In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here.

2024/05/2810:26:33 buddhism 1171

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car . The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While the monk was holding the child, he comforted the child: No Cry, daddy here .

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

The original name of the monk who is holding the child is Wu Bing. He was once a successful entrepreneur . Later, he became a monk due to some things. Now he is indeed holding his own child, because the column of the father of the child's birth is , the name he filled in was , but he was not the child’s biological father. and even the child’s mother, this was his first time meeting .

He is not abducting children. On the contrary, it is precisely because of his actions that this child was born in this world.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Why did Wu Bing do this? As a monk, he became a monk and raised more than 400 children in ten years. Even if he was expelled from the temple, he had no regrets. From a successful entrepreneur to a famous local "flower monk", what did Wu Bing experience?

Swore to become a monk

At that time, Wu Bing's family conditions were actually ordinary, his parents were farmers, but Wu Bing seized the opportunity and opened a factory when he was young. Successfully doubled his net worth, and later engaged in foreign trade business. Success , in 2000, an order from Wu Bing was worth hundreds of thousands.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Having achieved financial freedom early, is undoubtedly a successful person in the eyes of many people, , but Wu Bing has an unspeakable secret.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

His marriage was arranged by his parents and it was a consanguineous marriage. Therefore, when his wife was pregnant, Wu Bing had been worried about the child's physical problems. Wu Bing, who believed in cause and effect, silently swore to his wife when she was pregnant that he was willing to use himself. for the rest of their lives in exchange for their children’s safety and health.

If his children can grow up healthily, then Wu Bing is willing to choose to become a monk at the age of 50 to pray for his family.

After his daughter was born very healthy , Wu Bing was naturally very happy. However, although his daughter's health was fine, his relationship with his wife was in a big crisis.

After divorced his wife, Wu Bing asked someone to settle down his daughter, and then converted to Buddhism in advance at the age of 35 and became a monk in a temple.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

In fact, Wu Bing had long been tired of the intrigues in shopping malls, and even gradually looked down on money. Instead, it was because he was obsessed with Buddhism. Later, he couldn't put it down for works such as the Diamond Sutra. felt that these things could bring peace to his mind.

So when he became a monk in advance, it was excusable .

At that time, he entrusted his business to a friend, and then became a Daolu monk at the age of 35..

Daolu, who had just become a monk, also exiled himself on the road of life. He went to various places to practice and travel. The more he walked with his luggage, the more fulfilling Daolu felt in his heart.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

After two years of traveling, he returned to the temple and began to recite sutras . At this time, he found that there were many salvation tablets enshrined in the temple.

Most of these tablets are prepared for aborted babies.

Many expectant mothers feel very remorseful because they have made this choice, so they always feel guilty and that is why they enshrine their children's salvation tablets.

After knowing the stories behind these tablets , Monk Daolu couldn't bear it, but he couldn't change anything.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Adopt a child

One day in 2012, when Daolu was about to close the temple, he saw a woman insisting on entering the temple . While Daolu was trying to persuade the woman to close the temple, he also learned about the woman's story , she said that she was going to have an abortion tomorrow and wanted to give her child a salvation today.

Dao Lu felt a wave of confusion at that time. He saw many memorial tablets, and he really didn't want to add one more , so he tried his best to persuade the woman in front of him to change her mind..

But this woman cried heartbrokenly: My family doesn’t agree, I have nowhere to go, and no one is willing to help me. This is my only choice!

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Looking at the crying woman in front of him, Dao Lu was wondering if he could reach out to help.

It is said that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda . After struggling for a while, Daolu found that he still couldn't stand by, so he told the woman that he could help her.

It was also because of Daolu's unreasonable help that this woman finally left the child, and Daolu also figured out a lot of things from this woman.

Later he looked at the salvation symbols of babies in the temple and pondered for a long time. Behind these salvation symbols, each one showed the abandoned life of a baby.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Dao Lu realized that many women may have no choice but to give up their children because they are desperate. However, if they really give up, they will feel regret and guilt. Some people may live with this guilt for the rest of their lives, but What if they had an extra escape route?

Daolu asked himself about his heart several times, and then he decided to become a retreat for these women when he could.

In 2012, Daolu disclosed his contact information on the Internet and said in a high-profile manner, "Those who want an abortion can come to me for help."

After Daolu disclosed his contact information, someone actually found him for help. Help .

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

It was also at this time that Dao Lu learned that some girls had no solution after unexpected pregnancy. The children would be thrown into trash cans or even sewers by girls who were young or desperate.

But the emergence of Daolu gave these people another choice.

Originally, Daolu's original intention was to save people, but the more people he saved, the more entangled he became with this mortal world.

All the people who come to Daolu are girls. As time goes by, there are more and more rumors..

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Even before Daolu did anything, he had already become a well-known "Flower Monk". Many people said that the Buddha nature in his heart was gone.

In just half a year, Daolu has rescued more than 70 women and saved the lives of more than 70 babies.

The more I come into contact with Daolu, the more I feel that most of these girls have unspeakable secrets. Their pressure comes not only from society and family, but even from the father of their children.

But these girls all have one thing in common, that is, they are really desperate. If Dao Lu had not appeared, the entire lives of these babies and their mothers might have changed.

For example, the high school student Daolu rescued was younger than . When she came to Daolu for help, she was already eight months pregnant. She had no place to go and kept repeating the sentence " I am finished in this life. ".

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

At that time, Xiao Yu used a large school uniform to cover his belly to hide his face. Finally, with the help of Dao Lu, he took the child to his own place.

There are also some secrets that cannot be told about children. For example, there was a pregnant woman in her forties. When she came to Daolu, she said that this child should not be born in this world.

This pregnant woman already has a seemingly harmonious family. All her children are in junior high school. However, because she and her husband seemed to be inseparable, she got married. However, she did not expect that an accident would lead to her pregnancy , but this child could not Stay, otherwise not only your family, but also your husband and your career will be affected.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

At that time, Daolu was very entangled. This child was the product of her infidelity, but if she did not take in this baby, it might not have a chance to see the world.

After thinking for a long time, Daolu scolded the pregnant woman, and then accepted the child . However, the pregnant woman argued that she and her husband had been estranged for a long time, she was 6 months pregnant, and they were under the same roof. No one in the family noticed it.

I have to say what this woman said. Hearing it made people feel sad and sad. Dao Lu felt the same way, but he also understood that the child was innocent, so he chose to rescue him in the end.

Within 10 years of becoming a monk, Daolu became the nominal father of more than 400 children.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Going into business again

Daolu rescued these girls with the money left over from his early years of business . As long as he asked for help, Daolu could take care of everything, from setting up files for admission to accompanying the girls to give birth, and even to the girls' later stages. Daolu is responsible for all vaccinations and confinement .

He not only helps these women financially, but also gives them spiritual rebirth.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Every time a pregnant woman enters his rescue room, Daolu will prepare a special power of attorney. The content above is probably that Daolu can be responsible for taking care of the child. If they want to take back the child at any time, Daolu will also It will not stop ; if they want to come back to visit their children, Daolu is more than welcome, but when the child is 18 years old, the mother needs to come back and get to know the child ; the most important point is that respects the child's wishes, After a child turns 18, their future can only be decided by themselves..

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Basically all mothers have signed this power of attorney. There are also many people who have chosen to take their children home after struggling for several years. Some young mothers may not have the ability or were forced to do so. I was helpless, so I asked Daolu for help. Later, I became capable and willing to be a good mother seriously.

For mothers who are willing to take their children away, Daolu, although sometimes reluctant to let go of their children, will still let them return to their families.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Over the years, Daolu has also met people who wanted to adopt . Some of them had no children due to various reasons, and some wanted to help others out of kindness, but Daolu all refused. These adoptees.

Because in Daolu's view, his children are a little different from the children in the orphanage. Although they don't have their mothers with them, they are all children with families. The mothers of these children did not give up on them. , so they chose to ask Daolu for help, so Daolu was not willing to let them down.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

In order to take better care of the children, Daolu will even ask caregivers to help take care of them. Daolu is even more comfortable in changing the children's diapers and cutting their nails.

Even for these children and mothers, Daolu bought a small building to give children and mothers a refuge.

Taking care of children and pregnant women not only costs money and time, but also a lot of energy. Even though Daolu hired two caregivers, the manpower was still tight.

Even because the expenses were too high, Daolu had to go back to business and use the money he earned to raise these children.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews


Because Daolu spends time with pregnant women every day, has attracted a lot of criticism, and some people have even spread a lot of rumors. Daolu has also heard about his "Flower Monk" name, but he Every time I see a pregnant woman asking for help, I still can't stand by and do nothing.

Finally The temple where he was located had to persuade him to leave for the sake of his own reputation. Daolu knew the abbot's dilemma and said nothing more.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

Compared with the false reputation of practicing in the temple, Daolu cares more about every life he can save. If he gives up what he is doing for the sake of reputation, it will make his conscience uneasy for the rest of his life.

So if the temple cannot accommodate him, then he will go to practice in this world of mortals, at least with a clear conscience , so even if he is expelled from the temple, even if he has been known as the "Flower Monk" for many years, Daolu still has no complaints. regret.

Later, while helping pregnant women, Daolu also found a desolate temple, and then set up his own business and started his own practice.

In April 2019, a monk packed a newborn baby boy into his car. The baby boy was wrapped in his gray monk's robe. While holding the baby, the monk comforted the baby: Don't cry, daddy. it's here. - DayDayNews

For him, the external evaluation of is no longer important. He lives his whole life, but he only wants to have a clear conscience.

Daolu originally chose to give up business and convert to Buddhism for inner peace, but was willing to choose business again in order to help pregnant women, just to help more people.

Maybe his realm is really different, so is still cultivating his mind even in the mortal world.

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