Today is the third day of the Guilin Jinyinghui Young Leaders Special Training Camp. Last night, Teacher Yin Hui went to deliver a late-night surprise and complained to Xiaomei and Nuonuo that she had gained weight. They both said in unison: " That’s because you’ve been staying i

2024/06/1911:19:33 baby 1127

Today is the third day of the Guilin Jinyinghui Young Leaders Special Training Camp. Last night, teacher Yin Hui went to deliver a late-night surprise and complained to Xiaomei and Nuonuo that she had gained weight. They both said in unison: "That's because you have been staying in your own comfort zone for eating!" This is what Teacher Yin Hui taught in the classroom in the afternoon. The children's ability to learn and apply it is amazing. Every word the teacher says, they seem to understand Although careless, it is actually deeply engraved in the heart, so every growth is valuable to the child!

These three little girls all play the role of sisters in the family, and they happen to be in the same dormitory. When talking about the small daily life with their younger brothers and sisters, it is probably the quarrels with their brothers and sisters, being wronged by their parents and other daily small things. ! Later they actually said: "Teacher, we must learn to reconcile with ourselves and our parents!" The children grew up little by little, and were able to experience life for themselves and think from others' perspective.

The theme of yesterday and today is control. The three main reasons why a person loses control are: desire, time, and emotion. After yesterday's class, once they do something wrong, they immediately blame these three reasons. For these three reasons, the teacher also taught them the corresponding methods. Unexpectedly, they turned out to be future leaders who used control very well.

After getting up in the morning, the children came to the terraces. This was the first time for the children to go to the terraces since they came here. They walked along the stone road to the top of the mountain.

Today is the third day of the Guilin Jinyinghui Young Leaders Special Training Camp. Last night, Teacher Yin Hui went to deliver a late-night surprise and complained to Xiaomei and Nuonuo that she had gained weight. They both said in unison:

Then the children started shouting their dreams, and everyone shouted their dreams on the small wooden bridge. The morning sun was above their heads, and the sparkling water was under the bridge. On the bridge were dreams one after another, and the creek was tinkling to encourage these dreams. , this is all so beautiful!

Next we started today's first small activity: dodgeball battle. After understanding the rules of the game, each team began to discuss countermeasures enthusiastically. In the game, the brothers and sisters tightly surround the little ones in the team, trying to protect them from being knocked down. The little ones also try their best to control themselves from being discovered by attackers outside the protection circle. They cooperate with each other and feel the power of self-control in the game. importance.

Today is the third day of the Guilin Jinyinghui Young Leaders Special Training Camp. Last night, Teacher Yin Hui went to deliver a late-night surprise and complained to Xiaomei and Nuonuo that she had gained weight. They both said in unison:

Threading the needle is also a manifestation of self-control. In the afternoon, we invited a grandmother from the Yao ethnic group to explain local embroidery to the children. The grandmother from the Yao ethnic group is 75 years old this year. She has never been out of the mountains in her life. She started embroidering when she was 12 years old and has been embroidering for 60 years. After many years, my 75-year-old grandma was still able to successfully thread a needle in one go. The children said: "Teacher, I finally understand self-control. It requires insisting on adding methods and skills."

Today is the third day of the Guilin Jinyinghui Young Leaders Special Training Camp. Last night, Teacher Yin Hui went to deliver a late-night surprise and complained to Xiaomei and Nuonuo that she had gained weight. They both said in unison:

When the little needle is really in their own hands, the children find it is not easy, but self-control The Power Pyramid tells us: physical fitness + emotion + thinking + methods. There is nothing we cannot control. The children began to practice mobilizing their own self-control. It didn’t take long before children one after another completed their own bag works. The children’s faces Everyone was filled with smiles.

Jinyinghui never lets children study boringly, but allows them to learn while playing and learn through play, so that they can truly understand leadership and truly grow into outstanding children!

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