"The gate of the mountain is always growing, don't forget that there are many suffering people in the world." Master Mingzhan of the Bixia Mountain Fahua Missionary School on the coast of the Bohai Sea is so compassionate that he donated all 614 items he had collected for many ye

"The mountain gate is always open, don't forget that there are many suffering people in the world." Master Mingzhan of the Bixia Mountain Fahua Missionary School on the coast of the Bohai Sea is so compassionate that he donated all 614 items he had collected for many years to the An Foundation. The Department of Heritage and Development organized a number of themed charity auctions to raise funds for the public welfare of the An Foundation. Charity.

Following the "Charm of Tea" tea and tea utensils special event on June 18, on July 2, the "Xiang Zhi Yuan" incense and incense utensils special event will be launched. There is a petal of fragrance in the heart, and "fragrance" is destined to happen. May the fragrance bring peace of mind, purity, joy and freedom to the Anfu family.

For this reason, Master Mingzhan wrote the article "Fragrance Knowledge" overnight. The master said: "Last night, in front of the desk, I wrote half of the history and inheritance of fragrance. In the space of scholars, in the past and present, it is late at night, and I put down my pen to write the fragrance culture. Today I write The fate of fragrance has opened up in this era, and I hope that a petal of heart fragrance will be offered to all sentient beings with eternal auspiciousness for the next two years! "

"Fragrance Consciousness"

- Master Mingzhan

The incense that circulates over the years

Soaked tea

Where have they gone

Traces are longer than life

The arc of fragrance is at ease

Fragrance is a poetic and picturesque feeling

Fragrance is a romantic smell

I feel at ease in my dream home

Zhou Zuoren Zeng Said: In life, there is necessary busyness and necessary leisure. The busyness of seizing the day and night is for the leisure of watching flowers at sunset.

For life, busy but valuable, leisurely and interesting, is the best state of life; busyness brings meaning and leisure brings friendship, so that the true value of life can be reflected.

Let’s live up to each other in this life

Meet in the world of mortals

We are born as mortals

The mystery of separated children

I have forgotten my past and present lives

The heart is soft

I gave my body to the fireworks

I gave my soul to nothing I am

as warm and stringy as this

I wish to live in a blue clouds resort

The first love in the world

Keep the source of life, every drop in the sea

I am the mustard seed Naxumi

Never forget the oath as if the heart

Don’t let it down The Tathagata will live up to you...

Every time of my life

All the bitterness and sweetness I have tasted

The moonlight on the summer night blows over the mountains and the sea

Walking in the end of a wonderful life The realm

is like a cup of scalding amber tea soup.

All the past is gone

Only the true colors remain in the world

How powerful is the fragrance of the heart

Kongshan Temple Smell the fragrance at night

Can overcome all hardships

The fragrance is as good as ever

The heart feels like home

Tea smoke and Zen rain flow from Feifei

The fate is gone, my sincerity is in

Nothing is left, full of clear splendor

The six paths on this shore are again and again

The four saints on the other shore are sounding again and again

Until you are reborn

You are always here and you never leave

Snow Mountain Good Protection Thoughts

has enough

as incense Suddenly one heart lamp is lit

My heart will always be the same as before

My heart will finally be where it belongs

Master Mingzhan is the initiator of the An Foundation Centenary Heritage Fund, the Fahua Mission Love Fund and the abbot of the Fahua Mission .

The Fahua Missionary Institute is located in Bixia Mountain, Bayuquan, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, with beautiful scenery and elegant temples. Master Mingzhan spreads Dharma and benefits people in the local area, attaches equal importance to virtue and conduct, and is highly respected by the public. The Master is humble and compassionate. He has long supported the public welfare and charity of An Foundation and made many contributions.

Master Mingzhan followed the great wish of Master An Foundation Master Dazhao and actively responded to Master Dazhao's advocacy of "simplifying life and doing good deeds every little bit", and donated more than 400 beloved things he had collected over the years to An Foundation organizes charity auctions to support An Welfare charity. Among them are exquisite tea utensils, tea incense vessels , incense, and various elegant daily necessities.

We hope to realize Master Mingzhan’s wish with three charity auctions within three months, namely tea and tea utensils, incense and incense utensils, and a beautiful life special. Today is the first "Charm of Tea" tea and tea utensils special event. We sincerely invite the Anfu family to pay more attention, support and participate more.

Text/Master Mingzhan, Lu Konghui

