"Impression of Putuo" is a large-scale live performance. This time I went to Mount Putuo. How could I not watch this Buddhist cultural performance directed by the famous director Zhang Yimou with the Guanyin Dojo in the Haitian Buddhist Kingdom as the real background? The 360-deg

2024/07/0220:40:32 buddhism 1051

" Impression of Putuo " is a large-scale live performance. This time I went to Mount Putuo. How could I not watch this Buddhist culture performance directed by the famous director Zhang Yimou with the Guanyin Dojo in the Haitian Buddhist Kingdom as the real background? .

The 360-degree rotating auditorium takes you into a fairyland, and a 69-meter-high Guanyin mural on the Qianzhang shore is known as the Mogao Grottoes on the Sea. Come to Zhujiajian to see the sea, worship Nanhai Guanyin , and then watch Impression Putuo on a starry moonlit night. This is to receive a baptism of the soul, wash away the impetuousness of the world, wash away the greedy desires in the heart, and soothe Soothe the sorrow and pain, learn to let go, learn to accept and tolerate, and face it calmly. Here you can experience Buddhist culture, compassion and love, kindness and tolerance. The 70-minute performance has a strong cast. The opening song is "Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" sung by the famous singer Luo Dayou as the theme song. With the lights, The props, music, and actors' soulful performances made me seem to be transported to a pure land as my seat rotated, and I saw Guanyin Bodhisattva standing on the South China Sea with lotus feet, saying to the public: You see the world with a pair of beautiful eyes, This world is beautiful. If you look at the world with a pair of complaining eyes, the world will be gray. means that the heart is the Buddha , we ourselves are our own Buddhas, and our own destiny is in our own hands. Where there is effort, there is gain. Good and evil in the world will eventually be rewarded.

"Impression of Putuo" allowed me to discover the true meaning of life, and gave me a new awareness of the impermanence of life. My soul was purified, my grateful heart stayed in my heart forever, I washed away my fatigue, and regained my spiritual enlightenment.

When you come to Putuo, you must watch "Impression of Putuo". It is also the reason why we come here. Below are some beautiful pictures from the performance for your friends to enjoy.

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