1. What are the three bodies of Sakyamuni? He himself once said that he was the Son of Heaven in his previous life. Even Guru Rinpoche said that he consciously reincarnated to create all living beings. Both "Wugou Guanghui Sutra" and "Buddha Says White Banner" record that he was

2024/07/0105:02:32 buddhism 1710

1, Sakyamuni What are the three bodies?

He himself once said that he was the Son of Heaven in his previous life. Even Guru Rinpoche said that he consciously reincarnated to create all living beings. Both "Wugou Guanghui Sutra" and "Buddha Says White Banner" record that he was a white banner in his previous life. In addition, many eminent monks and great virtues also said this. It can be seen that his previous life was a white flag.

Sakyamuni's three bodies were reincarnated in this life as Gautama Siddhartha and was born as a prince. In order to prevent him from becoming a monk when he grew up, his father asked him to get married very early to prevent him from seeing bad things. But when he came out of the palace, he saw all kinds of people on the carriage: sick people, old people, poor people, monks. He lamented the suffering in the world and decided to become a monk.

In order to find the way to liberate all living beings, he traveled to almost all the mountains and went through many hardships. Fortunately, there are many gods around him protecting him. Because God also has disasters befalling him, he also hopes that Sakyamuni can find a way to escape. Sakyamuni sat under the bodhi tree for forty-eight days and became enlightened. Finally achieved the right result, and the benefits to all sentient beings are endless!

This is the past and present life of Sakyamuni. Because he has already reached Nirvana, he cannot be reincarnated again. There is actually no difference between Buddha and Buddha, generally it is just a difference in posture. Sakyamuni is actually a devil.

The white flag is his Dharmakaya, immortal; Siddhartha is his Sambhogakaya; he appears in different identities on different occasions as his incarnation; the above are the three bodies of Sakyamuni. 1. Who is Dharmakaya Sakyamuni?

Dharmakaya is the true source of one's own life, the eighth consciousness (also known as Alaya consciousness), self-sufficient, without beginning or end, neither born nor destroyed, neither gone nor destroyed. Come and be able to give birth to all dharmas and be immortal. (also known as Tathagata ), is the heart that "neither arises nor dies, is not stained or pure, neither increases nor decreases" as mentioned in the "Heart Sutra". The eighth consciousness is not attached to all dharmas and is always very quiet.

We all living beings have eight minds, which are the so-called eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, tongue consciousness, body consciousness, consciousness, and mind consciousness, plus the eight consciousnesses Tathagatagarbha. The first seven consciousnesses arise from the eight consciousnesses, so we can see and hear. , smell, taste, touch (tactile sensation and numbness and swelling), and clearly know the difference. And all the ever-changing world is presented by the eighth consciousness; this is the manifestation of the all-encompassing Dharma body.

Therefore, the immortal eighth consciousness is our Dharmakaya. The eighth consciousness requires enlightenment through meditation and enlightenment. This is the "clear mind" of Zen! The past and present lives of Sakyamuni.

Most people always think that they did not exist before they were born and disappeared into the invisible in one breath. They think that life is just a few decades of experience from birth to death. This is actually a very wrong concept. This is where Sakyamuni came from.

In fact, the real life of all living beings has no beginning and no end. Our process from birth to death is just a manifestation of reincarnation. The Dharmakaya, which has no beginning and no end, is our real life. Figure of Sakyamuni.

1. What are the three bodies of Sakyamuni? He himself once said that he was the Son of Heaven in his previous life. Even Guru Rinpoche said that he consciously reincarnated to create all living beings. Both

2. What is the identity of Sakyamuni Sakyamuni?

The body of retribution, as the name suggests, is the body of retribution; such as humans, gods, animals, etc., they are all different bodies of retribution. As far as individuals are concerned, some people come from rich families, some people come from poor families, some people are dignified and handsome, some people are ugly, weak and sick, and some people are born smart. Versatile, some people are born stupid and slow. clumsy.

why? You can't blame God for being unfair. You do everything yourself, it’s just a matter of self-reward. The sutra says: "All karma will not be destroyed. After hundreds of thousands of kalpas, karma will encounter and repay you." Because the karma created in the past is different, the retribution body you feel now is also different. Karma is always unpleasant, it is the fairest law of the universe. "

3. The origin of the incarnation of Sakyamuni.

The so-called "incarnation" means the body that changes. That is to say, in the Buddha not only entered the womb, emerged from the womb, and manifested the eight phases, but also taught all living beings the way to heaven. , or even incarnate in the dreams of living beings, so some people dream of Shakyamuni Buddha talking to him. This is the incarnation of Buddha. Will Shakyamuni’s true identity be the same as ours now? Wrong! Because what we have now is the Dharma body. What is our Sambhogakaya and what is the corresponding body? Our karma body is our karma body - so we are human beings due to our own karma.

So do we have an avatar? We don't have that capability, so we don't have an avatar. Therefore, our perfect body is combined with the Sambhogakaya; we do not have the same merits; therefore, ordinary living beings have the Dharmakaya - the Eight Consciousness Tathagata. His seventh-turn consciousness and his physical body. Is Sakyamuni a monk?

Therefore, all sentient beings hope to learn, that is, Sakyamuni identity hopes to learn the Pure Land Dharma, so as to move towards the path of becoming a Buddha. Like the Buddha, one can achieve the three bodies and have great merits. Sakyamuni belongs to the family of Sakyamuni.

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