June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to "graduate." Whether they are primary or secondary school students or college students, there is a class of students who will embark on another phase of life with reluctance and

2024/05/2111:26:33 education 1115

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to "graduate." Whether they are primary or secondary school students or college students, there is a class of students who will embark on another journey with reluctance and expectations. The path of life.

Although teachers are a "majestic" presence in the hearts of many students, there is still a lot of reluctance when parting. Students who are not good at words will express their nostalgia for their teachers through their actions.

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

Primary school students are relatively young and have interesting ideas. Even in such a "sentimental" atmosphere, they can still make people laugh with their "drama" performance. . A primary school student in Shandong made the teacher feel it What is meant by "acting like a real person"? It makes people laugh so hard after watching it.

A boy who graduated from primary school was possessed by a "drama spirit" and staged a drama of farewell between teachers and students, which made people laugh out loud

Many people think that primary school students are still young and don't know what "parting" is, especially those who have graduated from primary school. There is nothing to be sentimental about, , but today's children mature mentally earlier, and there are also many reluctant to leave when they graduate, and the teacher also bid farewell to a group of students with tears in his eyes.

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

In this feeling of sadness and loss, the teacher burst into laughter instead. Just because the boy did something that made her dumbfounded, the teacher even lamented that he was really a "living treasure".

It turned out that when this boy was leaving school, he suddenly became a "drama expert" . A farewell drama was staged in his mind, and the lines in his heart blurted out. shouted "Teacher, how can I live without you" as he walked? Ah! Teacher, you must be happy!"

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

Such a scene made the teacher laugh out loud. There were two boys holding him back directly. The scene was really like the "farewell" scene in an idol drama. It was a very touching thing right away. It turned into a comedy.

Some netizens joked that this child has a very high emotional intelligence. The teacher must have been amused by him. would also be impressed by this child, right? ! The teacher is very lucky to have such quirky students. Although is very interesting, he was also touched by the boy's actions.

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

In fact, today's children are different from the past. They have their own ideas and opinions, and the occasional burst of inspiration is ridiculous. However, being able to stage such a big show when they graduate can be regarded as a mark of their primary school career. Bar! Anyway, teachers will definitely remember .

The so-called "sincerity for sincerity", although the relationship between teachers and students is very delicate, as long as you pay, you will be rewarded.

Students can be said to "love and hate" their teachers. Because many teachers are usually gentle , they have established a good relationship with students. Deep friendship, but they will become very serious when encountering learning problems, , so many students will have a natural "fear" of teachers.

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

However, with the joining of the younger generation of teachers, the teacher-student relationship is also changing. Nowadays, children are also quirky, so you will see a lot of interesting teacher-student interactions , including details of daily interactions, and The sadness and reluctance at graduation.

In fact, the main reasons why there are these touching or interesting scenes are two aspects. On the one hand, students are simple-minded and want to express their emotions through their words and deeds. On the other hand, the teacher is sincerely dedicated to . Naturally, you can "change your sincerity for sincerity" and win the recognition of students.

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

In fact, whether you are a primary school student or a higher grade student, will feel lost and reluctant to leave when faced with separation. However, for primary school students, parents’ guidance is particularly important. can only teach students to regulate their emotions. Face separation better.

No matter how old a student is, they will feel lost when facing separation. Parents should guide their children to learn to regulate their emotions.

When students leave the classmates and teachers who accompany them day and night, they will feel a little lost and sentimental. They also have to face a new environment and new teachers. With new classmates, there will be a lot of uneasiness in addition to sadness. At this time, parents must play an important role in caring and guiding.

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

Let students first understand that separation is a process that must be experienced. Even after graduation, they can still establish contact with good friends or teachers. At the same time, take children to imagine the joy of making new friends. This can alleviate students' low mood. .

Of course, in the process of students adjusting their emotions and changing their state of mind, parents should always pay attention to students' emotional changes. Parents' companionship and understanding are very important. , don't think that children have ignored their emotional changes since they were young. Once they have bad emotions, they should go Understand and communicate, take your children out for a walk more often, and escape from the sad environment. This way, you can adapt to the new learning life and environment more quickly.

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

[A message from the author] When the boy graduated from elementary school and left school, he turned into a "drama queen". staged a drama of farewell between teachers and students in full view of the public, which made the teacher laugh out loud. is really a "little ghost". In fact, the ideas of primary school students are wild and unconstrained. 's "drama" performance dilutes the sadness of farewell and adds some different memories to graduation.

However, graduation does not mean a complete separation. Students can still keep in touch with teachers and good friends. So don’t be too sentimental and adjust your emotions to accept the new changes. In this way, you can make more good friends, and you can also make friends as soon as possible. Adapt to the new learning environment and atmosphere.

June and July every year are a time full of sadness and reluctance, because many students are about to

Today’s topic: Do you still remember the scene when you graduated from elementary school? Welcome to leave a message to share and discuss.

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