I was born in a small mountain village in Guizhou in the spring of 1996. My parents have been quarreling ever since I can remember, which left a huge trauma on my young mind. In 2002, my parents finally divorced. Because my father didn't have a job, the court ordered me to be giv

2024/06/2911:23:32 baby 1669

I was born in a small mountain village in Guizhou in the spring of 1996. My parents have been quarreling ever since I can remember, which left a huge trauma on my young mind. In 2002, my parents finally divorced. Because my father didn't have a job, the court ordered me to be given to my mother when I was 6 years old. From then on, I began a homeless and helpless life in foster care.

I was born in a small mountain village in Guizhou in the spring of 1996. My parents have been quarreling ever since I can remember, which left a huge trauma on my young mind. In 2002, my parents finally divorced. Because my father didn't have a job, the court ordered me to be giv - DayDayNews

When I was in the first grade, my mother sent me to live with my grandmother in the countryside. Three years of left-behind life made me lonely and autistic. At that time, I didn’t like studying and my grades were always at the bottom of the class. At the parent-teacher meeting, the head teacher said frankly that I I was an imbecile and not suitable for studying. Seeing my mother’s disappointed look, I began to secretly make up my mind. I covered my desk with a thick wall calendar, built an exquisite small desk, and did my homework until late every day. When I was in fifth grade, I From the bottom of the class to the top ten in the class in one fell swoop.

Later, my grandma’s health got worse and worse, so I was taken to my mother’s house. My mother re-established a new family. I was always careful in my new home. I washed the dishes after meals and took the initiative to clean the house. I was afraid of where to do it. It was not good, which put my mother in a dilemma.

I was born in a small mountain village in Guizhou in the spring of 1996. My parents have been quarreling ever since I can remember, which left a huge trauma on my young mind. In 2002, my parents finally divorced. Because my father didn't have a job, the court ordered me to be giv - DayDayNews

Due to lack of security since childhood, I kept suppressing my emotions. My classmates all ganged up to bully me, saying that I had no father. I didn't dare to tell my mother, so I could only hide under the quilt and cry alone. In 2008, I was admitted to the best junior high school in the city. In order not to affect the relationship between my mother and stepfather, I chose to live in the school.

In the first year of junior high school, because I couldn’t adapt to the progress of the first year of junior high school and changed to a new living environment, I couldn’t find the meaning of learning, and began to become rebellious. I copied homework, talked back to the teacher, and played with bad kids. My grades plummeted. , by the end of the semester, I fell below the top 500 in my grade. My father was so angry that he sat on the balcony smoking every day, and my mother was so anxious that she wiped her tears every night. I saw it in my eyes and felt a little regretful in my heart, but I still went my own way.

During the summer vacation of the second grade of junior high school, my mother was hospitalized due to an accident, which made our family’s not-rich life even more difficult. There was a voice in the dark that kept telling me: It’s time to work hard, and this family will never be the same again. I can only rely on you. But how can the academic debt accumulated over the past few years be made up overnight?

I was born in a small mountain village in Guizhou in the spring of 1996. My parents have been quarreling ever since I can remember, which left a huge trauma on my young mind. In 2002, my parents finally divorced. Because my father didn't have a job, the court ordered me to be giv - DayDayNews

My childhood experience told me that others are unreliable, and the only one I can rely on is myself. I deleted all the contact information of those bad boys, stayed with textbooks every day, studied like crazy, and made up for the knowledge I had missed before. During this period, I learned about a new and efficient learning method called Feynman Learning Method, which mainly relies on teaching instead of learning to achieve efficient learning, that is, telling others the knowledge you have learned in your own language, and finally It’s better to be someone who doesn’t understand at all. Only by teaching this person can you prove that you have completely mastered the knowledge you have learned.

I was born in a small mountain village in Guizhou in the spring of 1996. My parents have been quarreling ever since I can remember, which left a huge trauma on my young mind. In 2002, my parents finally divorced. Because my father didn't have a job, the court ordered me to be giv - DayDayNews

After working hard for a year, I finally passed the exam and was admitted to a key high school! Many people say that a person's childhood will determine his life, but I want to tell you from my own experience that no one can decide his birth, but everyone has the ability to choose his or her future life. As long as you are brave enough, Move forward fearlessly and you will surely succeed!

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