Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022 are expected to drop by 510 yuan. Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the price adjustment of domestic refined oil products, the change rate of crude oil was updated to

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Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022, are expected to drop by 510 yuan

Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022 are expected to drop by 510 yuan. Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the price adjustment of domestic refined oil products, the change rate of crude oil was updated to  - DayDayNews

Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the domestic refined oil price adjustment, the change rate of crude oil was updated to -8.49%. The oil price is expected to decrease further. Gasoline and diesel are expected to decrease by 510 yuan/ton (0.37 yuan/liter-0.39 yuan/liter). Everyone reminds each other that oil prices are expected to continue to fall in the next round.

Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022 are expected to drop by 510 yuan. Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the price adjustment of domestic refined oil products, the change rate of crude oil was updated to  - DayDayNews

Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022 are expected to drop by 510 yuan. Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the price adjustment of domestic refined oil products, the change rate of crude oil was updated to  - DayDayNews

The specific time for the next round of oil price adjustment is 24:00 on July 26, 2022. There are still 7 working days as of now. According to the current crude oil change rate of -8.49%, the average crude oil price is 97.44 US dollars/barrel, and the corresponding reduction range is 510 yuan/barrel. tons, the current expected downward adjustment is the same as the first round of downward adjustment this year. If international oil prices continue to fall, domestic refined oil products will be lowered again in the next round. However, the pre-adjustment amount in the first four working days cannot be used as a reference for the next round of oil price adjustment. It will only be of reference significance after the fifth working day. For this reason, the trend of international oil prices next week is very critical and we will continue to pay attention.

Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022 are expected to drop by 510 yuan. Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the price adjustment of domestic refined oil products, the change rate of crude oil was updated to  - DayDayNews

In terms of international oil prices, oil prices rebounded slightly on July 16. WTI crude oil rose by US$2.01 during the day and is now trading at US$98.47/barrel, an increase of 2.09%. Brent crude oil pierced the US$102.00/barrel mark, the latest report 102.02 US dollars/barrel, up 2.95% daily; with the rebound of US Brent crude oil, the rate of change of crude oil will narrow. According to Goldman Sachs (investment bank) report: Amid the imbalance between global oil supply and demand, oil prices are still expected to rise sharply. . Therefore, we cannot be optimistic about the continued decline in international oil prices at present. The rebound and rise in international oil prices will definitely have an impact on the adjustment of domestic refined oil products. Due to the large changes in international oil price data, oil price changes will be updated daily during the adjustment cycle.

Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022 are expected to drop by 510 yuan. Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the price adjustment of domestic refined oil products, the change rate of crude oil was updated to  - DayDayNews

Domestic oil prices, National Bureau of Statistics : Crude oil production has grown steadily, and imports have turned from rising to falling. In June, 17.19 million tons of crude oil were produced, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%. The growth rate was the same as the previous month, and the average daily output was 573,000 tons. Imported crude oil was 35.82 million tons, a year-on-year decrease of 10.7%, and an increase of 11.9% last month. This news is still very good for the reduction of domestic refined oil prices. The country has always been dependent on imported crude oil, with imported crude oil accounting for 70%. Currently, domestic refineries are increasing production and reducing crude oil imports, which is also conducive to the reduction of domestic oil prices.

Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022 are expected to drop by 510 yuan. Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the price adjustment of domestic refined oil products, the change rate of crude oil was updated to  - DayDayNews

html updated on July 16th 92, 95 gasoline, diesel prices, Sinopec : National VI 0# diesel fuel 9650 yuan / ton; National VI 92# gasoline 10512 yuan / ton; National VI 95# gasoline 11100 yuan / ton. PetroChina: National VI 0# ordinary diesel is 9,650 yuan/ton; National VI 92# gasoline is 10,600 yuan/ton; National VI 95# gasoline is 11,200 yuan/ton.

's main wholesale price limit/retail price: National VI 0# diesel is 9,600 yuan/ton, 8.39 yuan/liter; National VI 92# gasoline is 11,307 yuan/ton, 8.7 yuan/liter; National VI 95# gasoline is 11,964 yuan/ton, 9.19 yuan/liter.

Today's Oil Price | The latest 92, 95 gasoline and diesel prices on July 16, 2022 are expected to drop by 510 yuan. Today is July 16, 2002, Saturday! On the third working day after the price adjustment of domestic refined oil products, the change rate of crude oil was updated to  - DayDayNews

Due to real-time changes in oil price data, the above oil prices are for reference only.

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