Regarding babies practicing walking, parents should avoid six major misunderstandings: ① Avoid taking pride in walking early. "Being proud of walking early" is the most wrong concept. Practicing walking too early will not be good for the child's leg development, and will also cau

2024/07/0111:39:33 baby 1160

Regarding babies practicing walking, parents should avoid six major misunderstandings:

① Avoid taking pride in walking early

"Being proud of walking early" is the most wrong concept. Practicing walking too early will not be good for the child's leg development. It will also increase the possibility of flat feet . In addition, skipping the crawling exercise will make the baby's limb coordination very poor, and walking too early will also affect the baby's vision development, making the baby prone to myopia.

② Avoid not being allowed to crawl, learn to walk first

Children who have passed through the crawling stage have better balance than children who directly walk, and are less likely to fall and be injured. Crawling is the best whole-body exercise for babies. Insufficient crawling will hinder the development of certain functions during the child's brain development, leading to poor balance, easy falling, inattention, clumsy hands and feet, and other sensory integration disorders.

③ Avoid using baby walkers and baby walkers

This seemingly "standing" and "walking" posture is different from that of real walking. It has no positive effect on the child and will affect the child. Development of leg muscle strength, poor athletic ability. It is very unfavorable for children to exercise their own balance, and it can easily lead to bad leg shape. The development of children's large movements needs to be completed actively by themselves.

Regarding babies practicing walking, parents should avoid six major misunderstandings: ① Avoid taking pride in walking early.

④ Avoid playing tiptoe games too early

Some parents will hold their children's arms to tiptoe during their child's crawling training stage, or let their children try to walk... This will stimulate the child's desire to walk, and the child will be more willing to walk. Being willing to walk but unwilling to crawl will cause children to walk too early and lack crawling exercise, which will affect a series of development and growth problems.

⑤ Wearing shoes in the early stage of learning to walk should be avoided.

Wearing shoes in the early stage is not conducive to the exercise of the muscles and ligaments of the soles of the feet, and the formation of arches will be slower. It is better to practice walking barefoot. Walking barefoot is best for foot development. It can increase the sensory stimulation of the soles of the feet, promote nerve development, exercise the child's ankle joints , and develop a good walking posture.

⑥ Over-protection should be avoided

Over-protection is reflected in parents hugging children too much, restricting the range of activities too much, and never feeling at ease. This is restricting the development of children's abilities and hindering the establishment of children's self-awareness. Children develop their independent awareness and cognitive abilities through touch and exploration. Parents should help their children and make them fall in love with walking.

Parents must pay attention to these six misunderstandings and never let their unintentional actions become a stumbling block to the growth and development of their children.

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Author: Momoba

Source: Momoba Parenting Club (momoba2022)

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