Zen Master Fa'an was an eminent monk during the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a native of Linchuan, and his lay name was Xu. When Fa'an was twenty years old, because he was proficient in the classics and received full ordination, he became a great monk and was able to travel arou

2024/05/3121:18:33 buddhism 1325

Zen Master Fa'an was an eminent monk in the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a native of Linchuan (now Linchuan District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province), and his lay name was Xu.

Zen Master became a monk since he was a child. He became a disciple of Monk Mu Xian of Chengtian Temple and was given the Buddhist title "Fa'an". When Fa'an was twenty years old, because he was proficient in the classics and received full ordination, he became a great monk and was able to travel around the world.

He first visited the eminent monk Xuedou Zen Master and benefited a lot. After Zen Master Xuedou passed away, he practiced with the eminent monk Tianyi. Monk Fa'an is extremely talented and has extremely high cultivation. All his disciples think that he is the most proud disciple of Zen Master Tianyi.

Zen Master Fa'an was an eminent monk during the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a native of Linchuan, and his lay name was Xu. When Fa'an was twenty years old, because he was proficient in the classics and received full ordination, he became a great monk and was able to travel arou - DayDayNews

He was not satisfied to stop there. After that, he left Zen Master Tianyi and visited eminent monks and sages from various places to confirm the Dharma and exchange experiences with each other. After years of diligent practice, Monk Fa'an achieved great success in Buddhism and became a world-recognized eminent monk, known as Zen Master Fa'an.

Zen Master Fa'an, who has achieved success in his studies, returned to his hometown of Linchuan, intending to promote Buddhism in his hometown and recruit disciples. He lived successively in Shanglan Temple in Nanchang and Yanen Temple in Wuning.

Yanen Temple was dilapidated at that time. There were only a few rooms that could still be lived in. There were a few old beds in them. Except for passing monks, few people entered and stayed.

Zen Master Fa'an was an eminent monk during the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a native of Linchuan, and his lay name was Xu. When Fa'an was twenty years old, because he was proficient in the classics and received full ordination, he became a great monk and was able to travel arou - DayDayNews

Zen Master Fa'an wanted to rebuild the temple, so he entered Yanen Temple with his luggage and settled down there. He cooked his own meals every day, meditated, and did not feel any hardship at all.

When the county magistrate learned of this, he planned to force the wealthy people in the county to donate money to rebuild Yan'en Temple so that Zen Master Fa'an could live more comfortably.

After Zen Master Fa'an learned about it, he walked to the county government office and smiled at the county magistrate: "Thank you for your kindness. However, the reason why we monks became monks is to help the world and save people and build good relationships with all living beings. If we violate people's rules, If you want to force them to donate money to build the temple, then this behavior is not creating good karma, but creating bad karma!" The county magistrate hurriedly stopped this behavior.

Zen Master Fa'an was an eminent monk during the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a native of Linchuan, and his lay name was Xu. When Fa'an was twenty years old, because he was proficient in the classics and received full ordination, he became a great monk and was able to travel arou - DayDayNews

After Zen Master Fa'an refused the county magistrate, he lived in Yanen Temple for ten years. During this period, he chanted sutras and worshiped Buddha, alms and raised donations. He used the money raised to rebuild the temple, renovated the original dilapidated temple, and recruited new students. With dozens of disciples, Yanen Temple was able to regain its former glory. Because of the rebuilding of Yan'en Temple, Zen Master Fa'an was also called "Master Yan'en".

Zen Master Fa'an and Master Fa Yunxiu are brothers. They have a deep friendship. The Buddhist temple where Master Fa Yunxiu lives is magnificent and unparalleled in the world. Master Fa Yunxiu is a very high-profile person. He likes to pay attention to pomp and has recruited several people. There are hundreds of disciples who often interact with dignitaries and are proud of it.

Zen Master Fa'an was an eminent monk during the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a native of Linchuan, and his lay name was Xu. When Fa'an was twenty years old, because he was proficient in the classics and received full ordination, he became a great monk and was able to travel arou - DayDayNews

Once, in order to show off his status, Master Fa Yunxiu wrote a letter to Zen Master Fa'an. In the letter, he planned to let Zen Master Fa'an be the leader of his service, so that he could get to know dignitaries and enjoy peace and quiet with him. Honor.

Zen Master Fa'an read the letter and said to his disciples with a smile: "Monk Fa Yunxiu is really an idiot!" The disciples were surprised and asked: "Master, my uncle is a world-famous monk like you. How can you say he is a fool?"

Zen Master Fa'an explained: "We monks should be pure and uphold the precepts. When we are hungry, we should hold an alms bowl and travel around to seek alms. Your uncle used to be devoted to the Buddha, but now he has forgotten his original intention and led several people. Hundreds of disciples have become helpers of powerful families. They are not ashamed, but proud. What is this but an idiot? "

Zen Master Fa'an was an eminent monk during the Northern Song Dynasty. He was a native of Linchuan, and his lay name was Xu. When Fa'an was twenty years old, because he was proficient in the classics and received full ordination, he became a great monk and was able to travel arou - DayDayNews

This is what Zen Master Fa'an said, and he also did this. He lived in poverty and enjoyed Taoism, and did not cherish glory. He never shows off his magical powers through Buddhism. Many people ask him how to get rid of suffering and find stability and happiness. He always answered these eight words: "Everything follows the fate, which is the law of peace and happiness."

Song Shenzong Yuanfeng Jiazi year (Yuanfeng seventh year, 1084 AD), August Xinwei day, Zen Master Fa'an passed away peacefully, on the sixth day of the Spring and Autumn Period Eleven years old, monk La is forty-one years old.

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