Sakyamuni said that people have eight sufferings, namely birth, old age, illness, death, resentment and hatred, separation from love, raging five yin, and not being able to seek what they want. Birth, old age, illness, and death are natural physical pains, while resentment, separ

2024/07/0210:14:32 buddhism 1676

Sakyamuni said that people have eight sufferings, which are birth, old age, illness, death, resentment and hatred, separation from love, raging five yin, and failure to seek. Birth, old age, illness, and death are natural physical pains, while resentment, separation from love, overflowing of the five yin factors, and lack of what we want are mental pains.

Sakyamuni said that people have eight sufferings, namely birth, old age, illness, death, resentment and hatred, separation from love, raging five yin, and not being able to seek what they want. Birth, old age, illness, and death are natural physical pains, while resentment, separ - DayDayNews

What is Resentment and Hatred ? In one's life, people often encounter people and things that they hate and dislike. People who don't want to see them have to see them, and they can't get rid of them. As the saying goes: complaining about the narrow road of a family, you will not see it when you look down, but you will see it when you look up. For example, in a family, the mother-in-law, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, etc. inherently have the smell of natural enemies. Due to the limitations of karma, they prefer to live in the same yard all day long and make the chickens and dogs restless.

Sakyamuni said that people have eight sufferings, namely birth, old age, illness, death, resentment and hatred, separation from love, raging five yin, and not being able to seek what they want. Birth, old age, illness, and death are natural physical pains, while resentment, separ - DayDayNews

And what is the five yin blazing, namely form, feeling, thinking, action and consciousness. The word "yin" means covering, which means: because of the five yin, greed, anger and ignorance are When the heart is firmly attached to these five yins, which cover the human nature, it will burn fiercely like fire touching dry wood, causing confusion in the human heart and creating all kinds of karma.

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