Because the number of the Six Wonderful Doors, it is clearly stated in Sui Zhi that what is being observed is the breath. The so-called breathing observation means that you can clearly feel the air flowing in and out of your nostrils. This is called observing breathing, and it is

2024/07/0212:29:32 buddhism 1956

Never watch your breathing while meditating. Why? Because it is clearly stated in Six Wonderful Doors that what is being observed is the breath. Today, I will share with you the six-character meditation method of Liu Miaomen based on my more than ten years of experience in meditation.

Because the number of the Six Wonderful Doors, it is clearly stated in Sui Zhi that what is being observed is the breath. The so-called breathing observation means that you can clearly feel the air flowing in and out of your nostrils. This is called observing breathing, and it is - DayDayNews

To learn the Six Wonderful Doors, we must first know the difference between observing the breath and observing the breath. The so-called breathing observation means that you can clearly feel the air flowing in and out of your nostrils. This is called observing breathing, and it is tangible.

And what the Six Wonderful Doors say about counting the breaths, following the breath, and stopping it, this breath does not refer to the tangible breath, but refers to the breath that is the breath of the mind. What is interest rate? On the contrary, the object we need to count, follow, and stop is not the sensation of tangible airflow, but the feeling of no airflow.

Many people learn to meditate and observe breathing, but this is the mistake. The most ridiculous thing is, you are not an accountant, why do you always have to count how many breaths you take? You keep counting, your mind is always active, how can you calm down? What is

number? It is the gap between our exhalation and inhalation that is the breath, that is, the rest of the mind is the breath.

" Taiyi Jinhua Purpose " also mentioned that if there is a heart, there is breath, if there is no heart, there is no breath, if there is breath, there is a heart, and if there is no breath, there is no heart. The so-called heart here is our thinking, the activity of our brain. So in the practice of meditation, what is breath? It is the momentary gap between the physical airflow in and out, that is called breathing.

For example, let me take a breath first. If you keep it in your Dantian, if you don’t exhale this breath, then one second, two seconds, three seconds will be the gap for breathing. Okay, let's go out again. After you have exhaled all your breath but have not breathed it in, the gap is also a breath.

So what is interest? It is the two gaps between the airflow in and out. Many people practice counting breaths, following the breaths, and stopping the breaths separately. This is also wrong, a big mistake. The so-called number means follow and stop. This is a coherent practice. For example, I am sitting here and counting my breaths. Why should I count my breaths? Because it is easy to become drowsy and drowsy while meditating, especially at the beginning, the Qi is very chaotic, so you should deliberately keep your mind awake by counting your breaths, so as not to fall into drowsiness.

But when we are actually meditating, we cannot deliberately hold our breath. You cannot deliberately hold your breath for a long time. This kind of deliberateness will make your body and mind irritable, so you must not do it deliberately. Remember, just do a little bit of elongation while keeping it natural. When our numbers are about the same and our Qi becomes smoother, we have to practice following the breath. What does following the breath mean? This randomness is very, very important. It means that the process of lengthening the time of inhalation and inhalation is done without deliberate intention, and it is just a matter of letting it go naturally and follow the breath. Let’s try

. Don't deliberately hold your breath, and don't deliberately be afraid of not exhaling, because your body will naturally adjust. When your heart enters the gap between the air flow in and out, let the gap lengthen naturally and let it take its course. , this is not intentional, remember this is called letting go, let it go.

But why do we always breathe uncontrollably? Because the body is like this. If you don't breathe, it will force you to breathe. If you don't think wildly, your brain will force you to think, because there is no way that you can suffocate to death on a futon, you know? Don't worry, just let him be.

So what is stop? It's very simple, if we put our minds at the two gaps between the inflow and outflow of air, it will stop. For example, if I take a breath now and don't exhale, the state before exhalation is called inhalation, and resting the mind on this breath is called cessation.

If you meditate and adjust your breath, students who have entered the Aquarius Qi all know that we can practice stopping the breath for a long, long time. Some people can even practice stopping the breath for 20 minutes. When you enter the Aquarius Qi , You will find that the air flow is very weak into your stomach, and you will find that you do not need to exhale. The longer this time, the better. But please remember, this is not intentional, it is because you practice numbers and the subsequent effort will come naturally.

has talked so much, but I don’t know if everyone has learned it? Counting, following, and stopping is the skill of concentration, and observing, returning, and pure is the skill of wisdom. That is to say, we learn the skill of counting, following, and stopping. After entering into a calm state of mind, you can truly practice. So how to use hard work? We will explain it to you in detail in the next issue. Thank you for your attention to Machihara and wish you a happy life.

Because the number of the Six Wonderful Doors, it is clearly stated in Sui Zhi that what is being observed is the breath. The so-called breathing observation means that you can clearly feel the air flowing in and out of your nostrils. This is called observing breathing, and it is - DayDayNews

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