Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining.

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Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

Recently, a very close friend complained to me:

After my children went to school, I realized that children who can speak are not ordinary.

Whether it is answering questions in the classroom, running for class cadres, hosting parties, or various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express feel that they are always shining.

In fact, the advantage of children with strong expressive skills is not only that they can speak, but they are also recognized as primary school bullies.

Anthropologists Betty Hart and Todd Risley once conducted a very famous "30 Million Words" study:

They found 42 groups of families and found that when the children were 4 years old, the vocabulary mastered by children from different families varied greatly. Different places. There is a 30 million word difference between children with good expressive skills and children with average expressive skills.

When the children were 10 years old, two scholars conducted a follow-up visit and found that the difference in vocabulary also affected the children's performance. Children who have a large vocabulary and can express themselves have better grades in primary school.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

For this reason, from primary school to high school and university, the cultivation of expressive ability has received more and more attention:

There are already 124 primary schools across the country that have included speeches in their teaching courses; speech scripts, speech scripts, and host words have long become a part of middle school education. The focus of the college entrance examination.
Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

Good language expression is not innate, it needs to be learned. 3-10 years old is the golden period of language for children, a critical period. strengthens children's language expression learning at this time, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Compared with throwing children into talent training classes, which is expensive and laborious and may not necessarily be effective, I prefer to "moisten things silently" in life to improve children's expressive power.

Today I recommend to you a set of expressive books specially created for children -

"Happy Learning to Express" (10 volumes in total)

Learn expression and learn Chinese

html Suitable for reading from 43 to 10 years old ↓↓↓

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

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This set of books is called "Happiness Learns Expression", but I think the content and connotation in it are much broader than "expression". There are 10 books in the

set, namely "Nouns", "Verbs", "Adjectives", "Quantifiers", "Pronouns", "Near Antonyms", " Onomatopoeia ", "Adverbs", "Metaphors" and "Exaggeration".

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

The complete set of books divides the text into 8 categories: nouns, verbs, adjectives, quantifiers, pronouns, near antonyms, onomatopoeia, and adverbs; it also explains in detail two common expressions: metaphor and exaggeration, and the system Be targeted. The complete set of

books includes more than 1,000 common words, which can lay a solid foundation for children's accurate and diverse expressions.

Take adverbs as an example. Many children do not realize the difference between these words and verbs. The

book explains in detail the six types of adverbs: adverbs of degree, adverbs of scope, adverbs of time, negative adverbs, adverbs of mood, and adverbs of modality.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

and uses contrasting illustrations to explain the subtle differences between more than 50 adverbs. What I like most about

is that this set of books is not a set of "grammar books" that specialize in picking out words and sentences. It is a set of picture books that combines language enlightenment, language games, and creative imagination. Every vocabulary word in the

book is learned in specific life and story scenes.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

These scenes are particularly suitable for children's real life, covering all aspects of children's schooling, life, play, and making friends.

Some words or chapters are also cleverly combined with ancient poems, idioms, classics and allusions, so that children can understand them at a glance and speak them out.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

Children learn through this kind of game. They accept it quickly and remember it deeply. It is not boring at all, and they can also lay a foundation for Chinese language. The content design of the

set of books also fully respects the rules for children to learn language: from words to words, from words to sentences, and then to articles; from common ones to uncommon ones for children. The spiral content improvement of

allows children to learn without pressure, and their language skills can be exercised and improved step by step.The creativity in the

book is also very good: for each word, it will give detailed examples from several aspects or even dozens of aspects, which can help children keenly capture the different meanings of these words and understand their differences and usage. Systematic learning like

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

can most effectively improve children's sensitivity to words, and can help children deal with many problems in future studies and exams in a targeted manner. Children's daily language use ability can also be comprehensively improved. The illustrations of

are also rich in details and full of fun. Children can also "recognize words by looking at pictures". By following this set of books, they can learn many rare words, which is really helpful. The complete set of

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

books can be said to be quite practical. It can start from the age of 3 years old and see the child graduate from primary school. Children of every age group can draw different nutrients from it:

html Children aged 13-6 can learn to speak by pointing to objects and improve the accuracy of expression.

htmlChildren aged 16-9 can follow language games to identify parts of speech, learn creative expressions, improve the accuracy of word choice and sentence making, and find good ideas for expression. The complete set of

books allows children to experience the breadth and depth of our Chinese language and characters and touch the unique charm of words. Let children truly fall in love with language and expression. The original price of

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

is 258 yuan, and the group purchase of Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews0 is only 49 yuan, which is less than 5 yuan per book. Parents who like it must hurry up and buy it.

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Next, I will show you the details. You must read it because I like this book so much.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews1 Rich language system, from shallow to deep

Laying the foundation for language learning

Most children can speak, but when it comes to using them, including doing questions, choosing words and making sentences, they have no system in their minds. This set of books

lays the foundation for children to learn languages ​​systematically from the shallower to the deeper.

Its word categories range from basic to abstract, from concrete to complex. I have organized the contents of the entire book into a picture so that everyone can see it more clearly.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews0 This book is divided into two stages:

The first stage is basic concrete vocabulary, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, quantifiers, and pronouns.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

The second stage is abstract and complex synonyms, onomatopoeia, adverbs, and two ways of expression: metaphor and exaggeration.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

This learning method from easy to difficult is particularly suitable for children's language learning rhythm, and every child can easily understand it.

As can be seen from the picture above, the content of the whole set of books is quite rich.

Take the book "Pronouns" as an example. It tells children that "you" and "I" are both one- and two-person expressions, which are a kind of spoken expression: (Pronouns p4, p8)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

"You", "I" and dialects, etc. Other expressions: (p5, p8)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

In different occasions in ancient times, there were different expressions: (p6, p7, p9)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

In addition to first- and second-person expressions, there are also third-person expressions: (p10, 11)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

Finished person Pronouns, and later the names and usages of "interrogative pronouns", "demonstrative pronouns", "pronouns", etc. are broken down for children.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

is a book that allows children to gain a thorough understanding of pronouns and their usage.

has layered explanations, so children can understand even uncommon grammatical knowledge at a glance.

is a set of books that contains more than 1,000 vocabulary words, covering all the most basic and important vocabulary types that children can use every day. It can fully meet children's language learning needs and is particularly practical.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews2 Novel content, scenario-based learning

Exercise expression skills

What I like most is the way this book is explained.

is very flexible. It sets up different scene modes according to the characteristics of parts of speech. While children learn the language easily, they also subtly accumulate vocabulary and accurately learn expressions.

Take the book "Verbs" as an example. It uses a combination of pictures and text to set up many scenes of children's daily life.

"Beautiful morning" "Inside and outside the campus" "Busy streets" "Lively market" "Interesting professional experience" "Outdoor practical classes" "Happy community" " Beach " "Wonderful football match" "Happy Park" etc., explaining verbs, there are more than 10 scenes, showing more than 400 verbs to the children.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNewsWhether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

Each verb is a combination of pictures and texts. Children can easily understand the meaning of the word and understand the part of speech of the verb.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

Like a lively football stadium, (verb p18) actually hides 43 verbs, with various characters' actions, children can watch it several times.

In the book "Onomatopoeia", various scenes are also set up:

Kindergarten children are noisy, not only the "buzzing" sound of talking, but also the "dong-dong sound" of walking; the "chiliu" sound of slipping The sound of throwing blocks, the "clatter" sound, etc. (Onomatopoeia p8)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

And at home, there is a "click-click" sound when cutting vegetables, a "click-click click" sound when simmering soup, a clanking sound when cooking, a shovel and a spoon clashing, and when drinking water, there is another sound. The sound of goo-dong-dong... (onomatopoeia p13)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

These scene-based segmented learning can allow children to store rich expressions.

Whether children are writing or using it in practical applications in the future, if they think of these Yangtze Rivers, they will be able to pick up relevant vocabulary at their fingertips and have no shortage of vocabulary expressions. Lay a solid foundation for further learning of Chinese language.

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Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews3 Vivid and creative explanations

Combining pictures and text to make knowledge mastery systematic

This set of books explains each part of speech very vividly, and children can understand it as soon as they listen.

Every book opens to the title page and uses vivid explanations to introduce the parts of speech.

For example, "Adjectives" says this: "Adjectives love "beauty". They play a modifying role and can express the nature, status and characteristics of people and things accurately and clearly, making the language more picturesque."

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

In the expression "Exaggeration", it says this again:

"Exaggeration is a meteor shower, and every place it passes through is full of imagination. Exaggeration can always change the image, characteristics, and Function, degree, etc. are deliberately exaggerated or reduced, so that our language contains rich imagination and arouses strong resonance. "

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

This kind of explanation not only allows children to easily understand the concepts, but also attracts children to speak. Say it, use it, and see what magic these words have. In terms of specific explanations,

uses a variety of methods to make learning more interesting for children:

takes children into the fun world of words through fun questions and answers, and children learn by playing. (Exaggeration p12)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

Let children see the charm of "adverbs" through "comparison": (adverb p5)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

Through the mini game of looking at pictures and talking, coupled with the unconstrained childlike paintings, let children practice metaphorical expressions :

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

A variety of explanations and exercises can help children learn the language system more deeply and systematically. Every child not only gains knowledge, but also develops expression skills.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews4 Integrate Chinese language content

Rich columns, more thorough and solid knowledge

The book also cleverly integrates Chinese language learning. Children can read a set of books while enriching cultural knowledge such as idioms, ancient poems, fairy tales, allusions and classics. , can greatly improve children's language quality.

In the book "Exaggeration", when explaining "exaggerated expressions in idioms", the story is interpreted using anthropomorphic techniques, coupled with interesting pictures, and from a complete child's perspective, the idioms can be understood at a glance. (Exaggerated p18, 19)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

also uses vivid and interesting illustrations to show the artistic conception of poems. Children feel as if they are immersed in the scene, and there is no need to memorize poems by rote. (Exaggerated p16, 17)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

combined with fantasy classic fairy tales can bring unexpected fun to children. (Exaggeration p20)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

and the knowledge of the classic "Water Margin". (Pronouns p14, 15)

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

’s rich variety of knowledge can subtly improve children’s general language literacy.

In order to facilitate children's learning, the vocabulary is also summarized at the end of each book to facilitate children's consolidation and reference. The complete set of

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

books is a 12-page full-color printed book, which is easy for children to read and has a good visual effect;

is a set of picture books that combine language enlightenment, language games, and creative imagination, and can help children express, take exams, and write. It’s especially worth getting a set early for kids to lay a solid foundation. The original price of

is 258 yuan, Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews0 is only 49 yuan per group purchase, and is less than 5 yuan per book. Parents who like it must hurry up and buy it.

Whether it is answering questions in class, running for class cadres, hosting a get-together, or attending various speeches and competitions at an older age, children who can speak and express themselves feel like they are always shining. - DayDayNews

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