The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents

2024/06/2906:22:32 education 1099

The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

Shenzhen primary and secondary school summer vacation will start on July 16

Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation.

At the same time,

On July 15th,

Zhuhai issued a notice to strengthen children's health management and monitoring


Parents should avoid bringing children with them in the near future.

Public places where crowds gather


The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews


Guangzhou reported multiple confirmed cases after returning to Guangzhou after driving

after traveling to other cities


The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

A happy holiday is inseparable from safety and health.

As the epidemic spreads, it is necessary to travel during summer vacation What to pay attention to?

Children are susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases , how to avoid them?

Summer is hot and what should I do if my child has heat stroke?


Here is a special and important summer homework

that students and parents need to complete together


multiple choice questions

The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

Answer: A. It is necessary to use eyes scientifically during holidays. Primary and secondary school students should follow the "4010" rule, that is, they should use their eyes continuously for 30-40 minutes at close range and take a 10-minute break. Eye fatigue can be relieved by overlooking, outdoor activities, and doing eye exercises .


Multiple choice questions

The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

Answer: ABC.
For children, their body temperature rises 3-5 times faster than adults, and they are more likely to suffer from heat stroke. Parents should detect the signs of heat stroke early and deal with them in time.

When encountering heat stroke, parents should not panic too much. They can learn the following first aid methods:

Move : Quickly get out of the high temperature environment, move the child to a cool and ventilated place, raise the head at the same time, and unbutton clothes and pants to facilitate breathing and heat dissipation. .

Second application : Apply warm water to the head first, and then change to cold water or ice water.

Three drinks : Drink salty drinks to replenish the water needed by the body in a timely manner, and at the same time replenish some inorganic salts.

Four rubs : When it is difficult for the body to dissipate heat due to high temperature, high humidity, and no wind, you can use cold or ice water to bathe until the skin turns red.

Five drops : When the body temperature reaches above 40°C and a heatstroke patient develops symptoms such as coma and convulsions, treatment should follow three principles: 1. Rapid, effective, and continuous cooling. 2. Rapidly replenish fluid and expand volume. If oral fluids are difficult to replenish, intravenous fluids should be administered. 3. Control restlessness and convulsions. At the same time, call 120 and send the patient to the emergency department of the hospital as soon as possible.

It is recommended that children with a body temperature above 38°C and symptoms such as nausea and vomiting should be sent to the hospital in time after preliminary treatment.


Fill in the blanks

The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

Answer: Go to bed early and get up early and don’t stay up late. In terms of sleep time, Toddlers and primary school students 10 hours a day , Junior high school students 9 hours a day , High school students spend 8 hours a day.


Fill in the blanks

The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

Answer: "Three Nos" food refers to no production date, no quality certificate, no manufacturer food.


True or False question

The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

Answer: Wrong.

Children of different ages have different high-risk locations for drowning:

html The high-risk locations for children under 34 years old are mainly water storage containers at home, such as water tanks, bathtubs and so on.

5-9 years old Places with high incidence of drowning will involve ditches, ponds and reservoirs etc.

Children over the age of 10 have a wider range of activities, mainly ponds, lakes and rivers etc.


True or False question

The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

Answer: Yes.

Cycling Safety "5 Do's and 5 Don'ts":

5 Do's and : Bicycles must be ridden on non-motorized lanes. Bicycles must be stretched out to signal when turning. When crossing the road, you must get off the vehicle and push. When riding, you must concentrate. Stay away from the inside area of ​​a large vehicle when turning.

5 Don’t : Do not ride on the road if you are under the age of 12, do not ride with others, do not chase and race, do not ride with your hands or objects in hand, and do not cling to other vehicles while riding.



The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews


Before traveling : Understand the specific prevention and control policies of the destination before traveling, and report to the community (village) and unit where the destination is located in advance. Do not travel to China High-risk areas and areas with local epidemic reports, It is recommended to choose short-distance tours; understand the situation of scenic spots in advance and try to choose scenic spots with good ventilation; choose online reservations to avoid peak hours in scenic spots and travel during off-peak hours.

During the journey: Citizens should always maintain awareness of personal protection during the journey, especially when taking public transportation such as airplanes, cars, high-speed rails, and in crowded scenic spots, they must wear masks throughout the journey. During the journey, reduce the number of meals on transportation. If you must eat, avoid eating face to face with other passengers, and do not talk while eating. It is recommended to use public spoons and chopsticks at dinner parties to reduce cross-infection. During the journey, be sure to record the itinerary, including the flight frequency, time and seat number of public transportation such as planes and trains, the name and address of the restaurant or hotel where you will be staying, and the names of traveling companions.

After returning home: After returning home, use 75% alcohol or chlorine-containing disinfectant to spray coats, pants, scarves, suitcases, and mobile phones. After returning, if you find that you or your family members have been to medium- and high-risk areas or areas with local epidemic reports in the past 7 days, or have intersected with positive infected persons, you must report it to your community, work unit or hotel as soon as possible. , and cooperate with health management work such as medical isolation observation or health monitoring. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, etc., you must wear a disposable medical mask or above, go to the nearest fever clinic for investigation and treatment in a timely manner, and try to avoid taking public transportation during the medical treatment process.


Practice questions

The summer vacation for primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen will begin on July 16. Most students in Guangdong have also ushered in a long vacation. At the same time, on July 15, Zhuhai issued a notice on strengthening the monitoring of children's health management: Parents  - DayDayNews

Complete this summer assignment

Be the gatekeeper of your own safety and health

I wish all the students a wonderful summer vacation

Source: Weiyan Education, Guangdong Education, Healthy Guangdong

Design: Huang Dan

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