Summer "Three Going to the Countryside" service team. Red Net Moment News, July 4 (Correspondents: Cao Erlian and Dong Yijin) Recently, the College of Science and Technology of Hunan University of Technology held a summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice activity

2024/05/2408:12:33 education 1847

summer " three rural areas " service team.

Red Net Moment News, July 4th (Correspondents Cao Erlian and Dong Yijin) Recently, Hunan University of Technology College of Science and Technology held a summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice activity launch ceremony. With the theme of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, always following the party, and forging ahead on a new journey", the College of Science and Technology organized a service team to go to Sanhejie Village, Longtanping Town, Sangzhi County, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province to assist in rural revitalization. Wang Endong, Secretary of the Party Committee of

College of Science and Technology, pointed out that the college's summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice activities have formed a long-term system that is highly valued by superiors, widely participated by students, and rich in content, showing a good trend of being based on campus, participating in society, and flourishing. . He proposed that the service team should obey orders and ensure safety; study hard and innovate; face difficulties and overcome them; stand firm on the people's stand and devote themselves to the cause of strengthening the country. At the launching ceremony of

, Dean He Jie presented the flag to the practice team. Deng Zhiqiang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the hospital, presided over the ceremony and announced the expedition. All team members expressed that they must be brave enough to temper themselves, get education, and grow their talents in practice, do practical things for the masses, do good deeds, solve problems, and write a youthful chapter of the Chinese Dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with their passion and passion.

In recent years, the School of Science and Technology has attached great importance to the summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice activities. It closely follows the theme of the times, combines rural characteristics, highlights professional features, carefully plans and innovates forms, and fully supports all teachers and students to promote rural development with the power of youth. . This year, the college plans to expand the content and form of social practice activities for college students, continue to aim at promoting students' all-round growth and talent, and go deep into rural areas to carry out theoretical lectures, social research, educational assistance and other practices. In addition, the Institute of Science and Technology has established a "small team" to support and assist Azawan Primary School in Zhanang County, Tibet in building a mental health counseling room and train a group of psychological counseling teachers online.

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