Literally speaking, the heart of the Heart Sutra is free from worries, and the Diamond Sutra subdues the mind. Many friends are familiar with it and also envy it, thinking it is very powerful. Practitioners actually start from the cloud and do the work of subduing their minds. On

2024/06/3001:35:33 buddhism 1022

Literally, the heart of the Heart Sutra is free from worries, and the Diamond Sutra subdues the mind.

Many friends are familiar with it, and they also envy it and think it is very powerful.

Practitioners actually practice the art of taming their minds from Yunhe when they first get started. Once you practice this habit and truly subdue your mind, you will naturally have no worries.

Then ask us, what are we worried about?

So the Heart Sutra gave some examples before saying that the mind is free from worries. In fact, it is asking us what are we worried about?

Literally speaking, the heart of the Heart Sutra is free from worries, and the Diamond Sutra subdues the mind. Many friends are familiar with it and also envy it, thinking it is very powerful. Practitioners actually start from the cloud and do the work of subduing their minds. On - DayDayNews

We talk about being attached to money, attached to status, attached to fame and wealth, attached to emotions, these are all attached to hobbies.

You look at colors, feel things, think about things, and understand them. This is the example given above.

Well, hang out all the things you are worried about. Let's take a car and see which ones are worth worrying about and how long they can be hung up on.

then analyzed money, power, fame and wealth, status, emotions, etc. one by one, and then began to refine it and analyze the love of money layer by layer.

I didn’t bring anything with me when I came, and I’m sure I won’t be able to take it with me when I leave. Even if I haven’t left yet, it won’t be much different when I’m lying on the bed, right?

In that case, between virtue and poetry, we can actually make our hearts empty first. That is, between gains and losses, we have too much wishful thinking, thinking that gains and losses are all wishful thinking.

Don't gain anything when you naturally gain virtue, poetry, and so on. Keep possessing this idea, and don't think you've lost anything when you think about losing it.

is less relevant here. It means analyzing and operating one by one. It means that we should stare at these things that are important to us one by one, carefully look at them clearly, and see them thoroughly. That sentence comes into use. What does it mean to see through?

Literally speaking, the heart of the Heart Sutra is free from worries, and the Diamond Sutra subdues the mind. Many friends are familiar with it and also envy it, thinking it is very powerful. Practitioners actually start from the cloud and do the work of subduing their minds. On - DayDayNews

To see through is to see through the mode of surrender. What is the mode of surrender? These are the companies that remain in my heart in the end.

Oops, you don’t know how much money I made before, I lost money, you don’t know how good I used to be, I can’t do it.

You don’t know how many fans I have before. I am very kind to people, and others are very kind to me.

How many of those beloved people or people who loved me before can now feel all kinds of knots and complaints in my heart. Show them out one by one and dry them. .

We need to stare at him and see him through with our wise eyes. What are we looking at?

We don’t look at the external phenomena and personnel environment, but at the traces left in our hearts. Seeing that emptiness does not mean that it is not there, but that it cannot be attached to in the first place.

Literally speaking, the heart of the Heart Sutra is free from worries, and the Diamond Sutra subdues the mind. Many friends are familiar with it and also envy it, thinking it is very powerful. Practitioners actually start from the cloud and do the work of subduing their minds. On - DayDayNews

The effect that slowly comes into play at this time is that the heart does not say anything, there is no worry at all, it is the worry, a little less.

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