A few days ago, my child's mother showed her a video. It was about a child of a Chinese family who immigrated to Japan and picked up a watch worth 700,000 yuan. The child handed the watch to the local police station. The Japanese police This is how it is handled. If no owner come

2024/06/1807:54:33 baby 1800

Original creator Mo Yudu

A few days ago, my child showed a video to her child. It was about a child of a Chinese family who immigrated to Japan and picked up a watch worth 700,000 yuan (the video did not explain this. (700,000 yen or RMB). The child handed the watch to the local police station. This is how the Japanese police handled it: (1) If the owner does not come to claim it within three months, the watch will belong to the finder ( That is, this child), (2) If the owner comes to claim it, the owner will reward the finder, and the reward is 10% of the value of the watch. In the video, the child's mother said very proudly that her child refused to accept the 10% remuneration, and also said, "We cannot embarrass the Chinese people."

A few days ago, my child's mother showed her a video. It was about a child of a Chinese family who immigrated to Japan and picked up a watch worth 700,000 yuan. The child handed the watch to the local police station. The Japanese police This is how it is handled. If no owner come - DayDayNews

After watching this video, I couldn’t help but feel a little emotional. Anyone who has traveled to Japan should have this feeling. Japan’s public security is very good. This is possible because of Japan’s rules and regulations on how to deal with found things. Good systems can encourage or force people to do good things, thus forming a good social atmosphere.

I think that this kind of thing often happens in our country. For example, someone does a good deed and the person being helped wants to give some reward to the person who did the good deed. If the person who did the good deed refuses, he will be praised and said that he is morally high. If he accepts, Then he will receive a lot of criticism, saying that he does good things for money. Also, if someone goes to court to seek compensation, he will always say that after receiving compensation, he will definitely donate it to a certain foundation or a certain project. It seems that doing this will show that you are noble and upright. How to do


I thought of a classical Chinese passage about Confucius 's views on this kind of thing. I want my children to have a correct understanding of this kind of thing, and not to be swayed by public opinion, not to be kidnapped by other people's morals, not to follow others' opinions.

Let’s look at the original text first: "The law of the Lu state is that if the people of the state of Lu are concubines, and those who can redeem them, take the gold from the government, Zigong redeems the people of Lu from the princes and gives them their gold. Confucius said: Give them It's a loss. The actions of the saints can change customs, and the teachings can be applied to the people, not just to suit their own needs. In the country of Lu, the rich are few and the poor are many. If you take money from the government, it will not harm your practice. , the people of Lu no longer redeemed themselves. Those who were rescued by Zilu were worshiped as oxen. Confucius rejoiced and said, "The people of Lu must be able to save people from afar."

A few days ago, my child's mother showed her a video. It was about a child of a Chinese family who immigrated to Japan and picked up a watch worth 700,000 yuan. The child handed the watch to the local police station. The Japanese police This is how it is handled. If no owner come - DayDayNews

The general idea is: In the Spring and Autumn Period, the state of Lu had laws. If someone could redeem a Lu person who was a slave in the vassal state, the government would reimburse him the ransom. Zigong (Zigong's name was Duanmu Ci, the word Zigong) redeemed Lu people from other countries, but refused the government to reimburse him for the ransom. Confucius said: What Zigong did was wrong. When we do things, we must guide the people and see whether the general direction is conducive to the country's policies. Zigong did not go to the government to reimburse the ransom. Although he was morally noble, there was no doubt that he would do so. The threshold for redeeming Lu people has been raised (other people who have redeemed Lu people are too embarrassed to go to the government to reimburse them), and the result is that no one will redeem Lu people anymore. This affected the major policies of Lu State and had a counterproductive effect. Zilu rescued a man who fell into the water. The rescued man gave Zilu a cow in return. Zilu accepted. Confucius was very happy and said: There will definitely be more people in the state of Lu to save the man who fell into the water. Confucius saw more carefully and farther, and thought deeper.

Confucius from thousands of years ago has made it very clear that the Japanese have a deeper understanding of Confucian culture and the teachings of Confucius than we do, and they also obey it more.

Confucius had many teachings that we people today do not follow. For example, we often say that we should "think twice before doing anything". In fact, Confucius did not think so. "The Analects of Confucius" said: " Ji Wenzi think twice before acting. When Zi heard this, he said: "Again, this is too bad! "Confucius said just think twice.

A few days ago, my child's mother showed her a video. It was about a child of a Chinese family who immigrated to Japan and picked up a watch worth 700,000 yuan. The child handed the watch to the local police station. The Japanese police This is how it is handled. If no owner come - DayDayNews

For another example, we often say that we should "repay grievances with kindness." Confucius has long criticized it, " or it may be said: 'How about repaying grievances with kindness?' Confucius said: 'How to repay kindness? Repay grievances directly, repay kindness with kindness. "

A few days ago, my child's mother showed her a video. It was about a child of a Chinese family who immigrated to Japan and picked up a watch worth 700,000 yuan. The child handed the watch to the local police station. The Japanese police This is how it is handled. If no owner come - DayDayNews

In our current society, the most urgent thing is not to resist Western and Eastern goods, but to resist stupidity, and these stupidities are often not really stupid. These people are pretending to be stupid and really bad. They are refined egoists who accuse them from the high ground of morality. All in all, using morality to kidnap others will only serve to harm others and the country, except for the pleasure one gets.

A few days ago, my child's mother showed her a video. It was about a child of a Chinese family who immigrated to Japan and picked up a watch worth 700,000 yuan. The child handed the watch to the local police station. The Japanese police This is how it is handled. If no owner come - DayDayNews

Guo Degang said it well, it is best to stay away from these people, so as not to harm yourself when struck by lightning.

A few days ago, my child's mother showed her a video. It was about a child of a Chinese family who immigrated to Japan and picked up a watch worth 700,000 yuan. The child handed the watch to the local police station. The Japanese police This is how it is handled. If no owner come - DayDayNews

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