What should I do if a teratoma is found when I am pregnant? #健康科普排位赛#

2020/04/2913:35:28 baby 296

What should I do if a teratoma is found when I am pregnant? #健康科普排位赛# - DayDayNews

Generally speaking, if the ovarian teratoma is relatively small, in most cases, there is no feeling, and some women are often found out after the pregnancy check-up. At this time, the pregnant mother will worry will it affect the baby? Whether

affects the baby depends on the size of the teratoma. If the teratoma is small, it has no effect on pregnancy. If the teratoma is large, it may be squeezed by the enlarged uterus. Torsion or abdominal pain may also obstruct the birth canal during delivery, affecting the passage of the fetus and increasing the risk of dystocia.

Therefore, generally small teratomas do not affect the growth and development of the fetus. Larger teratomas need to be surgically removed at about four months of pregnancy.

What should I do if a teratoma is found when I am pregnant? #健康科普排位赛# - DayDayNews

If ovarian teratoma is found before pregnancy, blood must be drawn to check AFP to determine whether it is benign or malignant; because ovarian teratoma will not disappear by itself. Generally, they will continue to grow up, and there is currently no medicine to treat, so once found, surgical removal should be done as soon as possible.

Generally, there are four types of tumors on the ovary, which are epithelial tumors, sex cord stromal tumors, secondary (metastatic) tumors and germ cell tumors. Ovarian teratomas are the most common germ cell tumors. Most of them are benign, but a small part are malignant. Among ovarian teratomas, 95%-98% are benign mature teratomas, and only 2%-5% are malignant teratomas.

What should I do if a teratoma is found when I am pregnant? #健康科普排位赛# - DayDayNews

Teratoma is a common type of ovarian germ cell tumors, derived from germ cells, which contain different components, including endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. These different components are mixed and formed inside, just like a teratoma. There are bones, hair, teeth, and grease inside, so it is called teratoma. Teratomas are divided into mature teratomas (benign teratomas) and immature teratomas (malignant teratomas). However, it cannot be distinguished before surgery, so once a teratoma is diagnosed, it is recommended to perform surgical treatment as soon as possible. The teratoma should be removed by minimally invasive, endoscopic or laparotomy, and surgical resection should be sent for pathological examination.

Ovarian teratoma is a congenital disease. It is due to the primitive abnormal tissues in the early embryonic stage, the differentiation disorder, the proliferation is too long, and it is deposited in the ovary, and after encountering external stimuli, it will grow again, forming an ovarian teratoma.

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What should I do if a teratoma is found when I am pregnant? #健康科普排位赛# - DayDayNews

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