The Tripitaka course is compiled based on the audio courses of Master Xianzhe Zhiwuya on the personal account of "Wu Yudongliu". The text manuscript is provided by the group owner [An Duan].

2024/06/0111:10:34 buddhism 1451


The Tripitaka course is compiled based on the audio courses of Teacher Zhiwuya on the "Wu Yudongliu" personal account. The text manuscript is provided by the group owner [An Duan].

The text proofreading of this lesson was enthusiastically participated by the group owner [An Duan] and group friend Lu Wei.

The Tripitaka course is compiled based on the audio courses of Master Xianzhe Zhiwuya on the personal account of

In the previous lesson, we talked about: After Emperor Yongle moved his capital from Nanjing to Beijing, he spent a huge sum of money to build the Great Baoen Temple in Nanjing to commemorate his biological mother, Concubine Concubine . Not only did he build the Great Baoen Temple, he also rebuilt the Asoka Pagoda in Jianchu Temple and Changganli in .

Ashoka Stupa is a Buddhist stupa. The architectural form of the pagoda was not originally Chinese! It originates from India's speed bumps. After and were introduced to China, China's architectural style changed. Later, building temples and pagodas became Buddhist merits of the same nature.

The rebuilt Ashoka Pagoda was nearly 80 meters high and was the tallest tower in the world at that time! In the time of and in the Ming Dynasty, it was called the No. 1 Tower in the World! In the Western world at the same time, this tower was also famous! Even in Andersen's fairy tale... "The Garden of Heaven", it was specifically mentioned, saying - the porcelain tower I saw when I came back from China.

Why does it mention it? It's because there was an East India Company in the Netherlands at that time. It had a business group come to China. When they came to China, they saw this tower. So, when they returned to Europe, they wrote about this tower's travels. Alas! Published! Moreover, the portrait of this tower appeared in some of the earliest postcards and bookmarks in Europe... all of which showed this portrait of the Great Baoen Temple Tower. Westerners call it one of the seven wonders of the medieval world!

The tower of Dabaoen Temple is eighty meters high and divided into nine floors. The components of this tower are very well made! It is made of glazed components, and the sizes of each glazed component are different... Well, for such a big tower, all of them are made of glazed components, so the glazed components are easily damaged! If it is damaged, how to repair it? When building the tower, the designers took into consideration future maintenance issues! This problem was discovered by us in modern times. He said that he had already considered the maintenance issue... such a beautiful glazed tower .

In 1958, when a house was built near the ruins of Baoen Temple, a large number of glazed components were unearthed. These glazed components all have their own ages - they were burned from the 3rd year of Yongle to the 3rd year of Xuande , and they are above There are also ink marks... there are marks on each one. It turns out that when the glazed pagoda of Dabaoen Temple was built, three sets of each glazed component were burned! One set was installed at that time; the other two sets were buried in the ground at different locations. There is a number behind the components of each set, so that during maintenance, it is easy to know - ugh! This component is broken, then... where can I find it? This component is broken... There are drawings for it. You can accurately find this component and replace it.

Now, these components have been discovered and are still there! Part of it is in the National Museum of China and part of it is in the Nanjing Museum. Just, the design is very exquisite! It's even more sophisticated! The Great Baoen Temple Tower has sixteen windows on each floor, and the entire tower has one hundred and forty-four windows.At the time, there was no such thing as float plate glass, right! We say - if there are windows, there must be glass! Well, there was no glass at that time...the windows at that time were all papered!

But with such a big tower, you paste paper ? It seems too unclassy! So how to do it? That’s it…it’s windproof, classy, ​​and light-transmissive…there’s nothing that can’t trouble the ancient Chinese craftsmen! Ancient Chinese craftsmen probably used a process called " mother-of-pearl ", which is... to grind a very large clam shell... the shell into very thin pieces! Use this extremely thin shell to replace will transmit light! At least it's clear! It's not completely transparent like glass, but it's translucent! It's just... hazy, shadowy... and translucent!

Therefore, the windows in the entire Baoen Temple are all made of this thin clam shell! Every night, lights are lit in the tower, so that the whole city of Nanjing can see it! At night, this tower is illuminated, like a fairyland! Moreover, this light is guarded by someone...that is, the lamp is lit inside. As for the Great Baoen Temple, dozens of monks are arranged to be on duty in turns...because the lamps at that time had to be refueled...responsible for refueling, responsible Wiping the clam shells...

So, in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, Western business groups... such as Dutch business groups and European missionaries came to Nanjing, ah... At that time, Europe was very rustic! Where have they seen such a thing? At that time, Europeans regarded Chinese as foreigners! It’s just that—ah…Chinese foreigners are so awesome! I was shocked at that time! So I drew a picture of it and sent it back to Europe... and it later appeared in the earliest postcard in Europe.

Andersen called it the "Chinese Porcelain Tower"! Europeans call it the "Chinese Porcelain Tower". Our name is "Liu Li Pagoda"! Because Europeans can't tell the difference between "glazed" and "porcelain" with uranium on it, they think - "porcelain" with uranium on it is a "porcelain tower", but it's not! That's Liuli.

Since then, the reputation of this tower has spread all over the world! Throughout the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi and Qianlong all visited the Repaying Enlightenment Pagoda! Theoretically, the emperor cannot climb the tower! However, both Kangxi and Qianlong climbed the Baoen Tower and placed plaques on each floor of the tower. After Emperor Qianlong returned to Beijing, he specially ordered craftsmen to imitate this glazed pagoda in Beijing. Well... Beijing has built a few, and Chengde have built a few, but... they are all far apart! It was because I couldn't bear the cost of building a tower that I decided to build it.

After the Great Baoen Temple was built, for various reasons... several were destroyed and several were built! It's... this temple. The temple surrounding the pagoda has been destroyed and rebuilt several times! However, the tower in the temple, the Glazed Grain Pagoda, has always stood tall. Until the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom occupied Nanjing, that is - in August 1856, the Hong Yang civil strife broke out in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan and Yang Xiuqing fell out! Then, Hong Xiuquan mobilized Wei Changhui and Qin Rigang to kill Yang Xiuqing's family, Yang Xiuqing's soldiers, and continued to hunt down all the generals related to Yang Xiuqing!

At this time, Shi Da opened and advised Wei Changhui - don’t expand it any more! Any further expansion would damage the vitality of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. This Wei Changhui was already red-eyed and turned around to kill Shi Dakai! Shi Dakai escaped from Nanjing overnight. Wei Changhui killed all Shi Dakai's family members in Nanjing.Revolutionaries have always had a Jacobin complex! What is the Jacobin complex? That is - he is not only cruel to others, he is even crueler to himself! Comrades kill comrades more ruthlessly than enemies kill comrades! Faster! And there is no bottom line! !

Shi Dakai fled to Anqing, gathered troops to besiege Tianjing, and attacked Wei Changhui! There is a military key point in attacking Tianjing, which is the glazed pagoda of Baoen Temple ! Because it is eighty meters long, it is the commanding height of Nanjing City! If we lose this commanding height and push this red cannon up the tower, we will be able to blast all over the city of Nanjing from a commanding position... and we will control the city of Nanjing!

In order to prevent Shi Dakai from seizing this strategic point, Wei Changhui completely blew up the Glazed Tile Tower of Gratitude! Explode the tower... How much gunpowder do you need for such a big tower? Exploding the tower caused a fire at Da Baoen Temple. The Great Baoen Temple and Baoen Pagoda were burned down at the same time during the civil strife in Hongyang. Later, the Hunan Army defeated the Taiping Army and occupied Nanjing.

In the fourth year of Tongzhi, Li Hongzhang was appointed governor of Liangjiang. When he was the governor of Jiangsu, he founded a Suzhou foreign artillery bureau in Suzhou . At this time, when he was appointed governor of Liangjiang, he moved the foreign artillery bureau to Nanjing, right next to the bombed-out Baoen Temple. Jinling Machinery Manufacturing Bureau, one of the four major arsenals of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, was built on the ruins. Later, after liberation, the Jinling Machinery Manufacturing Bureau was transformed into today's Nanjing Chenguang Machinery Factory [At the end of 1952, Shanxi Changzhi No. 307 Factory moved to Nanjing, merged with the Ordnance General Factory, and was called the state-owned No. 307 Factory, not for external use. . In April 1957, the state-owned Chenguang Machinery Factory was adopted as the second factory name, and it was publicly used] , right? So, today we went to Nanjing Chenguang Machinery Factory...Chenguang Machinery Factory, which is the Dabaoen Temple and Dabaoen Tower. We have gone too far... Let's come back and continue talking. We are talking about the Tripitaka!

Well... Let’s talk about Da Baoen Temple! The Great Baoen Temple, which engraves and prints the Tripitaka... Although the Great Baoen Temple was sparsely built for ten to seventy-eight years, right... We have said that once it is built, it takes a long time to build it! But its main part had been built in the eleventh year of Yongle! Therefore, "Yongle Nanzang" was written probably in the eleventh year of Yongle.

Now, as for the end time of the carving, according to the records of "Jinling Brahma Temple Chronicles" - "Yongle Southern Tibetan" should be carved in the eighteenth year of Yongle at the latest, and the entire Tibetan Tibet would be carved! It probably took seven or eight years to carve. Since the carvings of "Yongle Nanzang" were "commissioned to build the Tibet"...there was an edict! It was naturally carried out under the leadership of the Senglu Department of the Ministry of Rites.

During the seven or eight years from the 11th year of Yongle to the 18th year of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, the earliest person to serve as an official in the Senglu Department... Needless to say - Zuo Shanshi Daoyan! That's the one we're talking about - black clothes Yao Guangxiao . During the Yongle period... after Jingnan was victorious, his main task was to repair books! He also studied "Records of Taizu", "Yongle Dadian ", "Yongle Nanzang"...basically took charge of all compilation matters! That's...this Yao Guangxiao.

In the sixteenth year of Yongle, Master Daoyan passed away before "Yongle Nanzang" was completed! He was succeeded by Daocheng, the abbot of Tianjie Temple in Nanjing; and after that, Jingjie, the abbot of Linggu Temple in Nanjing. Eminent monks such as Juding, Yiru, Sikuo, etc. all participated in the compilation of "Yongle Nanzang".

Since the early years of the Ming Dynasty, it has engraved three Tripitakas in succession within a few decades, right - "Hongwu Nanzang", "Yongle Nanzang", and "Yongle Beizang", so, There are several eminent monks who experienced these three Tripitakas at the same time! For example, what we just talked about before - Daocheng, the abbot of Tianjie Temple, personally led the engraving three times! He was the leader of these three "Great Tibetan" works! Master Huanju Jingjie of Linggu Temple , he participated in the engraving of two "Southern Tibet", namely - "Yongle Nanzang" and "Hongwu Nanzang". Masters like Master Yiru and Master Sikuo participated in the engraving and collection of the two Yongle editions of the Tripitaka, "Yongle Southern Collection" and "Yongle Northern Collection".

These eminent monks in the early Ming Dynasty, because of their special karma, each of them participated in several Tripitakas! This is unique in the history of the Tripitaka!

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