Guanyin Bodhisattva appears many times in "Journey to the West". The purpose of obtaining Buddhist scriptures is to spread Buddhism to the East and develop it, which is very important to Buddhism.

2024/05/2612:52:32 buddhism 1942

1. Why can’t Guanyin become a Buddha?

Guanyin Bodhisattva appears many times in "Journey to the West". Both Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng embarked on the path of studying scriptures under the enlightenment of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Including Sun Wukong 's tightening curse and three hairs were all given to him by the Bodhisattva. The purpose of obtaining Buddhist scriptures is to spread Buddhism to the East and develop it, which is very important to Buddhism. So why can't Guanyin become a Buddha? Look at who she was before, Tathagata is all respectful!

After successfully studying the classics, Sun Wukong and Tang Monk both became Buddhas. The Bodhisattva, as one of the main contributors, did not receive any reward. The status of Bodhisattva in Buddhism is below that of Buddha. Why can't Guanyin become a Buddha? See who she was before, Tathagata is respectful.

In fact, although the Bodhisattva is called a Bodhisattva, his status can be compared with Tathagata . Bodhisattva and Tathagata Buddha are one of the five elders of the five directions, and there is no distinction between high and low. But in Buddhism, Buddha is higher than Bodhisattva. But this does not mean anything to a Bodhisattva, because according to his qualifications and strength, a Bodhisattva can become a Buddha.

The reason why she did not become a Buddha is because she had vowed to save all sentient beings, so the Bodhisattva had more contact with the mortal world, which made him unsuitable for becoming a Buddha without desires and pursuits. Similar to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also an expert in Buddhism. He once said that if hell were not empty, he would not become a Buddha.

It is not difficult to see in "Journey to the West" that all the gods are very respectful when they see the Bodhisattva, including the Tathagata Buddha who is also in awe. It can be seen that the actual status of this Bodhisattva has already surpassed the level of Bodhisattva. Zhen Yuanzi, the founder of the Earth Immortal of Wuzhuang Temple, paid no attention to the Tathagata Buddha statue, but as soon as he saw Guanyin Bodhisattva, he hurried forward to pack his luggage. For the Bodhisattva, fame and wealth are no longer important. She is even respected by others like the Buddha.

Guanyin Bodhisattva appears many times in

2. What is the reason why a Bodhisattva never became a Buddha in his life? Is it because he is not qualified?

The Bodhisattva will never become a Buddha in his life, not because the Bodhisattva is not qualified to become a Buddha, but because the Bodhisattva surrenders to Guanyin and uses this method to save all sentient beings. The book "The Great Compassion Dharani Sutra" once introduced that Bodhisattva has the power to become a Buddha, but Bodhisattva is willing to use his own power to save all living beings. Therefore, the Bodhisattva himself descended to the Buddha's position and still used the identity of Guanyin. Protect all sentient beings. The Bodhisattva is compassionate and compassionate. He has countless merits and virtues, but he never thought of relying on these merits to become a Buddha.

When some people are practicing, they often do good deeds in the world like Bodhisattva. The good deeds they do are all in exchange for corresponding merit. If you have more merit, you can be promoted to immortality, and then you can be high up. Buddha. However, Bodhisattvas do good deeds in the world solely to influence sentient beings. Bodhisattvas hope that all suffering in the world will disappear. Therefore, the Bodhisattva never thought of taking advantage of the gratitude of sentient beings to become a Buddha. On the contrary, when he becomes a Buddha, he himself becomes a Bodhisattva.

Because the Bodhisattva can always stay in the world and feel the suffering in the world, at the same time, the Bodhisattva can also rely on his own strength to provide corresponding help to the people who are suffering in the world. Sakyamuni Buddha once said that he said that the Bodhisattva is better than himself He became a Buddha first, but he still taught and enlightened all sentient beings in the world. He did not enjoy such a high status. On the contrary, he had always been a Bodhisattva who cared about the world, so he was unwilling to become a Buddha.

Bodhisattva gave up the chance to become a Buddha. This is his great compassion and compassion, and he has thanked many people when he helped the suffering people. In fact, his merits are the most conspicuous, but he never wants to leave this world. In his eyes, he can see that all living beings are suffering, so he is trying his best to bring them some help. This is why Guanyin is loved by so many people.

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