Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of

2024/07/0211:40:33 baby 1633

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of caring for the elderly. This man made a good point. How are you? Let’s take a look at this matter together. Elderly care cannot be done in a day and a half. If there is a better way to care for the elderly, we must choose the better one. What kind of pension method is this? Let's take a look at this matter together.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

Case story sharer,

78-year-old Uncle Song:

Speaking of retirement. I think what everyone always thinks of is hiring a nanny. After all, you need someone to take care of you when you get old. The kids won't come back. Or maybe they have their own things to do, and he is reluctant to let them come back. You can only hire a nanny. But what I want to say is, can hiring a nanny really make you happy?

Let me tell you about my personal experience. Two years ago, I hired a nanny to take care of me. At the beginning, I thought it was good. Someone was taking care of me, and my children didn't have to come back. It was all good. After hiring a nanny, I discovered that outsiders are still outsiders after all. Every day I give about 100 yuan for food expenses.

make up for the excess. At the beginning, the nanny would return some money to me every day, which was about fifty or sixty yuan for buying groceries. But over time, he stopped returning the money to me, but told me that now that prices have risen, 100 yuan can't buy anything.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

Until the last 100 yuan, all the money was spent. In fact, I know it is impossible to use that much money. I told him this many times. But he told me, if you don’t believe it, you can go outside and take a look. You will know how expensive it is when you buy food outside. And I didn’t lie to you, okay, this is the receipt. People gave me the receipt when I bought groceries. You should take a look at it yourself. The

ticket is indeed fine. But the problem is that he is shoddy. It means that he buys some poorer vegetables. I asked him to buy beef, but he bought other meat to serve as beef. I asked him to buy beef, but he picked up some cow bones and pawned those cow bones, and gave me the price of the beef. This example does not mean that it is all of these.

As time goes by, I don’t want him to stay and work here anymore. Just do this once and a half and forget it. They often treat me like a big enemy. After changing one nanny, the other nanny was even more outrageous. The other nanny didn't lie to me.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

But he bullied me because I usually do nothing at home. If I dare to speak ill of my son or complain about him, he might hit me. Is he still my nanny? The one who said it nicely was my nanny, and the one who said it badly was my uncle... The nanny saw that there was no one around me, so she bullied me like this. He told my son, I didn’t bully your dad, it’s because your dad is older.

I'm so confused. You've forgotten everything, okay? And he said it with style. My son was not at home, so he asked him to take good care of me. In fact, he bullied me countless times. Every time I wanted to talk to my son, he wouldn't tell me and would beat me. I'm completely scared, I can't do this, he stays here.

I later fired the nanny. I don’t dare to hire a nanny anymore. To the nannies, I am their foreign aid. They are here just for money. We will not treat you sincerely. Of course there are some better nannies, but there are relatively few of them. Later I went to a nursing home, which was the only way I could think of to care for myself.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

I thought I would be able to achieve happiness after going to a nursing home, but I only discovered it after I went to a nursing home. There is also darkness in nursing homes. Nursing homes are divided into 369 levels. You pay the fee, this is the lowest level. After entering and then giving money to the managers, this is average.

does nothing but give money to administrators. Then you gave money to some old people who lived with you.That is the highest level. If you give more money, they will naturally treat you well. If something happens, they will respond to your request.

If you don't pay, like me, I won't pay a penny except for the management fee, and then they won't care about me. I was sick and asked them for some cold medicine. They told me that I had already applied to the dean for this matter. I will give it to you after the purchasing department has finished purchasing. This has been going on for several days, and my cold is gone.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

Later, the matter fell into disuse. They are totally unreliable. Just say nice things and they will help you. In fact, they do things based on money. If you give them money, they will do things for you. If you don't give money, you will want them to do things for you. Don’t think that the nursing home in your place is different.

What I want to say is that they are basically the same. The nursing home here is the best here, costing more than 4,000 and close to 5,000 yuan per month. I only have three sons, two daughters and five children. They give me more than 1,000 yuan a month, which is close to 2,000 yuan. Only then can I come here to retire. I originally thought I would be happy, but I didn't expect it to be so uncomfortable.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

I also wanted to go to my children's place, but they didn't seem to welcome me there. The most important thing is that I disturb their lives. I used to be able to help them when I was young, but then they disliked me. Now that I am older, I can't help them anymore. Will they still welcome me?

I don’t want to go to their place and make a lot of noise. If they don’t like it, I won’t like it either. If there is no need, it is best not to go to the child. After all, they are people from two worlds. I have heard a saying that goes like this, parents can raise their children, but you should not think about your children raising you. It's your business to raise your children, and it's their children's business whether they can raise you or not.

used to think this sentence was wrong. Now I know that the current society is like this. I understand that I don’t want to rely on my children. They can do whatever they want. I really don’t want to live there for my retirement. As long as I have the choice, I won’t go there. So how should we care for the elderly now that the nanny is unreliable, and then the nursing home is unreliable as well. What to do with

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

? It's impossible to just ignore it. I'm getting older and I need more and more care. It would be okay if I could take care of myself. The problem is that I can hardly take care of myself now. I don't even know how many more days this can last. What to do at this time?

Suddenly I figured something out. If looking for outsiders doesn't work, then why can't I let myself take care of myself? Lovers are unreliable, but this is different. Then I told my child about this, and whoever came back to take care of me would pay 7,000 yuan a month.

I have 5 children and they give me about 1500 per month. But the cost for a child is about 7,500 yuan. Then I have a pension of about 4,000 every month. The next call is about 11,500 a month. Whoever comes back to take care of me, I will give him 7,000. Of course, if you don’t have that much money, you don’t have to pay so much. Depends on actual situation.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

If you have more money, you can give more. Like me now, I give them 7,000 per month. If you have less money, you can give 4,000. After all, I have so many children. If they give me 1,000 yuan a month, it will be enough to pay them. Hiring a nanny also costs money.

Going to a nursing home also costs money, so why are you so able to give money to your children? They are out there working hard. This is also work. Coming back to take care of me is also work, and coming back to take care of me will make it easier in the future. Not only is it easy, but the money is also very high. Take my daughter-in-law for example. My daughter-in-law works outside and earns about 5,000 a month.

is scolded by the leader every day. If he comes back to take care of me, I will definitely not scold him every day, or even scold him for being a family member, and my daughter-in-law will definitely be kind to me. So why don't I let him come back? This means that the wealth does not flow to outsiders. I just told them my thoughts casually, but I didn’t expect every child to want to come back.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

all expressed their opinions in the group. Who wouldn’t want 7,000 yuan a month? After I came back, my job became easier and I made more money. What matters is that they are back. Then my son and the others can concentrate on making money. I have a daughter-in-law who doesn't work at all. If she comes back, her husband will be able to double his income.

The more this happens, the more they want to come back. Not to mention my son wants to come back, even my daughter wants to come back. My son-in-law told me, Dad, your pension method is very good. I used to give you money every month, but you also need money to hire a nanny. Wouldn't it be nice if you gave the money to your children and let them take care of you? The rich water does not flow to outsiders, and one family takes care of the other.

Yes, that’s it. Then I had them take turns coming back to take care of me. For example, you can decide who will come back to take care of me, as long as someone comes to take care of me. 7,000 per month. In addition to giving them money, I will also divide things like real estate certificates.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

But instead of dividing it now, we should make it clear to them who will give it to them at that time. And I also made it clear to them who took care of me during that period of time, and I couldn’t blame that person even if I passed away. Life and death depend on fate.

takes care of me and is responsible for me. If I have an accident or die, that is my own business. If that day comes, don't blame him. He has tried his best. This is my life. It would be better to explain some things clearly, otherwise I'm afraid everyone will blame one person. Now I'm fine and my kids are back to take care of me. My daughter-in-law came back to take care of me.

Then my son often comes back to see me. My son came back, and then my grandson came back. Now this kind of old age life is what I want. In the past, when I hired a nanny or went to a nursing home, I felt very lonely, but now I feel very comfortable. What could be more reassuring than taking care of your own children?

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

When you look for others to take care of you, you are always worried about this and that. Either you are worried about being bullied by others, or you are worried about being deceived by others. But it's different now, they are my children, they are my family, I don't have to worry about this at all, they will definitely not treat me like that.

And after I did this, my sons and they were happier. Because they are no longer under so much pressure, their wives can earn thousands of dollars every month. Something has been done, and it is a serious matter, so they can rest assured. If I let my wife do other things, if they don't worry about coming back to take care of me, they can be filial to me and make money at the same time. Can they feel uneasy?

It is precisely because of this that my son and others agreed to have their wives come back. Everyone is happy with this now. Therefore, this way of caring for the elderly can also lead to happiness. If there is a choice, I hope everyone can do this. It is the best for everyone if the wealth does not flow to others. If you don't give them money to come back, they will definitely have objections. You can give money to outsiders, so why can't you give money to them? If you give them money, everyone will be better off.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews


This is indeed the case. If I have a choice in the future, I also want to live in this way. Children feel more at ease if they take care of themselves, but they feel very uneasy if others take care of them. After all, they are outsiders. How can outsiders take care of you wholeheartedly?

Others only think about the money in your pocket, and others only take care of you because of the money. It will be different when your children come back to take care of you. Although some of them do it for money, most of them also include family affection.

So many times, many things, especially family relationships, require money to maintain. Especially when it comes to elderly care, if you don't give them money, they will definitely not be willing to come back and take care of you, but if you give them money, it will be different.

Anyway, if you hire a nanny, you have to give money, and if you go to a nursing home, you have to give money, so why can't you give money to your own children? It is also an income for them and a kind of security for you. So if you have a choice, this way of caring for the elderly is the best.

Speaking of retirement. I think many people would think of hiring a nanny or going to a nursing home. Because many elderly people know that today’s children are unreliable, and they will have to go to a nursing home or hire a nanny when they get old. But now there is a new way of - DayDayNews

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