First of all, how pious a person is does not depend on how many years he has been a vegetarian, how many classics he has read, or how many times he has kowtowed. True piety lies in his disbelief.

2024/06/2800:01:33 buddhism 1831

First of all, how pious a person is does not depend on how many years he has been a vegetarian, how many classics he has read, or how many times he has kowtowed. True piety lies in his disbelief. - DayDayNews

Is it true that the more religious a person is, the more effective he is in meditating? Is it true that the more diligent and courageous a person is, the more progress he will make in meditation? First of all, how pious a person is does not depend on how many years he has been a vegetarian, how many classics he has read, or how many times he has kowtowed. True piety lies in his disbelief.

No matter which sect we study, we must remember that the premise of belief is doubt. What we believe in is this teacher, his prestige, his character, and his mental system.

But we have to doubt whether what he said is right, because only if you have doubts in your heart, you will really sit on the futon to verify him. As long as you are on the futon, all you can prove is to him. It doesnโ€™t matter whether the mental method is what Amao Agou or Lao Wang next door said. What is important is whether the mental method can allow you to confirm him on the futon person.

So true piety does not mean looking at how pious a person's words and deeds are, but the process of whether there is tangible confirmation on the futon.

The second question is, does it mean that the more diligent and courageous a person is, the more progress he will make in meditation? Actually no, because meditation is a mental effort. What we have to do is not how many things we pick up, but how many things we put down. You have to let go of your thinking, let go of your feelings, and even let go of your emotions. This process is all about letting go and letting go. It cannot be done by hard work, diligence, or study. On the contrary, when you sit down with nothing to do, your progress in learning to meditate may be smoother. Have you learned it?

If you have leg pain while meditating and feel that your legs are very stiff, you must practice the body root awareness method of the Six Views into Concentration method. By practicing this method, your legs can slowly soften, and you can You can get started with meditation by using with a single lotus position and double lotus position. Come to my live broadcast room at 8 o'clock tonight.

Many students donโ€™t know if their waist is straight when they meditate, so how do they straighten their waist during meditation? First of all, after sitting firmly, straighten your whole waist, put this waist here, straighten your chest, straighten your neck, slowly, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax while shaking, slowly find the best Feel comfortable, stop, stop slowly, stop. If we look from top to bottom, we will find that the head and the belly are in line, and the body is slightly tilted forward. Many people think that leaning forward will not straighten the waist. This is not true, because the buttocks are padded behind meditating. I have a small cushion, so leaning forward is correct and the waist is straight. Do you understand?

First of all, how pious a person is does not depend on how many years he has been a vegetarian, how many classics he has read, or how many times he has kowtowed. True piety lies in his disbelief. - DayDayNews

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