There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave

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There is a wise saying in the education industry: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave 8 suggestions, which are worth learning from all parents.

1. Enjoy reading time with your children.

There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave - DayDayNews

It’s summer vacation. Don’t let your children just go out and play all day long. In addition to playing, don’t forget to read. This is an excellent time to cultivate children’s reading habits. Parents should not only encourage and guide them Children should read more, and it is best to accompany them to read together. We must learn to put down our mobile phones, turn off the TV, give our children a book, and ourselves a book, communicate together, share together, and enjoy reading time together.

2. Chat with your children and exchange a secret

There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave - DayDayNews

Parents should not be aloof. The best way to get along with your children is to be like friends. Let's have a good chat and talk about what's on our mind. We can talk about ourselves or our children; we can talk about learning or our interests; we can talk about interesting things or frustrating things... everything is fine. Talk to your children and you will find that if you persist for a long time, you will get to know them better and better, get into their hearts, and further strengthen the parent-child relationship.

3. Play sports with your children

There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave - DayDayNews

When you are at home during the holidays, go out with your children to exercise more. You can play ball, run, take a walk, etc. together. Playing sports with your children conveys to them a love of life attitude, a strong and brave will, and a cooperative and adventurous spirit. It also allows the children to feel the importance and attention of their parents. More importantly, it can also help them strengthen their bodies, be optimistic and confident, and be able to meet all challenges with ease. kind of challenge.

4. Go out with your children to see

There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave - DayDayNews

Take advantage of this summer vacation to take your children out for a walk, breathe the fresh air of nature, feel the fragrance of flowers, let your children run freely in nature, and relax. We can go to the park together, go hiking, have a picnic, or go for a walk on the beach. Let’s go see the outside world together and broaden our horizons.

5. Cook a dish with your children

There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave - DayDayNews

"The world is not only in encyclopedias, but also in our daily lives." This summer, let your children experience life well. You might as well try bringing them into the kitchen and teach them about various Pots, spatulas, how to turn on the gas, how to cook, how much rice and water to put in, how to stir-fry, etc. Cooking and housework, these seemingly small and trivial things in life, are an important cornerstone of children's growth, lifting them up to a bigger stage.

6. Establish family rules with your children.

There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave - DayDayNews

Holidays mean relaxation, but relaxation must be accompanied by rules. You must stick to what should be adhered to, but the rules must be agreed with the children. Let the children participate in the formulation of the rules, such as agreeing on a few days. Get up at what time, start studying at what time, watch TV for no more than 1 hour, etc. A good education is not about free rein, but about “watching” with rules.

7. Go home with your children to visit the elderly.

There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave - DayDayNews

During this holiday, we take some time to take our children to visit the elderly, spend more time with them, care about their health, talk about each other's daily life, and fulfill our filial piety together.

8. Make a school year plan with your children

There is a wise saying in the education field: Excellent children are “accompanied” by their parents. How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Send him back to his hometown? Or are you keeping it on your own? Or send it to summer camp? People's Daily gave - DayDayNews

Let your children know that opportunities are always reserved for those who are well prepared, so we must learn to plan in advance so that we do not panic. We know what we are doing and take every step steadily, so that we can get things done.

Time is precious, cherish your time during the summer vacation, spend time with the mythical beasts at home, and let them have a meaningful summer vacation!

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