If you understand these symptoms before teething, your baby can easily cope with the teething period!

2020/12/0720:50:16 baby 912
What are the symptoms of

baby teething?

Teeth eruption is a normal physiological phenomenon, generally no discomfort, but the baby may have the following abnormal behaviors during teething:

1. Gnawing and biting: This is because when the teeth erupt, they stimulate the gums, congestion and edema, and the baby’s gums. Caused by discomfort such as itching. During this period, you can clean gauze, rubber round stick toys or hard food for your baby to bite these things to relieve the discomfort of itching gums.

2. Increased saliva: The trigeminal nerve is stimulated when teeth erupt, causing increased saliva secretion. However, due to the imperfect swallowing function of children and the shallow bottom of the mouth, saliva often flows out of the mouth, forming "physiological salivation", which will become The bottom of the mouth deepens and drooling will gradually disappear.

3. Eruptive hematoma: Before deciduous teeth erupt, sometimes the mucosa covering the teeth is locally swollen and appears bluish-purple. Generally, there is no obvious conscious symptoms and no treatment is needed. It will gradually heal itself as the teeth erupt.

4. Irritability and restless sleep: The baby may show pain and discomfort during the tooth eruption, so he often cries, is more irritable, sleeps unstable, and may wake up in the middle of the night. Occasionally, the body temperature will rise, and some may even cause fever.

Baby teething, what parents should do

1. After the baby starts teething, parents should remember not to eat too sweet food for the baby, which can easily induce tooth decay.

2. In theory, the baby should pay attention to cleaning after the first tooth. The mother can gently wipe the baby's mouth with gauze.

There is another situation that needs to be mentioned. Some mothers will say that the baby will have a fever when teething. This is not always the case for every baby. But still need to be more vigilant. A week before the baby’s deciduous teeth, the baby will cry, increase saliva, and especially like to bite. Some babies are also accompanied by diarrhea and swollen gums. Parents know the baby's fever at any time, pay more attention, and seek medical attention in time if abnormal conditions are found.

Baby has teething pain

When the baby is teething, it will always be accompanied by some uncomfortable symptoms, such as drooling, irritability, loss of appetite, like to bite hard things, touch the gums with hands, etc. Today I recommend a few tips for you Methods to relieve the baby's anxiety. You can use clean fingers or moistened gauze to gently wipe your baby’s gums; you can also give your baby something to chew, such as cold towels, spoons, chews; older babies who can eat lumpy foods, You can bite hard foods, such as: refrigerated cucumbers or carrots, unsweetened molar biscuits, etc.; be careful to keep watching the baby chewing to prevent the danger of choking. In addition, it will help to wipe off the saliva immediately.

To deal with teething, smart mothers do this!

1. Massage the baby's gums

During the teething period, babies often have discomfort in the gums, such as itchy gums and red and swollen gums, which can also make the baby very painful. Therefore, after washing her hands, Baoma can gently massage the baby's gums with her fingers to relieve the discomfort.

But be careful! If your baby’s gums are red, swollen or ulcerated, you must be cautious. Do not massage at will to prevent further oral infections and deepen your baby’s pain. At this time, the best way is to seek medical treatment in time and follow the doctor's advice.

2, the artifact of coaxing baby during teething-molar biscuits, teether

will feel discomfort due to teething. Some babies will bite their fingers, fists or other objects to relieve the discomfort. After all, when the baby is teething, what he needs most is teeth grinding! Most of the baby teeth erupt between 4-10 months. During the process of teething, the baby will have increased saliva and like to bite hard things. These phenomena are caused by the compression of the gingival nerve by the baby teeth, which indicates that the baby teeth are trying to overcome the gum coverage. Therefore, during this period of time, you can provide your baby with some auxiliary teeth grinding tools such as molar biscuits to help the baby teeth erupt and relieve the baby's pain and discomfort.

If you understand these symptoms before teething, your baby can easily cope with the teething period! - DayDayNews

3. In the eruption stage of deciduous teeth, parents should not only pay attention to the molars of the baby, but more importantly, help the baby do a good job of oral cleaning. Use special finger cots or gauze, dipped in light salt water to clean the gums. Infancy is the initial stage of growth and development of the body. Because the enamel layer of deciduous teeth is relatively weak, the degree of calcification is relatively low, and the oral hygiene is difficult to maintain, infants and young children are more likely to suffer from caries than adults.

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