How to choose a kindergarten for your child? New parents are almost forced to suffer from "difficulty in choosing" due to this problem. Take my cousin as an example, she started preparing a year in advance. With her home as the school selection center, covering a 5-kilometer radi

How to choose a kindergarten for your child? Novice parents are almost forced to suffer from " difficulty in choosing " due to this problem.

Taking my cousin as an example, she started preparing a year in advance. takes her home as the center of school selection, covering a 5-kilometer radius . She led her family to inspect at least 20 kindergartens, including public and private.

During this series of kindergarten inspections, my cousin was dazzled. In her own words: Each has its own advantages, but it is also inevitable that there are shortcomings. There is always a short distance from the ideal kindergarten in her mind.

Seeing that the registration deadline for major kindergartens is approaching, my cousin, who is in a mess, has to ask me, a mother of two children, for help - Choose one of the kindergartens, public or private?

I tell my cousin from personal experience that kindergarten is the starting point for children’s education. This decision does need to be carefully considered, but it cannot be overly picky. After all, "Utopia" is just a fictional hypothetical situation, and the same goes for choosing a kindergarten for your children. There are more or less unsatisfactory aspects. Should I choose public or private? I carefully listed 7 aspects of comparison and gave them to my cousin for reference. takes this opportunity to share it with parents in need, hoping to help everyone clarify their school selection ideas and choose a kindergarten that is suitable for their children.

① Teachers


Teachers in public kindergartens all have "established" positions, and there are unified standards for teacher admissions. Generally speaking, the teaching staff is relatively good, and the overall quality of teachers is "uniform." Furthermore, because of the job nature of public kindergarten teachers’ “establishment positions”, which are quite “iron rice bowl”, teachers generally have less mobility.


The admission threshold for teachers in private kindergartens is much relaxed, and there are no rigid requirements, so it is inevitable that the quality of teachers will be "uneven." Furthermore, because most private kindergarten teachers are "contract" employees, like ordinary units, the relationship is between employment and employment, so the mobility of teachers in private kindergartens is relatively high.

② Hardware facilities


Public kindergartens have a relatively high threshold for running schools, and generally have dedicated venues, so the overall school scale is relatively large. However, because many public kindergartens have been in operation for a long time, there may be outdated hardware facilities.


The threshold for running a private kindergarten is relatively low. Relatively speaking, the area of ​​private kindergartens is much smaller, and the scale is mainly small and medium-sized. However, the facilities and equipment of private kindergartens are usually relatively new. Most private kindergartens have real-time monitoring equipment. Parents who are worried about their children can observe their children's living conditions during school through their mobile phones. This makes many parents feel reassured.

③ Classification situation


Public kindergartens usually adopt large class teaching, with a class of about 30 people, and the teacher staffing is roughly based on a teacher-student ratio of 1:10. Because there are many people and teachers have limited energy, it is often difficult for teachers to fully take care of every child.


Private kindergartens are mostly based on small class teaching, with a class ranging from a few to more than twenty. The teacher staffing ratio is about 1:5 depending on the situation. The more expensive the kindergarten, the smaller the teacher-student ratio, and the children will get The care will be more detailed.

④ In terms of diet,

public kindergartens receive state subsidies and have stricter food requirements. Whether it is food safety or nutritional matching, some public kindergartens will also hire professional nutritionists . Food ingredients are also purchased through formal channels, so in Parents of children attending public kindergartens do not need to worry about food.


Private kindergartens operate on the principle of "responsible for profits and losses". At the same price, private kindergartens are definitely inferior to public kindergartens in terms of ingredients. Of course, most private kindergartens are also more careful about nutrition. They will refer to nutritious recipes to ensure the children's nutritious diet, and will publish menus once a week.

⑤ Fees


Public kindergartens are under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. Tuition fees are considered for the working class. Generally speaking, childcare fees plus food fees vary slightly depending on the region, but the overall cost-effectiveness is very high. The monthly salary ranges from a few hundred yuan to around a thousand yuan.

The tuition fees for private kindergartens range from a few hundred yuan per month for cheaper ones to several thousand yuan for high-quality private kindergartens. Of course, private kindergartens with higher fees also have advantages in terms of hardware equipment, food, and teaching content. After all, there must be an "expensive" reason to make parents feel that they are worth their money.

⑥ Teaching content


Public kindergartens focus on guiding children’s interests. The classroom atmosphere is relatively relaxed and does not advocate early “primary education”. Most public kindergartens do not teach textbook content at all. Public kindergartens focus more on the all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and physical skills. The focus in class is on restraining children's behavior and habits. In the short term, children's knowledge may be a weak point, but in the long term, it is important for children to develop good study habits. Very helpful.

The setting of teaching content is the "feature" of private kindergartens, and it is also the "living sign" of many private kindergartens when enrolling students. Most private kindergartens will embed teaching content in textbooks in advance so that children can learn cultural knowledge in advance. The progress of children in a short period of time is obvious. At the same time, private kindergartens also have richer arrangements for after-school activities, requiring children to participate in some activity classes, practical classes, experience classes, interest classes, etc., emphasizing the cultivation of children's comprehensive abilities.

⑦ Campus atmosphere

The campus atmosphere of public kindergartens is relatively strict, and the teaching methods are more in line with the preset "rules and regulations." Apart from group notifications, there is relatively little communication between teachers and parents regarding children’s personal issues.

Private kindergartens have a "commercial profit" nature. Teachers have the idea of ​​​​"serving customers" towards parents, so their attitude is relatively cordial. Teachers are willing to spend their spare time communicating with parents about their children's personal situations, with the intention of letting parents feel the services of teachers and schools in all aspects, improving parents' satisfaction with the school, and making the overall campus atmosphere more relaxed.

In summary, there are 7 differences between public and private kindergartens. There is no question of who is better or who is not. It can only be said that each has its own merits.

Should I choose a public kindergarten or a private kindergarten? It is recommended that you conduct a comprehensive screening based on the family's financial situation, parents' requirements, and the child's personality, narrow the scope of choices, and find a kindergarten suitable for your baby.