetic sequence.

My sister who took the college entrance examination first passed the Central China Normal University , which is a 211 key university. The second child was not to be outdone and was admitted to Zhengzhou University , which is also a 211 Project University. The third child was admitted to Zhongyuan Institute of Technology for unknown reasons. The third child was not convinced. After graduating from undergraduate degree, he was admitted to Beijing Normal University for graduate school. .

Every year after the college entrance examination, some very inspiring stories will appear. These children really cannot be loved enough. - DayDayNews

Today, my elder sister is a professor at a university in Guangzhou, my second child is an engineer at a state-owned enterprise in Zhengzhou, and my third child is a white-collar worker at Microsoft in Beijing.

The story of these three siblings is a good story in the small county town.

Their secrets are also their parents’ education, family atmosphere, and competition. Their elder sister passed the 211 exam, and their younger brothers are determined not to lag behind. They all have the drive not to admit defeat.

It seems that genetic genes are not the most important. The most important thing is good family education and self-discipline. That's the whole secret.

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