Activity design background During daily lunch, I found that most children don’t like to eat vegetables, and some don’t even eat any vegetables at all. Although vegetables can be found everywhere and come in many varieties, and are a type of food that children often come into cont

2024/06/0523:44:32 baby 1706

activity design background

In daily lunch, I found that most children do not like to eat vegetables, and some even do not eat any vegetables. Although vegetables can be found everywhere and come in many varieties, and are a type of food that children often come into contact with, their nutrition and benefits to the human body are not well understood. Therefore, it is necessary to guide young children to have a correct understanding of vegetables, deepen their love for vegetables, and develop healthy and non-picky eating habits. Encouraging young children to eat more vegetables is good for their health. This activity is specially designed to address these issues.

Activity objectives

 1. Recognize the names and appearance characteristics of common vegetables, and briefly understand the different edible parts of some vegetables and how to use them.

 2. Try to classify vegetables (roots, stems and leaves, fruits) to develop children's classification ability.

Teaching Key Points and Difficulties

Key Point: Let children understand the nutritional value of vegetables. Not liking vegetables and being picky eaters are not good for their health.

Difficulty: Some vegetables cannot be displayed intuitively to young children.

Activity preparation

1. Some common vegetables, card paintings, and some homemade vegetable headdress

2. Children can learn some knowledge about vegetables at home or go to the market with their parents in advance.

Activity design background During daily lunch, I found that most children don’t like to eat vegetables, and some don’t even eat any vegetables at all. Although vegetables can be found everywhere and come in many varieties, and are a type of food that children often come into cont - DayDayNews

Activity process

 1. Let the children wear vegetable headdresses and dance a "Vegetable Baby Dance" to stimulate their interest.

Teacher: "There are so many baby vegetables. The teacher is dazzled by them. He can't tell what vegetables they are. Can the children tell themselves what vegetables they are wearing on their heads?" (The children said the names of the vegetables themselves)

Teacher: "Wow! Children are so smart. They know so many vegetables. Some teachers don't know them yet. So which vegetables do you like to eat?" (Children's answer)

Teacher: "Children still know these things. Which part of vegetables is edible?" Then use the prepared actual vegetables to explain them one by one to guide the children to understand the different edible parts of vegetables.

 2. Let children learn the simple classification of vegetables by playing games.

Give each child a vegetable object or vegetable card, and then let the children find friends based on the edible parts of the vegetables. (Provide timely corrections during the activity to deepen the impression of children.)

Using relaxed and lively games, children can not only correctly classify vegetables during the activity, but also express cute expressions freely and exaggeratedly. Vegetable baby image.

 3. Through role performances, let children understand the benefits of eating more vegetables.

The children who play the role of vegetables perform simple actions in sequence while introducing themselves. Baicai Baby: I am Baicai Baby. Children want to be friends with me. As long as they eat me, they will have a comfortable bowel movement every day. The lesson plan comes from: Teacher Qu’s lesson plan website Spinach Baby: Do you know me? My name is Spinach Baby. Do you want to become strong and powerful? After the children eat me, they will be in better health and less likely to get sick. Remember, Popeye eats spinach. Tomato Baby: I am a tomato baby. Look how beautiful I am, all red. Children will become beautiful and handsome after eating me.

As long as young children understand the health benefits of eating more vegetables, their partial eclipse habits can be slowly corrected.

 Activity extension

After children return home, they can squeeze some delicious vegetable juice with their parents to learn more about the nutrition of vegetables, so that children can continue to be interested in vegetables.

activity reflection:

Due to the limitations of hardware facilities, the characteristics and nutritional value of vegetables cannot be better displayed

Some children do not like to eat vegetables. It may be that the taste system is not fully developed and cannot adapt to the smell of certain vegetables. We should Communicate more with parents and strive to make vegetables more delicious so that children can fall in love with vegetables as soon as possible.

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