"Only those who can't stay will come back. Why should those who can stay come back to aggravate the involution?" As an international student of this generation, no matter what choice you make.

2024/05/2311:37:33 education 1033

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"The top 10 QS products are still not as good as the domestic 985 graduates. The original factory products are better than imported products."

"Only those who can't be retained will come back. Why should those who can be retained come back to aggravate the involution? ? "

Similar comments continue to ferment on the Internet.

As an international student in this year, no matter what choice you make.

always seems to have endless prejudices and narrow-mindedness.

It’s graduation season again, and international students cannot avoid this choice.

Return to China or stay.

This generation of international students is being snapped up by the market, and even state-owned enterprises are no exception.

With the study abroad craze sweeping across the country, more and more middle-class families are turning to the international track. Authoritative experts predict that the number of international students in China will exceed the 10 million mark in 2022. What does

0 million mean?

Judging from the latest data from the Ministry of Education, as of now, the total population studying abroad in the country is only 5,194,900.

And if it reaches 10 million in 2022, it will be equivalent to doubling. No one expected that in the post-epidemic era, the popularity of studying abroad would not decrease but increase.

But for this reason, the issue of the depreciation of the value of international students in the era of oversupply has often been brought to the forefront.

News like "Studying abroad costs one million, and the salary after graduation is 2,000" is often exposed, which can be said to have attracted people's attention.

The media's rendering and the fact that most of these people have deviated from domestic culture after going abroad have made the image of international students particularly distorted in recent years.

is often labeled by outsiders as "people are stupid and have too much money", "returnees are wealthy", and "HR is a spare tire for performance".

In fact, these people are far more favored by the job market than everyone thinks. According to statistics, the average salary of international students has increased for three consecutive years, and major companies are even competing for some outstanding international talents.

, even the official version is no exception.

Just recently, many associations and state-owned enterprises not only directly opened special on-campus recruitment for international students.

even opened a large number of school recruitment positions specifically for this small group of people.

Especially in the foreign trade section, it is clearly pointed out: overseas experience is preferred, and good English is preferred...

Picture/Go to the First Institute of Aerospace Science, and go to China FAW

. It is almost impossible to directly name and say that it is an international student. This kind of preference can be said to be very blatant.

The company that overseas returnees most want to go to is exposed, and I never expected that it would be the first.

In addition to the issue of market popularity, the true worth and destination of international students have always been the focus of everyone's attention.

Today the author will talk to you clearly.

In order to give you the most realistic salary situation of returnees, the author read a lot of information and finally found a 327-page objective data.

Judging from the data exposed in the latest China Study Abroad Development Report: the average monthly income of overseas returnees three years after graduation is 11,099 yuan.

Although the per capita number does not exceed 10,000, it is not uncommon for international students to exceed 10,000 in three years.

It seems that a monthly salary of 2,000 is an isolated phenomenon, and the issue of the value of international students cannot be generalized.

In addition, based on big data analysis, the author also discovered a very interesting phenomenon.

This batch of international students are not only given preferential treatment by state-owned enterprises, but their first preference for employment is also within the system.

goes both ways.

It is not difficult to see from the data released in the "2021 Graduate Employment Quality Report" that the TOP5 companies most loved by this year's fresh graduates are: China Construction Group, Huawei , Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , State Grid , Tencent .

TOP10 companies are even divided among state-owned enterprises and Internet/technology companies. Among them, Chinese companies occupy priority with absolute ranking advantage. Even , a byte-beating company , which has always been outstanding, had to retreat to 9th place this time.

At the same time, according to the "2022 College Students Employability Survey Report", 44.4% of the 22nd graduates hope to work in state-owned enterprises, and the proportions of fresh graduates who intend to work in public institutions and state agencies are 14.17% and 9.4% respectively. .

Only 17.4% of fresh graduates intend to go to private enterprises, which is a further decrease compared to last year’s 19%.

It has to be said that state-owned enterprises are becoming the most popular units for this year's fresh graduates during the epidemic era.

Among them, China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau has officially announced that it likes the top 500 international students in the world, and China Sinotrans welcomes international students to join.

And it is worth mentioning that state-owned enterprises are extremely hungry for international students this year.

For example, COSCO Shipping Leasing has opened 23 advance approvals, opening up a large number of positions in human resources and strategy.

These are just the tip of the iceberg for state-owned enterprise recruitment.

In addition to stable work and no overtime, the wages and benefits of state-owned enterprises can be said to be a ceiling for workers.

Take China Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. as an example. Those who graduate with a bachelor's degree can easily start with an annual salary of 100,000 yuan, and a master's degree can reach 200,000 yuan per year.

In addition to salary, the benefits of state-owned enterprises are the real trump card.

Six insurances and two funds, paid annual leave, food and housing allowance, talent subsidies, and interest-free loans are the basic configurations. Some state-owned enterprises can also provide household registration in first-tier cities.

Let me ask you, who can not love such a unit?

Some people will inevitably say when seeing this: "Domestic fresh graduates are already so involved, and international students who are "not short of money" are nakedly robbing resources when they join state-owned enterprises."

Do you think that international students returning to China to join state-owned enterprises will intensify the involvement of in ?

Attachment: Summary of autumn recruitment information

If you want to know more recruitment information, please pay attention to the CSO Dark Horse Job Camp.

Author: Mary

Editor: ie

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